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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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a.k.a Louis Cachet


Is he greenpilled?

If you don't know: After he got out of jail he left Norway and moved to the French countryside, he has a youtube channel where he explains his philosophy and beliefs, as well as covering current events. In my opinion his particular take on European paganism seems very profound and in-line with /fringe/


He's somewhere between redpill and greenpill.


He is still trapped in the physical illusion, and is as such a mundane. But he is one of the better mundanes out there. At least he tries to fight degeneracy and educate others about pagan spirituality and their ancestors. However just like other alt righters and neo-pagans he lacks deeper spiritual insight and regards mundane bullshit like your race and having family etc too heavily.


He generates funny memes but all communalists are bug-people.


I find some of his videos to be good while others make him look as though he lost his mind. But he usually brings up lots of interesting points to think about, and in a cozy/5 kind of way too.


Is he really called "Louis?" lol


At least he managed to escape from society somewhat and live with his family in the wilderness.

To escape and live in nature disconnected from the state is a pretty neat achievement imo worthy of recognition.


Just like /pol/ helps to redpill people we should also seek to expose this man to the truth to help him and his family grow spiritually. Let's reach out to him maybe? anyone have any ideas? we can all contribute some good advice.



Maybe share your advice to people around you in person first just to see how they react to it



sounds like a bad idea because I think you get arrested for loitering. you just show up somewhere and start saying "HEY GUYS WRITE A SIGIL BECAUSE IT KEEPS THE SPOOKS AWAY" and everyone in sams club looks at you like "what the fuck"


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he legally changed his name



Ironically, his birth name is "Kristian"



His song "My Journey To The Stars" was written about a time he astrally projected while in prison. The album Umskiptar is too beautiful to not be magical. If he isn't green pilled, he definitely use to be



U don't know what ur talking about bro




iirc he changed his legal name because when using the postal service, etc. there would be issues and they wouldn't believe it's the real "Varg Vikernes" (sort of like a proto-Sam Hyde meme scenario).


My Journey to the Stars was written and recorded long before he went to prison.


This is most accurate. He's basically on point when it comes to mundane/political/personal/physical matters. His anti-Abrahmic pro-European activism is very very good and much ndeeded. However his interpretations of European myth are generally from a materialistic (and some even some would even say matriarchal) perspective with everything being muh placenta etc.




Have you read his Norwegian texts on Atlantis? No wonder he never talks about this in English. His fans are sheeple.



Post them. Post also his spiritual lyrics or whatever. Show us how greenpilled he truely is.

Just now I have seen his latest video about survivalism and it just reeks of dogma and materialism. He thinks reincarnation and keeping on fighting in this world is something amazing which I find pretty ridiculous. Also his disgusting placenta-cult makes me wanna throw up.


Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet

>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)

>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up

>Joined the larp scene in Norway as a teenager

>killed his best friend because he looked at him wrong.

>burned churches and UNESCO monuments

>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years

>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty

>becomes a nazi in prison

>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point

>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist

>gets out of prison

>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother

>abandoned by all family, and friends.

>literally marries a diagnosed autist in France

>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"

>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn

>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in

>Makes shitty youtube videos about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow

>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason

>doesn't even make music anymore because he has to live in a hut and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man

>no accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a far-right maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND



He is anything but spiritual in the truest sense. Compare this to the typical "New Ager" (Alfred Rosenberg), absolutely no spiritual practice, but loads and loads of mystic bullshit and obsession with materialism (race).

He literally believes that Scandinavia is the forgotten city of Atlantis/Thule where humanity(=white people) was born and the further south people traveled, the more subhuman they became, and also that Europe is going to be covered in ice caps in the near future and that this will make all non-white people go away.

>The Greeks, as well as the Sumerians, claimed they originally came from a land they called Hyperborea ("the utmost north", "the land beyond the northern wind"), but this land was also - by the Romans - called Ultima Thule ("the utmost Thule"). So Hyperborea, Ultima Thule and Atlantis are all names of Scandinavia, and all the European tribes that day are living outside Scandinavia once emigrated from this land, some time in Antiquity or later.

>Varg "Heresiarch" Vikernes

>(Written in April 2005)


>Isis is the Egyptian name of Freyja. The point is that you need to die to visit her and unveil her secrets, so only those who were ritually killed and resurrected in the mysteries could unveil them.

This basically sums up his 'spiritual' practice: Death



>hurr muh murder is bad

Varg is strong, that it why he is able to triumph against others in combat.



"try killing yourself" yourself, you subhuman piece of shit



haha pig




>a wild alt-right self-proclaimed "pagan" degenerate appeared out of the forest to defend his lord and master



>literally caused a single mother

you know a woman can have an abortion whenever she wants right? He didn't cause shit, she did.

I'm not even gonna bother refuting all the stupid things you wrote here, it's obvious you have a preexisting agenda and is probably also a christian cuck slave to jews



clinically insane misogynist



Women have all the reproductive rights, yet if a woman chooses to not take the morning after pill, then chooses for 6 months not to have an abortion, and then chooses not to drop the little bastard off at a fire station which would absolve her of all parental responsibility under baby moses safe haven laws, it's still considered the man's fault that she's a single mother, despite her having many means of preventing it, and the man's reproductive rights ending the moment the cumshot is expelled from his nutsack.

Feminism gives women freedom, and then pins the responsibilities those freedoms would be accompanied by on men, this is not misogyny, it's not an unreasonable disdain of women, this is simply insane and unjust.


Stop this. You're an embarrassment to every hermeticist.



>written about



>encourages women to have abortions

>it's obvious you have a preexisting agenda and is probably also a christian cuck slave to jews

You may not be Christian, but advocating for abortion is more Jewish than given a negatively-biased view on Vark.




>implying there's anything wrong with single mothers

It's like you don't think women can take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Absolve men of responsibility and let women do what they want, how is that a problem for anyone? Feminists should love this.



<take the money from the men to fuel the irresponsibility of women. Men don't get a say in this.

Traditionally, the mother's responsibility is to make sure children survive to adulthood. It's the father's responsibility to make them into adults.

Single mothers are naggers who destroy anything they can't nurture and burden children with all their psychological mishaps.


26 of 27 the worst mass shooters grew up fatherless.

If they demand all this alimony money, and can't put aside their selfishness enough to fix their marriage for the sake of the child, the children should go to the father.

You get the child if at the very least you make the money to raise him. Don't like it? Don't get a divorce.



Why don't you use this flag instead of that "mage staff"? It represents your true intentions far more accurately.



This only shows fatherless children are more likely to take action. Gun violence is a gun related problem and that issue shouldn't be hijacked by traditionalists to defend marriage. Doing shit like this is why you still can't get anywhere with this in America. Look at the issues for what they are and solve them instead of thinking

>how can I twist this topic to further my own agenda? merchant hand rubbing

The Columbine school shooters both had their fathers present and they where in the military. With the association logic you're presenting, sons of military staff are high risk individuals. Maybe it's a problem with the army then?



>wants to disarm ordinary citizens resisting the NWO.

>cherry-picks examples

>thinks marriage is bad.

America has had guns since its inception. Used to defend against invaders. It's only with in the last century and the disastrous social and economic changes that followed that gun violence became a problem.

I'm not presenting an association-logic (cherry-picking), I'm presenting statistics.

Like this:


Maybe you should try and be a mother to your own children and less to the world. Moralistic nagging isn't going to stop bad people from getting a gun. The only thing that stops bad people with a gun is a good people with a gun.




>good pepole with a gun

That's the armed forces.

If you have a problem with your government defending you, maybe you should focus on replacing that government instead of randomly arming all citizens

>because we may feel like rebelling sometime, just not now

Handguns vs the US army only works if you're a gook country with soviet support who doesn't care about 1 mil dead. Ordinary US citizens don't need to be armed. The defense against invaders argument isn't thought through anywhere, it just doesn't work that way. Repeating it just shows how dumb people are.


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>If you have a problem with your government defending you, maybe you should focus on replacing that government

And how are you going to replace an armed government, sweetie? Maybe invite them over to a cup of tea, or just stand politely in front of them until they run out of bullets.

The US constitution was written with the balance of powers in mind, and that includes balance between government and citizens.

Guns aren't the problem.


The culture and demography is.



>And how are you going to replace an armed government, sweetie?


How about using the political process built into the system? Like you just did with the tea party and Trump? Even the chinese commie party is sensitive to public opinion, yet you think America is somehow different?

the retard is strong with this one


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The political process guarantees us the right to guns in case the political process fails. Funny you should mention China tough. Read up on the Tiananmen Square Massacre.


I want guns because I don't think America is any different. They act as a deterrent.

The road to tyranny;

1) Disarm the population

2)Subdue the population.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.




I am in no way defending commies, but the chinks did effectively stomp out the american cancer democracy movement before it got off the ground, nothing wrong in that.

>The political process guarantees us the right to guns in case the political process fails

If you have so little faith in your political system you have to legally have the right to attack your government (pls point to the legal paragraph saying you can take up arms against the US gov) you need to seriously reconsider the very foundations of your nation. Maybe you should build it based on trust in your leaders in stead of paranoia.

Some people seem to belong in hell.


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>I am in no way defending commies, but the chinks did effectively stomp out the american cancer democracy movement before it got off the ground, nothing wrong in that.

If modern day 'murica wanted their so-called brand of' "democracy" in China, they would be the ones using the guns and tanks and bombers. You just don't get it, do you? I've seen it time and time again. Every tyranny disarms the citizens "for their own good", then proceeds to slaughter the dissidents and wallflowers and rule undisputed.

>pls point to the legal paragraph saying you can take up arms against the US gov

It's not me, it's the founding fathers. Declaration of independence and the second amendment.

>you need to seriously reconsider the very foundations of your nation. Maybe you should build it based on trust in your leaders in stead of paranoia.

Maybe you should consider moving to such a nation if you hate guns so much. China sound ok? Cultural differences, right? Or would you prefer Londonistan? I've heard they're banning knives there now, you should feel right at home. Still not banning trucks tough.



Jesus fucking Christ. First you give them the right to vote and this is where it gets you.



>If modern day 'murica wanted their so-called brand of' "democracy" in China, they would be the ones using the guns and tanks and bombers.

The chinks own America hard and there's nothing you can do about it within any reasonable timeframe, even with Trump. If the US was to attack China they can say goodbye to their modern consumerist lifestyle, landwhales would be dying left and right because America outsourced their production to China and are stuck in a mouse trap unable to get out, with no skills in the field.

>Declaration of independence and the second amendment.

So you're telling me you can - as a US citizen - take up arms against your own armed forces and when they fire back at you and attempt to arrest/kill you, you can refer to this document and they'll let you go?

Get your head out of your ass already pls.

>Le olde move to dictatorship if you don't like democracy argument XDD

Where I live you can already not own guns for self defense and you can't carry knives or brass knuckles in public. Guess what? There are no mass shootings ever, knife fights are very rare and traffic is way safer than America, you can even ride a bike without getting run over.

Sucks to live in a bubble thinking it's worth that weekly mass shooting just so you can maintain the idea that you're free because you think you can organize a rebellion anytime you want.


Here's some statistics for you, the only area where the US isn't leading in gun crime is individual murder cases (not mass shootings) where they're beaten by latin america.


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Yet you conveniently ignore that Switzerland has more than half the amount of Usa's guns, and zero times the amount of shootings. It's not a gun problem.

Some would even call it a "black urbanite" problem .

>and you can't carry knives or brass knuckles in public

<there's a magical country but I'm not gonna say it.

And where "do" you live? I'd say it has to be small, homogeneous, and lacking government corruption, and have a strong army for you to be able to say that. The US didn't get the way it is today because of guns. But if it weren't for them, the Us wouldn't even exist. Apples and oranges.



Most of mainland Europe is pretty much the same in not allowing guns for self defense, idk about knives but knife attacks are not common. The gun ownership being high in Finland, Switzerland etc amounts to hunters and sports shooting and all guns require a licence. Theoretically you can own whatever, it's up to the authorities to grant the licence for the kind of weapon you request based on individual cases.

Britbongistan on the other hand has an unnatural amount of stabbing attacks recently which is part of a gang related local version of the "knock out game", the difference being they called it the "stab game."

They don't have guns so they use knives, again it's a problem of weapon availability.



Truck attacks are in reality very rare, there's been like 3 significant attacks ever in all of Europe (France, Germany and maybe Belgium, not sure about the last one), it's been overhyped by the media to cause islamophobia for political reasons.

Sweden recently got attention for a wave of hand grenade attacks. This stems from easy access and low prices. Smuggling them from the balkans may not even be a crime since grenades don't count as weapons but as military equipment and those can be legally owned in Sweden.

People use what they can get, so if you want to limit the violence, limit the weapons.



>if not for guns the USA wouldn't exist

guns truly are evil



>replacing that government

>with unarmed citizens


>using the political process built into the system?

>implying Trump was a win for freedom and he isn't just a kike-puppet too

Voting kikey puppets in clearly isn't working. America is politically trapped in terms of advancement; the last people who ever try to make a true difference using diplomacy get assassinated, remember?


>Maybe you should build it based on trust in your leaders in stead of paranoia

I agree with the kike here, the American political system is poor in quality and destined to fail. National Socialism has been the best created so far.


>And where "do" you live?

Clearly, the kike lives in Israel. If it weren't Israel, he would only be pointing out the negatives in order to weaken the gentile nations.



A real Varg tard right here, folks


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see pic related


You all have magic powers and that's why you are on four chan gossiping about somebody who lived a life . You all have no self esteem and had to resort to this nonsense to feel like you have a place in the world when the truth is you are just defective people. just like yout have a chance at being born blind or whatever, you can be born incapable of integrating into a civilization. The only reason these people haven't been removed from the gene pool is because their "families" would be "shocked" (for a day tops) and this would have a chance at temporarily breaking the facade. Retards are literally kept alive because of a decision made on an island ,, because it decreases the chance any of the elite members of society are ever inconvenienced by retarded slave laborer golems by like .00000001%, and this takes 50% less resources than killing all retards would

This is basic math



May I suggest reading "The Gulag Archipelago" by russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?

He talks about how weak the KGB actually was, they had almost no staff and were not armed. When they went to arrest people they used non-violent methods, they came at night to not attract attention and for farmers they wanted to arrest they didn't even bother to search them out, they sent them letters and asked them to register at their office for whatever reason.

If people had resisted at all the soviet union would have collapsed in less than a year, but they didn't.

Dictatorships are based on spreading fear and driving in wedges between groups, people saw their opportunity to report their personal enemies and get them arrested over petty fighting, no one trusted their neighbours and when someone was arrested they felt relieved

>it wasn't me!

All those guns in America will only create an Iraq situation with a hell of infighting and political violence, while the government can entrench themselves in Washington and take out any actual threats (organized efforts against them) with air strikes and artillery.



Interesting guy, I have read the first paganism explained book, it has a lot of thought and I think is a great interpretation. I agree with him on a lot of things, however his lack of spirituality is unfortunate. I wouldn't call him a materialist because he still tries to follow some higher ideals but not for the same reasons that I do.

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