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April 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a72d8e60b6894cf⋯.jpg (101.26 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, line-cook-checking-order-p….jpg)


i work as a line cook, i like the job enough that i believe i'm in the right mindset to try and improve my work performance and cooking through abstract or /fringe/y means

what methods would you guys recommend to improve my job performance and quality of cooking

(Rule 2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.)


Use the questions thread for this, this didn't deserve a whole thread.



Of course it does, do you think everybody is going to visit the question's thread?

Btw, I'm not OP



it's true, another anon here. I never vist the questions thread.

maybe if the large text said "QUESTIONS THREAD" and the warning was inside, I would notice it more often. I like that a questions thread exists, but It's hard to notice. especially when the == text is white instead of red.


>OP makes cream pie

>puts a little zip zap of poofy magic in it for that extra flavor


>bon appetit

>customer plunges tip of fork gently into cream pie


>cream pie has magically popped

>customer covered in cream pie

>OP busts out of the kitchen doors

>"was that a magically experience?" *moustache wiggle*



>I never vist the questions thread.

That's like 90% of this board's content lmao


File: a3f0e296bf3792b⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 495x366, 165:122, hybridstronk.jpg)


It's probably why we lose a lot of new traffic, but it keeps the shitposting to existing threads.



yea it's not fun. it's good we keep good threads up but it's also very stagnant. there's some good questions that do make actually decent threads all on their own. it sucks when a bunch of questions have to flow together in one giant questions thread and just get lost completely. sometimes it feels good to have one organized thread for one good question that creates a huge amount of conversation on that one question alone and the efforts to answer it in many different ways. I think that rule 2 should get a remake or be indefinitely disabled so that /fringe/ can get a little more active and have some more threads with greater levels of participation. it goes back to how many boards mods get mad at you for making a thread because technically anything can be accused of being a questions or request thread given enough mental gymnastics, and all it does is kill good discussion potential and discourage activity on the board.


Difficult as a line cook, easy as a sous chef or at home.

Simply research the values of various herbs. Meats are a touchy subject for most, but if you revere the prey and thank it for its willing incarnated sacrifice then I feel that's more than plenty. Honor the loss by making something wholesome for the body. Wholesomeness to the body leads to fulfillment of the soul. Produce is generally a 'gift' from the plant intself in hopes that you spread seeds.

Create food based on bodily need, just don't go overboard.



>but if you revere the prey and thank it for its willing incarnated sacrifice then I feel that's more than plenty. Honor the loss by making something wholesome for the body.

Not only hypocritical but delusional.

By your non-logic raping a woman is okay as long as you thank her for getting fucked by you.



Humans are higher on the spiritual hierarchy than animals.



so because we're better, it's okay to hurt things that are lesser. nice logic dumbass.



Men are higher on the spiritual heirarchy than women.



Your life is only possible because countless billions suffered for you.



brainless sissy wizard



so just because some events that took place completely out of my control, I should just bathe in the evil and continue to expose myself and others to evil? FUCK NO! I'm going to do good because I FUCKING CAN.



I was waiting for that response. No, until you figure out how to live by prana alone and learn to do absolutely nothing you're going to be part of this orgy of suffering.



do evil, do nothing, or do good. but the world will go on as long as God wills it. might was well do good even if it doesn't matter, and be patient.

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