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File: 8bbe42bf5a81e58⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 1588x1136, 397:284, circ.jpg)


Does anyone have an information on the effects on circumcision from a spiritual or esoteric point of view? I've always wondered what horrendous things I've done in a previous life to deserve this. Interested in any info even the crackpot theories. Can I ever attain enlightement, so to speak, after being subjected to mutilation rituals not even a day after birth?


No but there has been research about the psychological effects it has on the mind. There's been scientific studies done on babys and whatnot. Sorry I don't have the info on hand.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah. I can't really help you but you can get a foreskin restoration method of your choosing if you want.



>I've always wondered what horrendous things I've done in a previous life to deserve this.

You've done nothing to deserve this. It's just assholes being assholes. The universe isn't taylor made to give you rewards and punishments on an individual level.

Tough if I had to guess, your collective mistake was getting parasitised by the jews. They choose this path and they can keep it. What you can do is spare your children this trauma.


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>You've done nothing to deserve this. It's just assholes being assholes.

>What you can do is spare your children this trauma.




>implying you're doing your children a favor by not slicing their dicks when they're born

>implying you're not doing them a tremendously evil disservice by making them be born into such an evil world in the first place

all parents are pure evil.



I don't know why but I guess I'll give some extra backround. I believe that any person who is delusional and stupid enough to be born into this world and enjoy it enough to believe it's worth bringing another human being into are retarded. Every day there are people who have horrible lives and then decide to have children so that they can live their dreams through them and give their children a better life than what they had. We've all heard the same bullshit. We've heard it in books and movies. Parents everywhere spout the same bullshit. They all assume their lives were bad, but it never clicks in their minds that the world is simply just plain fucking bad, PERIOD. They knowingly choose to create more life so that it is forced to experience the same things that they did. They know damn well what they are signing their unborn children up with against their permission and will.

>hey this world is fucking crazy and pure evil and everyone will try to manipulate you and put you through hell "for the better good" so here I made you live and there's no legal way out! enjoy hahaha! you're trapped here for 100 years! (but I love you kiddo!)

Parents are hypocrites and if it were somehow technologically possible through some kind of highly advanced technology, I wish that the next generations could automatically teleport into heaving (without being harmed or killed) in a peaceful and non-violent way, and that the parents who tried to have babies should automatically be forced to live an additional 100 years on earth for every baby they try to have, much to their ignorant excitement, but to their eventual realization and disappointment.



I improved my rant again.

I believe that any person who is delusional and stupid enough to be born into this world and enjoy it enough to believe it's worth bringing another human being into it is retarded and evil.

Every day there are people who have horrible lives and then decide to have children so that they can force their children to allow their parents to live their dreams through them. The parents always have the excuse that they want to give their children a better life than what they had. We've all heard the same bullshit. We've heard it in books and in movies. We've heard it from every stupid couple we have ever met. Parents everywhere spout the same bullshit. They all assume their lives were bad, but it never clicks in their minds that the world is simply just plain fucking bad, PERIOD. They knowingly choose to create more life so that it is forced to experience the same things that they did. They know damn well what they are signing their unborn children up with against their permission and will.

>hey this world is fucking crazy and pure evil and my life was HORRIBLE! but I will stilll make you live this! Just so you know, everyone will try to manipulate you and put you through hell "for the better good" so here I made you live and there's no legal way out! enjoy hahaha! you're trapped here for 100 years! (but I love you kiddo!) please make sure to make us happy by giving up your innocence and entire childhood to the slave camp called school and then waste your life working yourself to death in a horrible job you absolutely hate and then make sure to get married to some shitty person who secretly hates you but selfishly enjoys the financial stability they gain from it and then give us grandchildren so that we can dangle out approval infront of your face for another lifetime but also judge you and show you our dissaproval for how you raise your children! MAKE MORE slaves BABIES.

Parents are hypocrites and if it were somehow technologically possible through some kind of highly advanced technology, I wish that the next generations could automatically teleport into heaving (without being harmed or killed) in a peaceful and non-violent way, and that the parents who tried to have babies should automatically be forced to live an additional 100 years on earth for every baby they try to have, much to their temporary ignorant excitement, but to their eventual realization and disappointment for how stupid their choices are.



Personally my life is pretty great and the world is a lot of fun. Same for a lot of people that I know including parents. So even if I buy your logic, which I don't, all parents aren't evil since a lot do enjoy the world and their kids do too.


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>>implying you're not doing them a tremendously evil disservice by making them be born into such an evil world in the first place

Yeah. Yeah. I understand that earth isn't a very friendly place. That's from my perspective and a few other people. Anyway, that's not a topic I want to get into. Just to remind you that this thread is about CIRCUMCISION. You're welcome!


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>Personally my life is pretty great and the world is a lot of fun. Same for a lot of people that I know including parents. So even if I buy your logic, which I don't, all parents aren't evil since a lot do enjoy the world and their kids do too.

See! This poster right here is an example! This poster has a nice life and that's not full of pain and suffering! Congrats my dude!


I have an extremely spiritual penis thank you very much.

It frequently makes my gf scream OH GOD YES


File: cbd6ef08d3ddbed⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 445x355, 89:71, Atheist-sex.jpg)


Cool story bro!



I understand. No disrespect to your thread.



even though I had a huge rant I am happy for those who are happy. good on them even though I hate life.



>I have an extremely spiritual penis thank you very much.

>It frequently makes my gf scream OH GOD YES

I kek'd



>oh scientific method



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I am not the op but that's very kind of you. I just wanted to try and steer things back on topic.


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>I am happy for those who are happy. good on them

Yeah. Lord knows I try.


Circumcision at the 8th day is not about medical care for the children or respecting the abrahamic religion. It is very old knowledge about what we call the 'first puberty', and wiping the foreskin of the baby has huge repercussions on the endocrine system of the child. This operation frees some hormones contained in the internal genital organ, the one which is supposed to balance the whole hormonal system. Thus the pituitary and the thyroid, even the adrenal glands to a lesser extent, will become unhinged. It's why most of jews lack affective emotions (less capable of pathos), are very speculative, and lack a moral sense.



wait, so the foreskin contains something good and removing it is bad, or removing it is good because it releases the good chemicals? I'm not understanding.



Removing it is bad.


File: 5ba9e4ffe738345⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 720x545, 144:109, penis.jpg)


So /pol/ being morally corrupt is because they lack parts of their genitals. Just like the Jews they hate! LOL


Considering it was proposed pseudoscience to prevent masturbating during the Puritan days I'm surprised nofappers aren't fully supportive of it.



It possibly has effects.. But I am very strongly spiritual, have gotten to the point where I see auras and found the man in the box, so it doesn't seem to have hindered me much. I may be wrong but the entire intent of circumcision is probably to instill in you a very nagging and powerful sense of not being whole which is intended to cause you to not find the wholly spirit.


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>The universe isn't taylor made to give you rewards and punishments on an individual level

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The entire developmental course of our universe is based upon abuse.



Please elaborate.

Or, which school of esoterica do you hail from that would give you such a view of the universe? I'm not with or a against you, mind, i'm curious where I can look for my next steps forward if what you say is true.



When you create a universe, you can either make it so everything that happens inside of it builds off of your ideas (like what H. P. Lovecraft did when creating the Cthulhu Mythos), or - the most common form - have it develop via cause and effect. Through abuse, we found that enlightenment was the most efficient way of conscious development, but in the former universe (the one in which ours was created), the creator found that abuse is what they learned as the most efficient way of development, and so the First Creators (God) in our universe abused us so we could develop. The First Creators have since been killed as of 2012 by the first spirit: Arae; it was destined for the first spirit to kill the first creators, and is established as the point where the universe can finally act individually and freely, rather than be on a predetermined path/destiny.

Cause: Abuse.

Effect: Development through suffering.

>which school of esoterica do you hail from that would give you such a view of the universe?

I'm not with any school, I just practice qigong and communicate with ET's and the other side (what some consider 'The All').

>i'm curious where I can look for my next steps forward if what you say is true

I've posted it here a few times before, it's a lot simpler than one would think.

1. Get in a comfortable position.

2. Relax your mind.

3. Take full breaths, filling your diaphragm.

4. Hold your hands up an shape them as if you're carrying something.

5. Explicitly intend in your mind to create a chiball ("I want to create a chiball"), and start moving your hands in whatever way feels natural to grow the chiball.

Keep your head up, and legs spread out for best effect. After doing this for a while, otherside will start working on you (a process that I recognise as metaphysical puberty), you get headaches when you're going through meta puberty, but just ask otherside to stop when you can't bear it anymore. For my friend, it took a month for her to start meta puberty, but for me it took two days. I believe that otherside start working on you when you start doing qigong in a non-dogmatic fashion; doing it for the sake of doing it, rather than expecting something greater to happen. I was just doing it because my friend kept asking me to, then I got the headaches and now here I am.


Better question than all of this self-defeating information: What is one supposed to *do* if they're circumcised?

To my mind, it's pretty much an open and shut question: Trauma in the earliest stages of infancy will have a lasting effect, that's the nature of trauma.

How does one convert their trauma from an obstacle into a boon? Foreskin restoration might restore sensitivity, but it's not going to change years of an altered biochemistry, so unless there's something I'm missing (i.e. an ongoing effect from the glans being stimulated raw all day by clothing), its only impact will be on sexual pleasure. Useful but if one is celibate, not a priority.

So more directly, I raise the following questions:

>How can traumatic experience from circumcision be used to benefit the individual?

>How does one escape the victim mentality it inspires?

>What are some ways to manipulate this early experience?

>Can steps be taken at the scale of a week, a lunar cycle, "a year and a day", or is this more of a lifelong practice?

>What practices have you used that have helped you in your own work? A meditation exercise perhaps?

I don't think this is something the answer can be found through books, circumcision outside of Jewish society is too recent; only through trial and error by those who are interested will a "recovery method" be developed. I will meditate on this myself and should I find something worthwhile, I'll return with it. I do not have the answers, but I am solution-oriented, the problem has been identified already.


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> its only impact will be on sexual pleasure.



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So much of this is relevant to my path up to this point that its eerie.

I've had intuitions of this otherside, but the understanding that I've been working with is that your 'otherside' is my 'highest self' working with me.

I've started dipping my toe into studying hermetic alchemy as a form of self mastery. Maybe you can find some value in that as well.



You're going to have to give me more than a nope and a random picture from your foreskin folder.



>hermetic [hermes]

Your intuition is accurate. The important thing is to understand that the force is the same regardless of what we choose to call it in our own practices. Thoth/Djehuti/Mercury/Hermes/et al. exemplify the same sentient force of knowledge and understanding.


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Do your own research and come to your own conclusions. If something like foreskin restoration doesn't interest you then don't bother with it. There's not much else to say.




If you reread my post you'll see that I advocated for foreskin restoration. My interest primarily is in the psychological trauma induced.

My understanding from the replies I've gotten so far is that there's a belief that my suggestion was somehow meant to imply foreskin isn't useful. My actual inclination was "circumcision causes a form of infantile PTSD and restoration is like giving an amputated veteran a prosthetic, it addresses the physical circumstance without addressing the psychological trauma".

Psychological and physical recovery are both important.


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Allow me to amend this post and my original post in this thread (>>122717).

Foreskin restoration has beneficial aspects that are known to anyone with a basic understanding of the reality of genital mutilation. I don't need persuading on the utility of natural male anatomy.

What I am interested in is answers to questions that have not been answered already a thousand times. I will reiterate these questions now:

>>How can traumatic experience from circumcision be used to benefit the individual?

>>How does one escape the victim mentality it inspires?

>>What are some ways to manipulate this early experience?

>>Can steps be taken at the scale of a week, a lunar cycle, "a year and a day", or is this more of a lifelong practice?

>>What practices have you used that have helped you in your own work? A meditation exercise perhaps?

For the one-track-mind audience, here's what you can focus your attention on:

>What direct, non-sexual benefits will be reaped by practicing foreskin regeneration?



>I've started dipping my toe into studying hermetic alchemy as a form of self mastery

Yeah, I've been quite interested in getting into alchemy, just haven't been given any guidance on where to start at this stage.

Also, I had to change flags because Annunaki gave control to Pleiadians today. They're currently in alliance involving my being and livelihood so they share the control. The Annunaki and Pleiadians haven't really tried it before because it can be dangerous for my understanding and put me in some kind of existential dread where I don't believe I exist anymore, but I think that'll be okay.



>The important thing is to understand that the force is the same regardless of what we choose to call it in our own practices

Yeah, I agree with this. A lot of people fight about what they understand as the metaphysical deities that cannot physically be interacted with, sending people astray on the path of dogma. This is the reason why I just call it 'the other side', or 'otherside', it's just the metaphysical side of the universe that can't (at this stage) be physicaly interacted with.



I think there's an element of correspondence between these higher (and lower) dimensions of self/other(side). I've been working on the assumption that these dimensions interact with eachother without the 'user'– for lack of a better term, maybe 'observer?'– being completely cognizant of it.


I'm starting by learning the Elements and the Qabalah. B.O.T.A, or one of those organizations, does correspondence courses for different esoteric studies including Qabalah, meditation, and other kinds of magick but i'm not really interested in those. I've had some decent progress through self study so i'm going to see how far I can get before i start bumping into information bottlenecks.



Hilde is one of my fav characters, good pic


File: 09a5768b90fba6c⋯.jpg (918.46 KB, 1600x1584, 100:99, panopticon pointsdactu-do….jpg)


A panopticon is the best way to understand it.



/pol/ is one of the few places on the internet that actually IS concerned about morality and opposing evil in this world.

/pol/ opposes the ongoing genocide of White people.

What could be more moral than opposing genocide?


I hope you follow your own advise.

Weaklings and cowards shouldn't procreate anyway.

How about you point your ire towards opposing and exposing ZOG? They cause enormous amounts of suffering.

Besides, why do you think that struggle is bad? A healthy degree of STRUGGLE is an essential part of a worthwhile existence. Too much struggle or suffering is, of course, bad, but a world without struggle would be literally a form of hell.




ALL abrahamic religions, and their cults, are pure poison.



Here, you dropped your flag.



/pol/ is Judaism for non-Jews. Every single /pol/ user is the thing they want to fight against.







>they are all x because i said so!


basically women who follow Zio-protestantism are possessed by Lilith and Eve's failures. too easy to mold, like Eve, and internally evil like Lilith


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