>>11995Absolutely every jew has to be killed. Their extinction is necessary for the restoration of Aryans in this world. There is no black van monitoring me. The jews have more bad goyim than they can handle. This is why jews will lose.
The goyim do not need the jews. Jews need goyim. Eventually and relatively soon all jews wil be dead, gone and forgotten. Cowards fear a reprisal by zog, they need to realise that even dying in this noble struggle is a goal worthy of striving for.
I am using free speech to name the real enemy and order everyone to implement the true solution. There is no negotiation with parasites. Kill them or at least tell others to. I wish a mossad hit squad would be sent after me, I long to engage jews in mortal combat.
Kill jews, kill them all, kill them quickly, kill them quietly, kill them efficiently. I stand by these words, we must all kill jews until there are none left. Do it or die with them like a traitorous coward.