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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 2207674ef2c328f⋯.jpg (328.26 KB, 1200x844, 300:211, 1.jpg)


Any idea how to combine my immense mental and spiritual waves with my physical body. The picture is what I want to look at


Manifest you spiritual energy to the highest degree, pushing it to the highest possible dimension, and your body, being a representation of your Will as it is subject to your whims and was the primary tool to manifest your desires as taught to you, shall follow into that highest dimension. At that level, your body becomes completely subject to your desires, following along and determining itself by the principle of mind-body duality, and thus will be both subject to your whims and you yourself. At this point, your higher dimensional form will suppress any. I recommend you do not focus on any particular physical form and instead push to the peak of ability.


Concentrating on the physical is a useless path, as you will not be able to use that power when you enter the astral plane, and may end up succumbing to some greater astral being, as you misplaced your effort in a temporary physical form instead of your immortal soul.


Im not focusing on physical body you fool. I just want free benefits while me indomniable energy form grows.



You lack understanding regarding the mechanics of the body. While it is true that the soul is the most critical component, to ignore the physical is to ignore the manifestation of the soul. The body is the primary method by which humans have learned to interact with the world, albeit through the cage that is the body. Hence it holds a critical significance towards cultivation of the soul. To ignore the physical is to ignore that manifestation of the soul, and hence to starve the soul of it's influence. Influence is the source of confidence and the source of the power of the soul, as if it cannot influence then it cannot manifest. The original manifestation of life after birth, through use of the body, cannot be ignored if you wish to properly grow your ability to manifest. Your advice is nothing but self harm for any who take it.



thank god. i was beginning to think everyone on /fringe/ was an asshat that refuses to acknowledge we live on the physical plane for a reason and its retarded to try and ignore it. its like some high level escapism theyre on.



Exactly, the physical plane is the foundation for humanity. To ignore it is to ignore your roots, and to cut it out of your consideration is to sever the roots of the grand tree. To attempt such to pursue a stable foundation is nothing but ironic.


Qi Gong.

Dedicate one year, tirelessly.

No days off.



That's bullshit occultism for you.

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