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1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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How much do they pay you to post this bs


You can go all the way around it…



You misspelled "RELEGIOUS" there mate. Might want to re-do that gif.



But anon, I've literally traveled around the earth. I'm not the first person to do it, either.

At most you might have room to debate whether or not Earth is actually a big cylinder, but if you think it's flat you're fucking retarded.


File: b474ce6988976de⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 600x600, 1:1, look mom ive been all arou….gif)

Yes we know op


>being this fucking retarded

Do you have any actual arguments against the flat earth?


This thread ruined the image of this board, learn physics, please.


I have a couple of questions:

If the Earth is flat: that must mean that there are other worlds shaped like ours. Are there any?

And, what does Eratosthenes' shadow stick experiment really prove?



Omg raizing the minimum wayge will destroy the economi thiz is just basik economicks. I know everything. I have looked at every single research paper ever. I have mastered every science. This is the only world ever. Science has been right every single time. Nobody has ever lied or been wrong. 100% of what everyone declared to be the ultimate truth ended up being wrong, and that is why my ultimate truth is correct. Lyke seriously dewd. This is just the basiks. Dewd if they want a living wage at walmart then we will just replace them with robots. We is just me and my imaginary friend who tells me im king of lyke the universe. I have no fucking idea how robots worked and have programmed zero things, but WE are going to replace YOU with robots.

Look up the ego you stupid faggot. Get the fuck out of my universe. The moment somebody needs to act smug to get a point across you know they are full of shit. Nobody likes you, that's why you have low self esteem and want to schizophrenically place yourself into a circle of famous scientists by shilling for them. You should probably just kill yourself.


Isn't this thread violating rules 3 or 4?



Rules 5&6 are the only ones really enforced





Since the Earth is flat this proves planes are not real. When you get on a "plane" they kill you and replace you with a reptillian wearing your skin. Science proves flight is impossible.



Does that mean I'm unknowingly a Reptilian because I've flown before?



You've never flown. But the guy whose skin they stuck on you tried to. Yes you are a soulless reptillian and when the Antichrist comes he will awaken you reltillians and you will shef your false skin and memories and bow at his feet.



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The theory is this: The earth is a plane. The North Pole is in the center, and the South Pole surrounds the earth. You can still travel the same paths you would on a spherical earth. Just replace words like "around" with words like "in a circle" or "across".


The theory is this: The moon landings and other space travel projects never actually happened, so we don't know what's out there if there even is anything. So, I can't answer if there are other flat worlds.

Eratosthenes' experiment can work on a flat earth. You see, flat earthers believe that the sun is only a few thousand miles away from earth(and 32 miles across), instead of 93 million miles away. With that placement of the sun, the math would work out the same. This was said by Vsauce, a globe-earther who is well known on YouTube for his videos about science, at around 3 minutes and 40 seconds into this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNqNnUJVcVs





That makes no sense because a boat's trip around the south pole is short, but it should be the longest circular trip possible according to you. Why don't you go research the reasons why everyone believes the earth is a globe before you post here again? Some things in science are debatable, this really is not.



Hmmm.. True. I was focusing on the Antarctic Treaty preventing most people from crossing the south pole completely, but I didn't think about the possibility of traveling around it. I'll have to research this and search for some explanations.



The human brain is intelligent enough to justify anything through whatever mental acrobatics are necessary. You can hone in on one theory and exclusively read arguments for it, and you will always be able to convince yourself. This is how cults work — believe me, I've been in one. We all have to work extra hard to be honest enough with ourselves that we can accept the possibility that we don't have all the answers. It's the only way to significantly progress. Robert Bruce recognized this in a piece of advice said to have been given by his higher self, telling him to let the question always be out on whether something is true or not. Chapter 71 of the Tao Te Ching tells us:

>Not-knowing is true knowledge.

>Presuming to know is a disease.

>First realize that you are sick;

>then you can move toward health.

I don't think someone should necessarily presume to know that the earth is flat or spherical, but currently the simplest and most rational explanation based on evidence and personal experience is that modern astronomy is correct.



Then what should be discussed here if not x stuff?



From the sticky:

>/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities — Anything that is fringe in some respect

"Conspiracy" is probably the only one on the list that fits with flat-earth arguments, but in my experience /fringe/ has higher standards than /x/ when it comes to actually asserting something as wild as the earth being flat. The arguments for it are poor, and it's an extremely materialistic and non-spiritual discussion anyways.


It’s a globe, at least here in our 3D reality. The deeper conspiracy is that our reality itself might be a kind of simulation, or temporary reality that’s like a side track to the main real reality, or is in some way a gimped version of the authentic. As a result, there are certain glitches or inconsistencies in our everyday experiences and in the world (fortean phenomena, synchronicities, spontaneous invisibility, time warps, etc.) that show the cracks in the façade. Not to mention, what afterlife research, aliens, and metaphysical beings suggest about there being another reality behind the curtain.

I think the flat Earth theory is disinformation meant to distract and keep people limited to lower dimensional thinking instead of thinking hyperdimensionally or metaphysically. It uses a lot of sleight of hand, wrong assumptions, incomplete assumptions, and lack of sufficient science knowledge to pull various “stage magic” tricks to support the idea that Earth is flat. But if you investigate each of the claims, you can find where their reasoning or assumptions go wrong.

To give one example, cameras on weather balloons have been used by flat Earth theorists to show that even when the balloon gets higher and higher the horizon always stays at eye level instead of dropping and curving as it should on a sphere. But to do the numbers, balloons don’t actually go that high, as the highest they go is 23 miles. Diameter of Earth is 7,917.5 miles. So if Earth were a basketball, 23.44cm in diameter, a weather balloon then would get 0.7 mm from the surface. That is so close to it, that the horizon of the basketball would be close to eye level. It would be close enough that the difference versus ground level is too small to be obvious in weather balloon photographs.

Another example is that airplanes on long flights don’t have to dip their noses to follow the downward curving countour of the Earth’s surface. Thus it would appear the surface is flat. But the larger the sphere, the flatter its surface appears when you’re close to it. As an airplane flies over the ground or water below, it is flying almost flat like a ruler, and the ground below is almost flat like a ruler too, except there is a slight curvature to the ground which is matched by the plane’s slight curvature in its path, the two remaining parallel to each other as both curve equally.

These arguments are all along the lines of, “If the sky is blue and the sun yellow, then why isn’t the light that hits us green since blue + yellow = green?” which makes sense only if you don’t know enough about the physics of light scattering and optics. Like I said, the flat Earth proponents are good at coming up with reasons that tend to fall apart when examined, only to come up with new ones as those previous ones are explained away, only to repeat the cycle further and further.







What is wrong with your critical thinking, this social experiment is wack


So the sun and the moon are spheres in that pic but Earth isn't? Why?



>"Conspiracy" is probably the only one on the list that fits with flat-earth arguments,

H.P. Blavatski, Crowley, Manly P. Hall, Alice A Bailey and shit loads of esoterica is OBSESSED with upholding the idea that the Compass and its circles / spheres are holy and that the Square and planes are profane. Thus making the flat vs round debate incredibly /fringe/ material.

I've been looking into the evidence for the round model. There is only some EXTREMELY sketchy (((pure coincidence))) figures and no real evidence other than gov propaganda outlets.

Either you believe this world was machine precision manufactured, or you believe in the bullshit theory that these measures are purely by "chance":

See: >>117897

> >>117481

< Gaia's rotational axis is inclined to the orbital plane by an angle of about 23.4° or if you view it differently 90°-23.4°=66.6°.

> KEK! That used to be my favorite, "Gotcha, look 666 hiding in plain sight", to tease my devoutly atheist friends. I might take that one away from you later.

> But since the 6's love the folks in this thread so much, I'll give you a few more to use in its place. If you've been following along, many numbers should be familiar, but you may glean some additional meaning.

> (6+6) x (6+6) x 6000 = 864,000 = Diameter of the Sun in miles.

> 6 x 6 x 60 = 2,160 = Diameter of the Moon in miles.

> (6+6) x 660 = 7,920 = Diameter of the Earth in miles.

> Wew lads! What are the odds? Hang on tight, we're on a roll!

> 7,920in = 1 furlong (or 660ft)

> 7,920ft = 1/2 league or 1.5 nautical miles

> 1 nautical mile = 1 minute of latitude

> 60,000mi = Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues (unda da sea)

> 6 x 60 x 660 = 237,600mi = Distance between Earth & Moon.

> (~' .')~ Oh yeah!

> 66,600 mph = Earth's speed around the Sun

> ~(' .'~) …Unts Unts Unts Unts….

> (Basic bitch shit here tho)

> 60 minutes = 1 hour

> 60 seconds = 1 minute

> 864,000 = seconds in a day (yeah yeah)

> 864,000 years = a Hindu Yuga division <- w-wha?! He fucking did it again!

> 8,640,000,000 years = 1 Day and 1 Night of Brahma

> ^— He just keeps smiling and getting away with it!

> 864 = the number of New Jerusalem in Christian sacred geometry.

> ^– Can't anyone stop Him?!

> 31,680 feet = 6 miles

> 31,680 furlongs = Earth's radius

> 31,680 miles = Earth's square

> 316.80 feet = circumference of the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge

> The earth is approximately 25040 miles in circumference.

> In 3 miles laterally the surface will have dropped 6ft.

> In 10 miles the surface will have curved 66.6ft mmHmmm, like that 66.6° Tizilt! Sheeeit!

> In 100 miles the drop due to curvature is 6660ft Hep Meh, Lord JESUS Christ! (but do it in Greek, where 6660 is the sum of divisors of 3168 = 800 + 888 + 1480 = κύριος Ἰησοῦς Χριστός)

Nah, it's flat mate. Any idiot can see that.



>who invented the english alphabet: imperfect human beings

>who invented the hebrew alphabet: imperfect human beings

>who invented human languages on earth: imperfect human beings

>who invented all the alphabets for those languages: imperfect human beings

>who invented numbers and all their symbols: imperfect human beings

>who invented numerology: imperfect human beings

>who invented technology we have had for thousands of years: imperfect human beings

>who invented nasa: imperfect human beings

>who works at nasa: imperfect human beings

tell me:

>can anyone who isn't nasa physically go out and certifiably beyond any and all doubt:

>measure the earth

>measure the sun

>measure the moon

>measure the speeds at which they are traveling

>measure the distances between them

and can nasa which is comprised of imperfect human beings even actually do all or even any of these things beyond any and all doubt, with 100% accuracy?

and tell me this:

>can we even trust nasa which is comprised of imperfect human beings?

>how can we trust anything they say if we can't go where they only "SAY" they have gone?

>how do we even know if space is what they say it is? "oh it's because they showed us pictures and videos of the space station" have you never heard of photo shop or "deep fake" software? it's existed for long before (((they))) ever felt it advantageous to allow us to learn of its existence.

>why should we trust them? what reason or motive do we have to listen to what they say? because they are right? because they are in charge of space?

>how do we know that nasa isn't a part of the same satanic globalist cult that probably helped write the bible thousands of years ago?

and finally tell me this:

>if (((they))) own our numbers, our language, and our history, how can we know that any of these mathematical "consistencies"- because they aren't coincidences, were not simply built into the media around us, in the bible and scripture and so on? how do we even know if the sun and moon are what they say it is? we have no way to prove it and simply stating that we know because the people who may be lying to us said that they proved it and told us to trust them isn't an answer, but a cheap excuse.

doesn't it make perfect sense that a really evil, creepy, egotistical, narcissistic group of people from some ancient satanic cult of control freaks who want to rule the world would try to insert their folklore and mythology into every single thing that they could get away with, including most other religions as well as systems of belief and multiple different kinds of languages, mathematics, and science?


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here OP I'll post all the info I have on flat earth for you. I hope my contribution to your thread helps you and others who seek the truth. I was going to make a thread on this but you already did so I'll just add my thread to yours and make a new one some other day when this one runs its course and disappears.


even if this is wrong, it proves that the earth is not the way we are told that it is.

the very fact that nasa can not and will not disprove this is absolute proof that we are being lied to- even if the world isn't flat

all of you snowball theory assholes can go to hell, you're all globalist shills just taking the flat earth and pasting it back on another bigger sphere again like the cucks you are

TL;DR - humanity is waking up and questioning our reality. They are trying to make sense of the world around them, and not just trust what a mainstream source says, and for that, I commend them. So whether you believe if the Earth is round or not, or whether the Earth is alive or not, it does not really matter. By ridiculing people who believe that the Earth is flat, we control and pressure people to conform. When our society ridicules ideas that challenge the status quo, we feel uncomfortable, and we become less of a free thinking society. It's always important to consider or challenge what we all currently percieve as possible or impossible.

>ask yourself why you can feel the ground moving under your feet while you are inside of a massive cruise ship gently rocking in the ocean but you can't feel how the earth moves when spinning around at a zillion miles an hour

>space is a giant ocean

>the earth is flat and hollow

>that's why astronauts train underwater

>algea was found on the international space station

>ask yourself why it's called a space ship.



>ask yourself why it's called an astro-naut.

>nautical miles. ocean.

>ask yourself where amelia earhart went when she disappeared trying to fly "around" the world

>ask yourself why peter pan and the pirates ride flying pirate ships in space to the giant floating island of neverland

>ask yourself why her name is sailor moon


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>ask yourself why at the beginning of a movie made by "universal" the logo comes up with the "earth" behind it. why is it not called "international" instead??

>ask yourself why the bible metions the waters above and below

>ask yourself why the bible mentions the firmament

>look up operation highjump

>look up operation fishbowl

>look up the antarctic treaty

>what a coincidence that you can only ever see one side of the moon because its dark side is always facing away from us.

>what a coincidence that the moon just happens to fit over the sun during an eclipse even though it is said that they are massively different in size and distance from us. what are the chances that they are just the right sizes and distances from each other AND US, to appear exactly the same size in our sky?

>why it is called a hemi-sphere

>half of a sphere = dome

hilarious thread full of shills, but with some good posters. the shills arguments get destroyed and they fail miserably so it's extra fun.



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think about why the ocean looks blue when the sun shines through it. think about how the sky is also blue, and how very ancient antarctic ice is also a strange blue color. makes sense? and troll science bro's with big fancy pieces of paper from the establishment claim "its rayleigh scattering, and the sky isn't actually blue it just looks blue but it isn't because it's just reyliegh scattering just trust us"

every single image of earth from space release by nasa has always been a composite image. they will never release a true non-edited picture of earth from space.

if there are as many infinite stars and galaxies as they say there are, the entire sky wouldn't have any visible individual stars because in terms of pixels on a tv screen the stars in the sky would take up every pixel of space that there is in the sky. the entire sky would always glow white and there wouldn't be a place in the sky to look at that was empty. at any distance you would eventually run in to another star so no matter how far away from the perspective of earth there wouldn't be any black sky at night.


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go back and watch any video of a rocket takeoff. why do ALL the rockets always go upwards for a moment and then start to veer off course and curve off the side? they can't keep going straight up because they will hit the water and if they go much deeper they will crash right into the firmament. they always curve to avoid it. ALWAYS. the rockets always land somewhere else out of sight or people are told it's just a retrieval of parts, but you know what the truth is.


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they only thing that every country on earth ever agreed on and never broke their promise, as they all promised together, was to leave antarctica alone. the north pole is the center of the landmass and the south pole (antarctica) is actually a giant ring around the outer edges of the earth. it's illegal to fly there without permission (almost nobody ever gets that permission) and so it is conveniently incredibly difficult to prove or disprove this once and for all. what a coincidence.


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anyone who has ever gone to a tall skyscraper that allows an all around window view with protective railing (so people dont just fall off) and looked 360 degrees all around the horizon will notice that it is always flat and never curved even at that hight, when it should be. almost all the weather balloons and homemade gopros they ever use that make it to the higher atmosphere use an added fisheye lense to add a fake curve to the horizion.


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since you are very little, one of the first things you are expected to learn is that you live on the earth and the earth is a globe, and you are repeatedly shown this big spinning toy and you have a few childish thoughts like "how does everyone on the bottom not fall off?" and everyone tells you its because "gravity" holds everyone on the sphere, but remember centrifugal force is very powerful and can keep water in a bucket even though its spinning around a certain point, but it makes the bucket of water feel much more heavy, like it wants to fly off it's handle with tremendous force. now imagine that all the things on the surface of the earth including its gigantic oceans are all that "bucket of water". what do you think would or rather should have already happened to us all and our cats and dogs and houses and cars if the earth was really spinning around as fast as they want us to believe that it is?


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the earth presumably being as massive as we think it is (even though it's flat) is so heavy and so big that spinning at that speed would tear it apart. forces created by the spin would be greater than the force of gravity, but that's another deeper rabbit hole.

going by the rules of globalist approved science, if you actually do the proper calculations you discover that the force of gravity is not enough to overcome the spinning force of the planet (the globe spinning on its own, not the "spin around the sun") and that we should have been catastrophically flung off of the earth in a cataclysm along with the earth spinning itself apart to pieces by now.


File: 51a2552be206873⋯.webm (11.46 MB, 480x360, 4:3, big bang is fake.webm)

go back and watch any video of a rocket takeoff. why do ALL the rockets always go upwards for a moment and then start to veer off course and curve off the side? they can't keep going straight up because they will hit the water and if they go much deeper they will crash right into the sky water. they always curve to avoid it. ALWAYS. the rockets always land somewhere else out of sight or people are told it's just a retrieval of parts, but you know what the truth is.

>b-b-but they need to curve to circularize the orbit!

it's literally something they made up and popularized in movies, books, video games, and t.v. to brainwash you and create cognitive dissonance should you ever hear anything but their kosher version of the truth.

all rockets do this. except for this one. you can even hear the splash.



I hope you enjoyed this OP. I'm really excited to hear your response!



>Do you have any actual arguments against the flat earth?

Do you have any actual arguments FOR the earth being flat? There are more possibilities than just flat or round… You are using the argument from ignorance.


itt schizo



The fact that nasa can't disprove flat earth doesn't confirm the earth is flat, it just confirms they are 100% lying to us.


>itt schizo

>check flag

>yur a schizo but I worship a edgyptian frog god I'm totally normal lel

I'm not dissing /pol/ but you sure a a huge hypocrite




It's a torus. You might be able to better visualize it as a klein bottle (3-D mobius strip) though.


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A lot of flat earth cia niggers lately, why does it matter what the shape of the earth is? Are you doing things daily to fight (((them))) or are arguing about meaningless things you have no affect over? Are you growing your own food, drinking clean unflouridated water, living a healthy life being an example for the mundanes, to see its possible to fight back. Making communitys with people?



>asking the real questions

I love you.



Love you too :)



or a concave doughnut



>A lot of flat earth cia niggers lately, why does it matter what the shape of the earth is? Are you doing things daily to fight (((them))) or are arguing about meaningless things you have no affect over? Are you growing your own food, drinking clean unflouridated water, living a healthy life being an example for the mundanes, to see its possible to fight back. Making communitys with people?

I'm just as against fluoride and pro-healthy eating as I'm sure anyone else here is, but accusing everyone who's a flat earth theorist of being a "cia nigger" just because their ideas do not line up with your own is just plane ignorance if you catch my drift. It seems that whenever anyone even just slightly mentions anything like flat earth, a bunch of angry trolls and shills just spew out of the woodwork like a fountain of diarrhea to scream "MUH FLAT EARTH CIA NIGGERS" and just try their hardest to insult and discredit people just for having an idea that's different. You said it yourself.

>why does it matter what the shape of the earth is?

If you care so little, then why do you care so much about the fact that we care about it? Very clearly, you do care.

But WHY do we care? Why should anyone care? The reason is that if all of us human beings and other living things that are willing to temporarily classify ourselves as human are willing to believe one BIG lie, then how easy is it for all of us to fall down a slippery slope and believe any other lies as well? Flat earth theory isn't about proving ourselves 100% right in saying the earth is flat, but It does uncover the dirty hidden truth that NASA is completely unwilling and unable to disprove flat earth theory. All they have is composite images of earth. You're telling me they can send satellites out flying past jupiter (from more than 30 years ago easily) but they can't put a cheaper and smaller satellite in to non-geosynchronous orbit and show us unmodified pictures and real time video of the earth and the moon from all sides and angles? I'm NOT sorry and I call BULLSHIT. All this does is prove the fact that NASA is absolutely lying to us in one or more ways about the very existance of our reality and that's NOT okay.


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Have you heard about controlled opposition, every one knows NASA can't be trusted. But what they do is they infiltrate truth communitys with disinformation such as flat earth, to not make us not focus on (((them))) also to make us look crazy. so we argue about something that has no benefit to us. Its called divide and conquer. You are acting like the religious people that knock at people's door, showing their beliefs down your throat. What difference or benefit do I get knowing if the earth is flat or not? Most off your flat cia psyop Can be debunked in minutes. Have you even flown in a plane you can see the curvature from the window.



>Have you heard about controlled opposition, every one knows NASA can't be trusted. But what they do is they infiltrate truth communitys with disinformation such as flat earth, to not make us not focus on (((them))) also to make us look crazy.

I'm sure that bad people in the world definitely spread disinformation but I believe that Flat earth theory has really started onto something that (((they))) would rather nobody discover. It doesn't matter if flat earth isn't real, because It forces people to realize that NASA can not disprove the theory which only proves that they are lying to us, regardless of what the earth is actually like.

>so we argue about something that has no benefit to us. Its called divide and conquer. You are acting like the religious people that knock at people's door, showing their beliefs down your throat.

If you don't like hearing /fringe/ topics then what the hell are you doing on /fringe/? seriously get the fuck off this board.

>What difference or benefit do I get knowing if the earth is flat or not?

I don't know, why do you care so much? If it is no difference to you then why are you so obsessed about the fact that I believe it's different than you do? I smell you shill.

>Most off your flat cia psyop

Why am I being accused of being from the CIA just because I'm discussing Flat earth theory? That's almost like a compliment if you actually think I'm from CIA because apparently you have to be really smart to get a job there.

>Can be debunked in minutes.

Then why doesn't NASA ever permanently debunk Flat earth?

>Have you even flown in a plane you can see the curvature from the window.

Airplane windows behave much like fish eye lenses. same reason why the propellers get all these funky visual effects.





Ancient pyramids and stone structures are found all over the world with similar architechture and impossible standards of perfection and all of these structures all over the entire world come from the same group of people. The globalist satanic cult was responsible for all the ancient ruins and pyramids we find all over the world because when they ruled at their peak they had succeeded in conquering the whole earth. They were in the process of making the tower of babel when God sent the great flood (noted as a factual event in all ancient texts and religions) to wipe the world clean from sinful corrupt people and start everyone over. The whole world had become the tower of babel, and the whole world became atlantis. A one world government. A globalist satanic empire that controlled the whole world. The resulting very similar looking abandoned ruins that are found all over the world are the remnants of the lost empire of atlantis, because the whole earth is literally atlantis. we can't find any one place that all on it's own matches atlantis because we are standing on it.



Why can't you stay in your containment thread, you schizophrenic autist?



Or, your god is an Annunaki / Greek "god" ruler who is pissed that the "slaves" had kicked his servants asses out and were about to break out of the prison and get outside the ring.

Run a high wire up to the sky and connect it to ground. Blam. Free energy. The earth is vastly negatively electrically charged, the sky is positive relatively. This is how Tesla's free energy towers work. He didn't want to "send" energy to everyone, he wanted to collect power from the "sea of electricity" we're "swimming in" and convert the DC potential into useful AC power.

High wire, low ground, separated = Spark gap. Spark gap drives a Tesla coil. Bingo. You're welcome.

Next you'll be asking me about anti-gravity and time control… heh, go read some ancient physics friend.

There was no ancient "satanic" cult, just a world wide federation of civilizations that peacefully traded. The modern day asshole rulers seized power in the wake of your "god's" disaster and suppress technology to utilize more advanced tech in secret.

Tesla noted when he listened to the first radios he built that there was patterns in the signals that had to be intelligent in origin. Many dumbass UFO chasers think this means "aliens", but it was just your rulers using something like Morse code to communicate with the radios they already had and game the currency markets by sending data faster than anyone else.

The USA is literally Atlantis. The center of it was covered with water before it rebounded from the rapid vaporization / melting of the North American ice sheets. The event left visible flooding scars on the coasts (esp west coast), and threw enough vapor into the air to cause torrential rains and floods all around the plane.



>Why can't you stay in your containment thread, you schizophrenic autist?

I'm talking about flat earth and atlantis in the flat earth thread. what the fuck are you talking about?


>Or, your god is an Annunaki / Greek "god" ruler who is pissed that the "slaves" had kicked his servants asses out and were about to break out of the prison and get outside the ring.

What exactly do you mean by this?

>Next you'll be asking me about anti-gravity and time control… heh, go read some ancient physics friend.

If you knew about it you wouldn't be posting here, so I call bullshit.

>There was no ancient "satanic" cult

Nice try.

>The USA is literally Atlantis. The center of it was covered with water before it rebounded from the rapid vaporization / melting of the North American ice sheets. The event left visible flooding scars on the coasts (esp west coast), and threw enough vapor into the air to cause torrential rains and floods all around the plane.

USA doesn't fit the description of atlantis. but the whole world does.


darn this is a good thread don't die on me now!



This video from hooktube is so retarded I don't even know where to begin of. If it had actually hit a dome it would obviously CRASH into pieces. Only a absolutely retarded would trust this




>flag: wizard: hermeticist

>actually defending NASA

>"This video from hooktube is so retarded I don't even know where to begin of. If it had actually hit a dome it would obviously CRASH into pieces. Only a absolutely retarded would trust this"

Don't you get it? NASA curves all their rockets as they go up so they don't go too high and just collect the rockets that fall back down later out of view. In the video where the rocket (non-NASA of course) goes up too high it splashes into water in the sky.


File: abdf245b7fb713b⋯.jpg (865.51 KB, 2480x2444, 620:611, gNydJjh.jpg)


politely bumping this thread because a bunch of /x/'ers were interested in it and it had gone down very far. this way it can be linked to /x/ but actually exist by the time someone comes along to click on it, which may take a week because of /x/ being slow.


NASA is deceiving us. This should be completely undisputed on /fringe/. However, while the Earth may not be spherical, assuming that it is therefore flat is unscientific and unwizardly. "Flat Earth" as a thought exercise and a display of skepticism is healthy and good, but disregarding genuine counterarguments puts you in the same category as muh NASA goyim. The objective should be the overthrow and capture of the deceivers; that way, we can torture these rodents until the Truth is revealed.



It depends on the frame of reference. The earth is flat from the perspective of one on the ground surface.

That's undeniable.

But from the frame of reference of being either larger than the earth or well away from Earth, it's definitely spherical. Go start gazing and see Saturn or the retrograde motion of planets.



This is accurate to both the Earth and the Universe.


OP is fucking retarded.


File: 6e7ba836c15554c⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1512878106547.jpg)



nobody who actually believes the earth is flat thinks air travel isn't possible



Maybe he doesn't have good reading comprehension



are other planets flat as well? :^)


File: 808708aef3aa91d⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1029x830, 1029:830, universe.jpg)


No such thing as other planets, round earther.


File: c04ff8b7a799f25⋯.png (345.45 KB, 785x412, 785:412, ClipboardImage.png)


Flat earthers are round earthers.


File: 20f35a09e15d4ac⋯.jpeg (200.85 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 17dbe1d7c420335f0beb5b026….jpeg)


Eggzactly, if the earth were a globe, a sphere, it would be continuous. For a /fringe/, an edge, to even eggzist there must be an edge. Quid pro quo the earth is a flat. Probably a concave disk, though this has yet to be conclusivley proven.

Check mate globalists.



>Quid pro quo the earth is flat

Lost it.


The earth is hollow, faggot shill.



This is ancient metaphysical art. Displaying the vast internal worlds that are available for exploration. Nothing to do w flat earth.



It shows that other planets are simply illusions created by the metaphysical forces behind all of reality, which is why the placement of stars is so important for magical practice. They do not actually exist.

Not that this planet isn't an illusion too

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