>"Conspiracy" is probably the only one on the list that fits with flat-earth arguments,
H.P. Blavatski, Crowley, Manly P. Hall, Alice A Bailey and shit loads of esoterica is OBSESSED with upholding the idea that the Compass and its circles / spheres are holy and that the Square and planes are profane. Thus making the flat vs round debate incredibly /fringe/ material.
I've been looking into the evidence for the round model. There is only some EXTREMELY sketchy (((pure coincidence))) figures and no real evidence other than gov propaganda outlets.
Either you believe this world was machine precision manufactured, or you believe in the bullshit theory that these measures are purely by "chance":
See: >>117897
> >>117481
< Gaia's rotational axis is inclined to the orbital plane by an angle of about 23.4° or if you view it differently 90°-23.4°=66.6°.
> KEK! That used to be my favorite, "Gotcha, look 666 hiding in plain sight", to tease my devoutly atheist friends. I might take that one away from you later.
> But since the 6's love the folks in this thread so much, I'll give you a few more to use in its place. If you've been following along, many numbers should be familiar, but you may glean some additional meaning.
> (6+6) x (6+6) x 6000 = 864,000 = Diameter of the Sun in miles.
> 6 x 6 x 60 = 2,160 = Diameter of the Moon in miles.
> (6+6) x 660 = 7,920 = Diameter of the Earth in miles.
> Wew lads! What are the odds? Hang on tight, we're on a roll!
> 7,920in = 1 furlong (or 660ft)
> 7,920ft = 1/2 league or 1.5 nautical miles
> 1 nautical mile = 1 minute of latitude
> 60,000mi = Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues (unda da sea)
> 6 x 60 x 660 = 237,600mi = Distance between Earth & Moon.
> (~' .')~ Oh yeah!
> 66,600 mph = Earth's speed around the Sun
> ~(' .'~) …Unts Unts Unts Unts….
> (Basic bitch shit here tho)
> 60 minutes = 1 hour
> 60 seconds = 1 minute
> 864,000 = seconds in a day (yeah yeah)
> 864,000 years = a Hindu Yuga division <- w-wha?! He fucking did it again!
> 8,640,000,000 years = 1 Day and 1 Night of Brahma
> ^— He just keeps smiling and getting away with it!
> 864 = the number of New Jerusalem in Christian sacred geometry.
> ^– Can't anyone stop Him?!
> 31,680 feet = 6 miles
> 31,680 furlongs = Earth's radius
> 31,680 miles = Earth's square
> 316.80 feet = circumference of the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge
> The earth is approximately 25040 miles in circumference.
> In 3 miles laterally the surface will have dropped 6ft.
> In 10 miles the surface will have curved 66.6ft mmHmmm, like that 66.6° Tizilt! Sheeeit!
> In 100 miles the drop due to curvature is 6660ft Hep Meh, Lord JESUS Christ! (but do it in Greek, where 6660 is the sum of divisors of 3168 = 800 + 888 + 1480 = κύριος Ἰησοῦς Χριστός)
Nah, it's flat mate. Any idiot can see that.