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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 28de298313b6c87⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 511x290, 511:290, ural-mountain-megaliths.jpg)

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Hello, /fringe/. First of all, I acknowledge that this subject is not directly related to "Esoteric Wizardry" but the implications of this being true or not clearly have an impact on our studies. Specially if we consider that many of today's esoteric knowledge comes from this man/being called Hermes Trismegistus (or Thoth in ancient egypt). So my whole point is, do you consider that we are the first form of "advanced" civilization to step on Earth? Or do you think that there were already high tech civilization (human or not) that lived here before? On my not-very-long research I saw that exists two main theories for the second hypothesis: one that is History-channel tier that "Ancient Aliens" landed on earth, made some genetic modifications, teach us some stuff and we grow. The other theory, which I found quite a lot of interessting material on, is about the Atlantis Civilization (and not only a city) that existed before and was destroyed by the biblical floods. So, I will start the thread by posting some pictures that are not famous at all and not even talked about in highschool/university history courses. Most of them of Megalitic structures and stone craft that clearly weren't made by nature of neolithic hunter-gatherers. I welcome you all to the discussion about the past of mankind!


File: 632b8410cea1147⋯.jpg (171.41 KB, 570x496, 285:248, 1163432_original.jpg)

File: 1af34787a055b9c⋯.jpg (333.4 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 48254_original.jpg)

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The most ancient legends says that there was this civilization Atlantis (a variation of old-land in proto indo european languages) and it received a high knowledge from the demiurge's minions themselfes to rule the world. After its whole expansion, it was slowly taken by the agents of Lucifer (the demiurge's enemy) to lead its people to spiritual liberation from this world. These agents were so efficient that they took the control of the whole cilivization to them and that was simply unacceptable to "god" so he ordered the destruction of this people in order to restart the building of the world temple used to worship him. That was when a global cataclysm happened and made the Atlantis Civilization impossible to carry on. It lead to a great flood followed by the destruction of most of their opus and the dispersion of the Atlantean people.


File: 6378402a0e0a2c3⋯.jpg (141.68 KB, 795x573, 265:191, 8u50354632432g4u38.jpg)

File: 98bcef0e5ff9845⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 47849_900.jpg)

File: 90556ba70d6d8a2⋯.jpg (247.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 56263_800.jpg)

File: bb4c09f623acabc⋯.jpg (122.71 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 410562_900.jpg)

After the fall of Atlantis, the minions of the demiurge started to destroy every remanescents of the this civilization that wasn't underwater in order to the future mankind to never know what they real past is. This gave birth to an era (aproximately 6000 years) were mankind was literally living in caves and only the detainers of ancient knowledge were left around to carry with their mission. After this, they restarted the civilization wheel (around their headquarters, the middle east) and made sure (or at least tried) that no one else had advanced knowledge so they could decide what will be "discovered" and when.

Btw, I'm going to sleep now, tomorrow I post more pictures I have here.


File: 59a65c4272af2cb⋯.jpg (215.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cc96ad2a082af2100fb0ac524e….jpg)

I have a theory about the atlanteans too.

The sociopathic pest that humanity suffer since the beginning, that today we call (((Them)) are in fact descendant of the atlanteans.

I don't really know why they come to this planet, but i think they were part of a bigger empire.

When they were established, created different races of slaves (us, Terrans) with DNA of other species of other planets and some hominid native of this planet.

They may have some kind of war (internal maybe) that ended in semi-total annihilation of their cities and civilization in this planet, leaving them trapped in this Titan egg.

They retained knowledge, but no real technology, so, they took the stealth mode.

Their lineage was small, and the slaves are really lewd, so they create "religions", opium for the masses, but history and knowledge for their race.

The slaves have no memory, because they don't know nothing about origins, and lineage is racist, so it´s forbidden.

Eventually, they take the place of those who are known as "Ashkenazi", they control the monetary system, the news, the wars, the politics, the thought, so they control "reality".

Their lineage is… somewhat pure, but actually really mixed through the time, their original heads were like cucumbers, and their hybrids have that ramps in the forehead.

And here we are us, Terran slaves, sleep yet tired, with eyes wide open yet blind.

The lemmings await the hipotetic messiah, because don't know shit about symbols.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone has been taking some really good red pills! All these events haven't been so long ago. It's fucking insane how much we're being fooled.


File: c3b7589300b804f⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 660x300, 11:5, 1163770_original.jpg)

File: c3a9861ec153e15⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 622x415, 622:415, 1194312_original.jpg)

File: e619801bcbe3b7e⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 1198004_original.jpg)

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File: 3aaa0f8058670d6⋯.jpg (351.53 KB, 460x1036, 115:259, Yingpin man.jpg)


The Atlantean Civilization at its last moment were divided in two (or more?) ethnicities: one belonging to the people that were chosen by "god" (ie, the demiurge) and the other the people that carried the blood (manipulated genetics given by) Lucifer. After the fall, the majority of the second group fleed to the east and started to leave their marks around their way (building more megaliths since the big majority was now underwater) to prove they were there. They mixed their blood with the europeans and teach them some technology which triggered the begin of the indo european conqueres of (part of) the world. Evidence states that the indo europeans were present from west europe up to eastern China. The first group of the Atlanteas were the minions of the demiurge. Note here that I'm not dividing the whole atlantean civilization since probably there was people that were just peasants who knows nothing. The first group held the knowledge of the acoustic and numeric Kabbalah, this was their main science while the Luciferian Atlanteans held other kinds of science which I know nothing about but it was linked more to stones and rocks. They considered that metals had the key to spiritual bondage and that stones represents the spiritual world.


File: e0e1c0948fea440⋯.jpeg (157.14 KB, 704x510, 352:255, dragon-eye.jpeg)

File: 44eadebffd322b4⋯.jpg (79.46 KB, 600x399, 200:133, i-3566.jpg)


I heard legends that indeed there was giants (and dinossaurs which at that time were called dragons) up to the middle ages though I got no sources on that. If you got, please enlighten us.


File: e40ddf787286e5a⋯.jpg (91.78 KB, 500x326, 250:163, 1198826_original.jpg)

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File: 8e8492667b1a7a1⋯.jpg (249.37 KB, 800x531, 800:531, 1247589_original.jpg)

File: 9ea706f1578e6b9⋯.jpg (84.75 KB, 694x378, 347:189, 1248225_original.jpg)


File: 159cdb9d3316007⋯.jpg (49.69 KB, 596x422, 298:211, 1517446_original.jpg)

File: 756f7c79de4ce07⋯.jpg (590.63 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, incan poor stone cuts.jpg)

The techniques to cut stones with so great precision weren't known by the people of the middle/bronze/iron ages. That's why most of the buildings like walls and houses have stone bricks with imprecise borders different from the megaliths left behind "by gods". Neither they would have interest in building so since time is a very expensive currency. They prefer to left the stone only where they were strictly necessary like walls, castles, etc.


File: 702d2183aca4fe5⋯.jpg (185.56 KB, 1600x1283, 1600:1283, edenism101.jpg)


You heard of Cleveland Mark Blakemore?


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


According to this, demons were involved. I personally think the stone was somehow softened by chemical means, but chemists should have discovered this by now, so maybe it was demons all along. Demons seemed pretty cool, helping humans build awesome temples and stuff.



I´m >>120261 i will use this flag from now on, this topic truly ring my bell.


>The Atlantean Civilization at its last moment were divided in two (or more?) ethnicities

I am aware that there is some distinction, of at least two groups, but i am not really sure if it's a different race, his separation seems merely politic in my eyes.

Maybe a superiority of the purest lineages, but not real conflict.

>other the people that carried the blood (manipulated genetics given by) Lucifer

Who or what is lucifer in this context according to your theory or your source?

It's some kind of King?

If it is, of what race?



Yeah, i'm interested too, i can't really put in place the giant issue.

Also, where the reptilian babes at?


No, sorry.

I see that pic the other day in the post talking about edenism and aeolipera web

I'm interested in those categories and phrenology in general, but i don't know much about it.

I think i might be a Owl Melon, or a Starchild maybe, but my mom says i am a Cro-Magnon (Gen. Pop.)

Is that bad?I don't want to be emparented with a (((Snake Melon))) u.u


File: 82eb877787cba56⋯.png (104.5 KB, 633x1509, 211:503, Good Summary.png)



Cleveland Mark Blakemore. You'll like him. Don't worry about being a cro-mag or a neanderthal or a melon. DDoesn't really matter as long as you strive to self-improve. What makes a cro-mag a cro-mag is their inability to live without instruction.


File: 6600e3c84de00eb⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 640x419, 640:419, 1494194_original.jpg)

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The distinction was cleary at the ethnic level. They were all humans (in the point of having no Aliesn AFAIK) but with different ethnic traces like skin/hair color, size, maybe even language.

Lucifer is what the ancients could call a God. Maybe an alien or maybe a being from other dimension/plane. He appears in many different cultures as the porter of the knowledge to spiritual liberation. In the source I read this was called "the Kalachakra Key" which is literally a key or a set of Wisdom that is able to take the spirit out ot space-time prision of eternal reincarnation. Lucifer is also simbolically represented by a snake or someone with a snake and the key by the apple however this simbollic representation is more common in cultures that were already touched/spoiled by the mystic schools of the demiurge's scourge and their priests. In the pre-cristian european era he was Wotan (many variations depending of the tribe like Wodan, Woden, Navutan, and the most famous Odin. Also, I think that his equivalent in Greece was Zeus, though I'm not sure of it). That is a man that has a high wisdom and is a warrior that fights for the liberation of the Self from the Earth (earth as an element) which is the the world we live in.


File: e16c19ec53d7c9e⋯.jpg (60.26 KB, 720x343, 720:343, 1427508684824-0.jpg)

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Also, here are more info about the aryans invasions and dispersion theory.


File: 268bd0ec7064d5f⋯.jpg (694.53 KB, 1103x882, 1103:882, 1427508945436-0.jpg)

File: ee698943253ef22⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 215x190, 43:38, 1427509076080-0.jpg)

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Yeah I know these symbols will sound /pol/-tier but that's not the point here


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There is a lot of information in the Oera Linda manuscripts (third pic).


File: 88dcf8a288cac22⋯.png (4.98 MB, 1280x2872, 160:359, china mumies.png)

File: 231d1d5330b0364⋯.jpg (89.63 KB, 797x410, 797:410, 1427400045890.jpg)

File: 3f5dab750b5f03f⋯.jpg (46.78 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 1527538_original.jpg)

File: c6efeee951d1a9e⋯.jpg (147.66 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 2430226_original.jpg)

File: a1364a4b21f3a6b⋯.jpg (247.95 KB, 650x434, 325:217, 1527246_original.jpg)


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I've also read that the neanderthals have been ordered to extinction and that this was necessary to put the cro-magnon man in its place. The theory stated that the cro-magnon was also the executor of the mission and the price was their lands to live (this happened before the fall of atlantis).


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Recommended channel: newearth

There is a huge load of information available in Russian but it's only slowly getting translated.



I don't think it was necessary. I think it's incredibly tragic. I don't see the value in cro-magnon. What are they but cheap knock-offs of neanderthals? They are the bronze of Greek legend, the neanderthals the silver.



your line of thought is based on false premises



You're going to have to elaborate on that.


File: a399775acb96fff⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 300x400, 3:4, yonaguni underwater.jpg)

File: 02c1a9ef3354550⋯.jpeg (77.91 KB, 1024x648, 128:81, underwater pyramid.jpeg)

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I really don't know their reasons. I suppose that neanderthals were a previous genetic experiments of the 'gods' and the cromagnon a more recent one. But I'm really wandering here.

Another strong indicative of pre-ice age civilizations are the underwater megaliths. Some of them that resides on lands that were only out of water before the melting of the frosts. Also they could have been built by hunder-gatheres since such structures require more than human force (implyng only human force can raise this) but it also requires mathematicians, engineers, architects and these requires schools which requires a civilization around them. At least that's how I think!



I'm downloading this to watch later. Thanks


Seems to be very interesting, downloading to watch later. Thanks

I'll be back tomorrow.


File: 78050076a767c84⋯.jpg (247.1 KB, 1185x759, 395:253, Pope-Lowman.jpg)


I think Neanderthals were just the byproduct of ice-age Eurasia. It would take both incredible mind and strength to be able to survive during that period. I believe these are the gods you're looking for, albeit they're just babies compared to the real thing. Notice how dejected Francis looks.


File: 42fcc24f00703ab⋯.jpg (115.47 KB, 745x447, 5:3, Old Vero Man site carving ….jpg)

File: 92c1aa9a88f3ba0⋯.jpg (304.22 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, ancient vero beach.jpg)

File: a6aa79a4d27af1a⋯.jpg (98.97 KB, 768x594, 128:99, More than 14,500 years ago….jpg)


This is an impressive picture collection you've got. I only wished the filenames were something descriptive. Come over to /fort/ when you have the chance. It only has two people but it's a good board to dump stuff related to this. The Antediluvian truly interests me.

More evidence is showing up that humans have been in America far longer than previously thought. Which reminds me, if you happen to have downloaded a documentary about a woman in South America that dated fossilized tardigrades to prove some arrowheads in South America predated African history, I would really like to have a copy of it. One day, it simply vanished off YouTube and I haven't been able to find anything else related to it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On cro-magon/neanderthal admixture being the indo-europeans.



You was right, i like him.

The neanderthal origin of white race was one of my original theories that brought me here.

Somewhere in way, i change my theory because i couldn't fit the melon heads in the history, and i start calling the coneheads descendant of the neanderthal also because of the RH- in the elites, but adding the melon heads as a distinct group superior to the neanderthal make more sense, because that would explain the white genocide that is taken place right now.

My theory began with the Runes, almost all european languages come from a root language, my research lead me to think of a pre-indo european language that share a unique alphabet based on runesand was used all over Europe, maybe the world after the fall, but slowly disapear leaving just traces.

Here are some examples of alphabets rune-like

Futhark, Italic and Greek (obvious)




Pre-islamic Arab, Turkic and Berber (they were all whites before their annihilation)




Also (((Hebrews)))


But here's the thing: Iberians


The original Iberian language (Iberian Peninsula, actual Spain and Portugal), before the Romans and everyone else is indecipherable (Nearly every rock and inscription was conveniently broken into dust), but some theories claim that the ancient Iberian have similarities especially in grammar with Basque.

Now, Basque is an isolated language, unrelated with anything anywhere, it just pop up over there in the middle of nowhere.

Also the Basque "country" has the highest global apportion of Rh-

And here is the funny part, in Basque mythology of course they have giants like every other mythology, but their giants are called Jentilak which means "gentile".

My theory is that before the fall, the continent known as America was real close to Europe and Africa, with a big river in the middle separating the lands, and somewhere between Central America, Southern Spain and North Africa was the main city of the empire, but "the fall" kick America out of the place and leave the main city lost under the Atlantic Ocean.

Also sorry for my english



File: e4b153d379aff05⋯.jpg (18.52 KB, 250x247, 250:247, germania devicta2 front.jpg)

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The linguistics evidence are just overwhelming. If it was just separated tribes then how could they develop such similar scriptures and languages?

There are a lot of interesting stories about the iberians specially the Tartesians which I know more. The cult of the goddess Frya (a beautiful girl but with the hair made of snakes) which represents the cold death that for they was the only real truth in the sea of misleads and lies that is material life. The myth states that when a man received the look from the eyes of the goddess he would have his material soul killed lefting only the real spiritual soul alive and then becoming a man of Stone. This later was deformed in simply the man becoming a stone statue. In those times, the covenanters of the cultural pact of the demiurge had launched a cultural strike against these people who follows these gods of death and war and they created the greek myth of the Medusa in which the "hero" would cut the head of this "demon". This simbolic link was so tighten inside the inner circles of occultism that from that time on always the enemies of the cultural pact would be marked as the medusa. Just a curious fact, after the WW2 has ended some artist which I didn't bother to search for the name was hired to coin the medal in picture related (this one is just a copy, and also rare) for the rejoicing of the won war. The Tartessians are also quoted in the bible as great enemies of the demiurge's chosen people. There are stories where the phoenicians travels very far to "Tharshish" to obtain metals from the mines. Btw if you search for relationships between the phoenicians and the druids you'll find a lot of interesting things.


File: a98cb66bfa8c271⋯.jpeg (65.61 KB, 650x402, 325:201, baltic sea anomaly.jpeg)

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I've just watched it and it is very interessting. In my humble opinion there was some thing that they used to make the stones maleable. But the theory that they are made of living things is very outstanding, do you have more material on that?


File: c1f8f470ea6fa54⋯.png (32.7 KB, 720x380, 36:19, Cast Limestone.png)

File: 36c91aa5d3326bf⋯.png (18.53 KB, 1170x150, 39:5, Aztec Nixtamalization.png)

File: b8388767ec1e44d⋯.png (31 KB, 675x355, 135:71, lime chemical composition.png)


The stones used in Inca construction is limestone based on what I've read. Limestone as you know degrades in water and forms karst topography and aquifers. But I figured that surely researchers would know the difference between limestone and lime mortar. But looking it up, lime mortar is said to eventually turn back into limestone. Could the Inca megalithic blocks really once have been putty? The answer almost seems too simple, yet looking at these website quotes, it almost seems like the obvious answer. Surely I'm wrong, there is no way geologists could have not thought about this. But maybe there is something to this.


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


On the other hand, I'm sure you're familiar with Missing 411 and the connection between missing people and stones. Then both Norse mythology and Native America mythology describe beings that live inside of stones. I believe Japan even has a tale about a stone that can be walked into.

I happened to have come across this YouTube channel recently and this video caught my interest. Maybe stone beings should be looked into some more.


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Neanderthals have bigger, heavier bones, wider feet, wider knees, wider hips.

Neanderthals have veins that run through top of arm, rather than through the middle.

Neanderthals have O neg blood, Cro-Magnon A Pos.

Neanderthal have red hair, Cro-Magnon Blonde.

Neanderthal tend to be left handed, Cro-Magnon right handed.

Neanderthal females tend to have large breasts and precocious puberty.

Neanderthals tend to have savant abilities, dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Neanderthals tend to have longer bodies than Cro-Magnon, and shorter arms and legs.

Neanderthals have lower body temperature than Cro-Magnons. The world is set up for Cro-Magnons, which is why those of us with a lot of Neanderthal genes are effected so negatively by vaccinations and medications.

Neanderthals tend to have above average IQ, though some might struggle at school because school teaches you to learn the way Cro-Magnons do. Rather than the Neanderthal way, who prefer to learn by doing, rather than reading and repeating.

Neanderthals tend to be artistic and musical. Cro-Magnons are more planned and structured.

Neanderthals are free with feelings and are very open. Cro-Magnons tend to keep their feelings to themselves and can be seen as secretive.

Neanderthals prefer circular thinking, Cro-Magnons prefer linear thinking.

Neanderthals have very big round eyes, Cro-Magnon eyes are smaller.

Neanderthal man have very strong muscular arms.

Neanderthals love water and feel at home in it, Cro-Magnons are usually OK in water, but Homo Erectus struggle to swim.

Neanderthals have a large gap on their jaw, behind the third molar, Cro-Magnons don't.

Neanderthals have a 'Celtic Bun' a occipital bun on their skulls, and have a sloping forehead and the males especially have a strong brow ridge. Cro-Magons have no occipital bun, a high forehead and no brow ridge.

These are extremes of the two, because most of us are very mixed we could show bits from both.


O Rh D Negative - The Most Ancient Blood Group

Light Strawberry Blonde - Dark Auburn hair colour, with all the shades in-between.

Babies can be born with white hair which turns more of a copper auburn shade as they get older.

Babies can also be born with pale copper, turning more into a medium auburn as they get older.

Hair can be wavy or very curly, but rarely completely straight.

Skin colour is always white, from a very pale snow white through to a pale pink or peach.

Eyes are blue, grey or rarely violet. Because O negs normally have mood eyes they can change to any colour, but these are the normal colours.


File: 5134f60af1107e9⋯.jpeg (10.31 KB, 305x165, 61:33, images.jpeg)


Wow I had many of the Neanderthal genes almost all of them. Also bump for quality thread.


File: fc316fbcfcf202c⋯.jpg (479.46 KB, 800x531, 800:531, shoria002-39.jpg)

File: 513e7b703dd2aea⋯.jpg (431.26 KB, 800x531, 800:531, shoria-block-8.jpg)

File: c8dea53850d0a8b⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 604x329, 604:329, Arakulski Shihan 2.jpg)

File: faf7b698380ae2a⋯.jpg (443.28 KB, 1024x676, 256:169, Arakulski Shihan.jpg)

I forgot I had these images, just saw them in my folder earlier. For OP's collection.


File: 064e61faf8a0d72⋯.jpg (91.62 KB, 481x700, 481:700, megalit_rossii_44.jpg)

File: 6ee1605c34c7081⋯.jpg (63.34 KB, 530x398, 265:199, -D0-9A-D0-B0-D0-B1-D0-B0-D….jpg)

File: 7029a037a52b2f3⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 05e663dc367478ad91df49ac68….jpg)

File: c785d07c6680cc8⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 257x196, 257:196, 9704d7a1ca2895116c311b1fb9….jpg)


File: d008a3405950f24⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 300x225, 4:3, Kotlyarov-Peshera0102.JPG)

File: a083c94af1afd49⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 733x1000, 733:1000, machine gun witch.jpg)

that all



connecting two relevant threads (if only because of the atlantis and ancient silicone forests)




somehow forgot to include this part until now,


>Ancient pyramids and stone structures are found all over the world with similar architechture and impossible standards of perfection and all of these structures all over the entire world come from the same group of people. The globalist satanic cult was responsible for all the ancient ruins and pyramids we find all over the world because when they ruled at their peak they had succeeded in conquering the whole earth. They were in the process of making the tower of babel when God sent the great flood (noted as a factual event in all ancient texts and religions) to wipe the world clean from sinful corrupt people and start everyone over. The whole world had become the tower of babel, and the whole world became atlantis. A one world government. A globalist satanic empire that controlled the whole world. The resulting very similar looking abandoned ruins that are found all over the world are the remnants of the lost empire of atlantis, because the whole earth is literally atlantis. we can't find any one place that all on it's own matches atlantis because we are standing on it.


File: d905b54c6d00fec⋯.jpg (335.42 KB, 1208x950, 604:475, d905b54c6d00fecf6306776b2e….jpg)

File: ee698943253ef22⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 215x190, 43:38, 1427509076080-0.jpg)

File: 9bdf6ccc0d692e4⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 730x456, 365:228, 2425030_original.jpg)

File: 9ee87e4f5c8164b⋯.jpg (89.1 KB, 502x670, 251:335, 2444920_original.jpg)

File: 6445898591a0712⋯.jpg (82.84 KB, 597x397, 597:397, 2453197_original.jpg)



Thanks for the images. These are at the ural mountains right?


That's very interesting. This would explain all those strange megaliths with a "door" like structure but you can't open, it is just pure rock.


There are theories that state that the pyramids are giant devices for energy generation. Something like the stones transmittin energy from the magnectif field of the planet.


File: f9ba2b341cd2924⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, door to nowhere.jpg)

File: b7b74bbd0ea4393⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2017-06-07….png)

File: 1bac5f11e524c8d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2017-06-07….png)

File: f2498a621983fd9⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2017-06-07….png)

File: 51f6a23c583c5ff⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2017-06-07….png)



The Devil's mountain is the main example on the thesis that there once were giant trees made of silicon. The explanation that these were just made by "volcanic eruptions" really doesn't fit. How would they make such structures that resembles fiber-tissues? They even have a thin layer which is like a membrane. I think researches should dig around to check if there is some kind of "roots" of this tree-stumps, this would definitely put an end to this discussion. I recomend this video on the subject:




First set is Ural or close enough. I can't remember where the second set belonged to.

Water can travel through many types of rock. The space between atoms is a relatively vast distance as well. It's not even all that absurd to imagine being able to walk though stone or walls, aside from the fact of having the body broken up into a trillion parts in the process, but if the bonds remain constant than I could imagine the material passing through the body almost like how x-rays pass through skin. There was government experiments done before of attempting to walk through walls. It makes me wonder if the experiments were related to stone myths.





Links to some Russian pdfs or sites, please.


File: 3444c2653d22cee⋯.png (807.72 KB, 1092x862, 546:431, 7354632767.png)



Bump for more discussions



>those obvious defensive positions implying they had some type of firearm




>born with platinum hair

>auburn hair with some dirty blonde coloration

>wavy hair

>blue eyes that change color between dark blue and light grey

>occipital bun

>all other traits, including educational

>type A+ blood

I've always been confused by this



Did you quote the wrong post?



No. The site in pics #3 and #4 look like a fortified military bunker to me.



The numbers seem to agree as well


>op woke af or am i posting in my sleep

Please come visit fringebay. For more discussions.



Fringebay? Where is it?



I think the Greek equivalent would be Prometheus, the God who stole the wisdom of Olympus to enlighten the humans with technology. Zeus was pissed as fuuuu



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