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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 78th Attention-Hungry Games
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April 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
One Alacrity node crashed, but it is back online. Some threads might be 404ing as a result. As for the media server, we are looking into potential improvements.
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 5b22c1a7c4980e5⋯.jpg (170.9 KB, 639x444, 213:148, smiley_sorrow.jpg)


We'd like to cordially invite the one, the only, the Grand Wizard Smiley to IRC on Rizon in order that those of us on #occult and #magick can be filled with the Great One's wisdom. whadya say, smiles?


and while you're at it, can you add the tinfoiler flag from the flags thread on mewch, thx


Hey Smiles, did you show up to IRC last night or was that someone trying to impersonate you?


File: 48f1195cdc449c3⋯.png (7.98 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, 9562227593.png)

hey smiley the famous, please read this and really consider it. it's been mysteriously followed around no matter where it's posted and shills have screamed "schizophrenic!" and namecalled it "disorganized" wherever it's posted like they always know where it is no matter where it's posted. they really don't want people to know about it and they are freaking out and trying to shame call it to death by insult and shitposting and mob discrediting tactics. it really bothers them a whole hell of a lot.

image + thread posted here.






have you tried posting it on bronnen.net?



this is terribly disorganized. clearly made by a schizophrenic



fucking tip top kek. everywhere I post this this cheeky son of a bitch says I'm a schizo and that the image is disorganized because they hate my guts because I tell the truth. you mad bro, stop giving me mountains of salt.



what the hell is that and why should I trust it? it could be anything. not sure if I want to go to some random website I never heard of.



kill yourself, bullshit occultist



until we accept the truth, we have never truly lived to begin with.



You've not been "followed around", you've posted this in every fucking thread on 8/fringe/, multiple times, on mewch and on /x/, it just happens to be that people browse these boards and I for one am really fucking tired of seeing you spam this image everywhere.

No, you didn't discover anything. No, religions are not all false. Now get lost.



>posts infographic

>complains people say its "disorganized" and "schizophrenic"

>troll tells them its "disorganized" and "schizophrenic"

>gives a butthurt reply

lol never change /fringe/


File: d588d5adbea3bec⋯.png (7.42 KB, 446x100, 223:50, 9f4ee2f70ac0cc4df9b77c5589….png)

File: 93109431791ad8b⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1600x952, 200:119, almsivi_by_art_revolver-dc….png)

Masturbation is self-improvement.

Self-improvement is masturbation.

The ending of the world is ALMSIVI.



I think I discovered something very big and you're stalking me everywhere because you don't want others to catch on to what I now have reason to assume are your secrets, or your group's secrets. shoo shoo AND BEGONE SATANIC CUCK GLOBALISTS!



keep complaining and keep following me around to bitch that you want me to




Smilebergstain is officially gone from mewch, says he's too busy redpilling /pol/ to do magic.

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