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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: c5bdf31c7a792be⋯.jpg (361.84 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180606-031155….jpg)

File: 798c37c67e7078b⋯.jpg (324.67 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180606-032124….jpg)


I took this picture from a still of a video I shot about mind control after realizing the energy was something divine. Stare at the right eye of the man. See God? Now look at the energy, going into infinity, the patterns on either side. Look at the top left and see the millions of concious beings coming out in a concentric pattern from the ALL in sacred spacing. I know it is just TV pixels, but the pixels create a grid for light which is energy which is God to come through. I think we are looking at something much deeper here. Possibly even the meta0hysical level my mind parses reality, or the matrix. Tell me what you think!!


File: 7cdcf8099a2ffc9⋯.png (334.94 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, in8.png)


Both of those images are very interesting, but the first one moreso.


>Tell me what you think!!

I think it isn't funny and you can take this cringe-level humor back to wherever it came from.



Not a joke. If you were able to see sacred visuals you could tell this is something deeper


OP might have a magnetic eyeball



>sacred visuals

Lmfao get over yourself


File: d38fe50a255f778⋯.png (614.98 KB, 720x721, 720:721, 34050771_2063995837174236_….png)

I think you're confusing your psychedelic hallucinations with "sacred visuals", OP.

The images in the OP resemble those, but it's unlikely there is some kind of veil-tearing thing going on.


sometimes I wish I had schizophrenia, life would be more interesting



Can you please explain that picture? What does it mean?



all this asshole does is roam /x/ and /fringe/ and call people schizophrenic.

it's the new

>take your meds

get banned you son of a bitch



It means that that crazy cat Garfield is about to perpetrate some mischief.



Implying "indirect".

Implying I am being afflicted by "indirect attacks" as if you folks were anything noble.

Perhaps you are confusing this term with "iniquity".

You may be familiar with the phrase "workers of iniquity".



I'm schizophrenic and even I can tell that's just retarded

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