YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I ammmmmm spinnniinnnggg!!! 10/06/14 (Mon) 02:44:44 No. 1227
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >be trying to play a game >my mind is absolutely erratic and going so fucking fast right now from intense meditation and astral magick >trying to do things in the game but I keep seeing everything multiple steps ahead and thinking I've done something when I haven't >try ordering troops >I'm supposed to get one type of troop for a specific reason, but I end up getting a whole bunch of different troops without realizing it >battle some other players for a bit >check back in on my troops >see what I ordered is all fucked >holy shit this is hard to do right now Looks like higher consciousness and playing games doesn't go together very well. >tfw posted this in wrong thread first>tfw I feel like I am the music >tfw I keep loooking at things and feeling it, experiencing them >like I look at person and I feel their body, I feel everything coming from them >if they're jerking off, I feel it
10/06/14 (Mon) 02:50:48 No. 1230
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>1227 I have got up like 3 times from my computer now thinking there's something I need to get and not knowing what it is. Fug.
IO got multiple songs playing overtop of each other right now.
10/06/14 (Mon) 02:51:40 No. 1231
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Soul Resonance and Music =Introduction There are subjective and objective reasons why you might prefer one song over another. Subjective reasons include: • Tradition: because that is what you heard while growing up. Your preference then arises from habit and identification with your family and culture. You derive pleasure from safety, comfort, and familiarity. Folk and country music feature this prominently. • Identity: because the song is a token representation of some subculture you have invested your social identity into, whereby the music is more a fashion accessory or emblem displayed before others. You derive satisfaction from the reactions you get from others. Anything associated with a distinctive look such as rap, punk, goth, country, and metal can serve this function. • Sentiment: because you hear a song during a meaningful or emotional time in your life, and the two become linked together in your mind. The song will then trigger those same emotions when heard again in the future. Like a scent of perfume bringing back fond memories, you derive pleasure from the sentimental effect this brings. Pop songs, especially ballads frequently played on the radio, appeal to this factor. Alone, these factors have little to do with the intrinsic musicality of the song. They merely project subjective values upon what is heard. True music is measured by the degree to which its melody, harmony, rhythm, and texture in and of themselves evoke an objective response in us. For example, a minor chord sounds sad without us ever needing to be conditioned to feel that. Infants can distinguish between harmonious and dissonant chords well before their enculturation. A beat can make us clap or tap our foot without having to be taught to do so, as seen in babies who bend their knees and bounce to the music instinctively. Similarly, an odd pattern of strange sounds can make us tilt our heads in curiosity. Some objective responses stimulate the intellect, some the physical body, and some the emotional and spiritual aspects of our being. So in addition to the aforementioned subjective reasons for musical preference, there are also objective ones: • Intrigue: your intellect is aroused by the originality, quirkiness, or complexity of a song. You find amusement in being stirred from boredom, apathy, or jadedness by its novelty. Experimental electronica, noise, and math rock focus exclusively on this aspect. • Groove: the song’s beat and rhythm stimulate the motor and speech areas of your brain, provoking you to dance. You derive pleasure from the endorphins released through physical movement, from the social approval and camaraderie present when dancing with others, and it simply feels good being physically motivated and energized by the sonic equivalent of a stimulant drug. • Resonance: there is something within a song that stimulates something within you at the emotional, spiritual, archetypal level. It evokes a response according to how much we inwardly resonate with that song’s combination of melody, harmony, rhythm, and texture. Songs typically represent a mixture of all the above. When a song combines several factors, it has greater impact and wider appeal: • A bit of emotional resonance goes a long way toward building associative conditioning, which then amplifies the apparent emotional intensity of the song and leads to a strong sentimental effect. This is the basis of sappy ballads played on radio stations throughout the 70s and 80s. • Groove enhances intellectually fascinating songs by adding some physical energy, making it both interesting and fun, with many examples to be found in electronic music. • Groove combined with tradition makes for a high dance factor, as can be heard in Eastern European folk dances, samba and salsa, Mexican polka, American hoedowns and country line dancing. • Identity, groove, intrigue, and resonation of anger may be found in most forms of nu metal, djent, screamo, grindcore, etc.
10/06/14 (Mon) 02:53:14 No. 1233
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Musical Preferences We know that people differ in the degree to which they respond to a song. Some may not identify with the tradition being represented; some find its intellectual complexity confusing and irritating; some only desire groove and find little appeal in a slow emotional ballad; some do not have within their souls the aspects that a song is aiming to resonate; some never had a meaningful or emotional experience linked with a particular song that, for someone else, has much sentimental value. So when different people respond differently to the same song, understand that in regard to the objective factors, the difference involves only the degree to which that factor is present in that person. A quirky and complex experimental piece might arouse much interest in one person, little interest in another, and strong disinterest in a third. When a song has groove, one person will dance uncontrollably, another will only tap his or her foot, and another with no sense of rhythm will fold his arms in boredom. When a song resonates the emotion of happiness, one person will have tears in her eyes, another will merely feel uplifted, and another might not care for feeling happy at the moment. It’s about varying degrees on the same scale. On the other hand, the subjective factors have no such consistency: • One man hears a song during his first kiss, another just prior to the car accident that killed his wife. The same song by association will evoke a smile in the first and sadness in the latter. • The same rap song brings a sense of belonging and identity to one person and a sense of hatred or contempt against black culture in another. • Negative association can be so strong that it overrides the intrinsic resonance value of a song. One person likes metal because it resonates his inner sense of valor and strength, another hates it solely because her abusive ex-boyfriend was in a metal band. Strong antipathy against certain music is usually due to a combination of lack of resonance, negative conditioned associations, clash against one’s tradition or subcultural affiliation, and dislike of the bodily responses induced by a song’s texture and rhythm (such as strong dance beats coming off as licentious to the prudish, or distorted guitars grating the ears of those who prefer comfort and gentleness). So the question arises, what does musical preference say about a person? Here are some possibilities: • If you like a song solely because of tradition, identification, or sentimentalism then that simply indicates the nature of the experiences and social influences you have been imprinted with. It says very little about your inner being. How can it, if resonance to a song’s intrinsic musicality played no part in your always listening to it or singing it? • If you like a song solely for its intellectual intrigue, then that merely indicates you haven’t really heard something like it before. It is something new, surprising, and thus amusing. If the song is complex and abstract, maybe it says you have an active intellect that enjoys abstract sensory stimulation. But it says nothing about your soul. • If you like songs solely for their groove, then you’re probably a kinesthetic person with good hand-eye coordination and a healthy motor-speech system in the brain. It speaks more to your physiological and neurological composition than anything. These factors don’t provide much insight into your inner emotional, spiritual, archetypal composition. For that, we must look at the resonance factor, whereby something in music resonates something in you. In other words, pure communication from song to soul.
10/06/14 (Mon) 02:54:28 No. 1234
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Soul Resonance Our internal compositions differ; we don’t all have the same emotional resonance spectrum. A song can only resonate what is there to be resonated, and if a portion of one’s inner spectrum is absent, then the corresponding qualities of the song will not be noticed, let alone felt. Like two people with different types of color blindness, it’s possible for one person to see something in a song that the other cannot, and vice versa. This kind of difference is not due to a difference in subjective projection or association, but inner perception of what is objectively there. So what we’re really talking about here is soul resonance characteristics, meaning the unique spectrum of emotions, themes of experience, and pathways to fulfillment that you most deeply respond to and yearn for. These can be glimpsed by asking yourself the following questions: • What are your deepest priorities? • What brings you the greatest fulfillment? • What motivates your existence? • What completes you as a being? The answers may correspond to the music you resonate with most. Esoterically, the answers to these questions also correspond to the “story of your life.” The same soul resonance characteristics that are touched by music are also touched by your inner responses to life events. In fact, it is these resonance characteristics that synchronistically attract such events in the first place through quantum-metaphysical processes. Thus the theme of your life, the nature of your soul, and the musical qualities of the songs you resonate with all share correspondence.
10/06/14 (Mon) 02:58:53 No. 1236
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Musical Texture Music encodes the soul’s responses to certain themes of experience, or realms. But how does it do so? Let’s examine the components of music, starting with texture.
Texture conveys information about the setting, atmosphere, and origin of a sound. Consider the sound of a wine glass being struck by a fork versus the beep of a fire alarm at the same pitch. The same musical note can evoke different settings, atmospheres, and origins via different textures. Texture cues the brain into invoking sensory data linked by association to that texture.
This association happens in several ways:
• Conditioning: If the ding of a wine glass was previously associated with good times at a banquet, that texture might invoke a sense of celebration, elegance, and happiness. But it could just as well invoke terror if the association were built through a traumatic experience.
• Instinct: Nails on a chalkboard invokes a visceral reaction at a deep physiological level. The loud roar of a lion, the gruff yell of an angry man, or the sharp hiss of a snake are understood at an instinctual level to signify danger, and hence babies will cry at these sounds without having previously experienced harm from them. There is something evolutionarily coded into our biology, or even into our collective unconscious, that makes us respond to certain textures in certain ways. It’s the sonic equivalent to fear of snakes and spiders in people who have never been hurt by one.
• Resemblance: When one sound’s texture resembles that of another, the traits of the latter are associated with the first. For example, the texture of a distorted guitar is similar to that of sizzling oil, rushing waters, or the roar of a crowd, thus it evokes impressions of energy and power. The bassoon’s texture is similar to the voice of someone with a stuffy nose, hence the bassoon evokes nose-oriented imagery such as a bumbling gnome with a large nose.
What constitutes texture exactly? It has to do with the unique fingerprint of harmonic overtones that ride atop the fundamental frequency of a tone and how these evolve or decay over time. Some digital synthesizers use this principle to combine multiple frequencies (fundamentals and harmonics) to create a unique texture emulating that of a flute, piano, guitar, trumpet, and so on.
Two sounds that share the same pitch have the same fundamental frequency, but their harmonic fingerprints differ. A wine glass or tuning fork have a pure fundamental with few overtones, while a distorted guitar will have many overtones and thus sound thicker or richer at the same pitch.
Example 1: The same pitch with different textures. Sine wave, square wave, synthetic trumpet, synthesizer, nylon string guitar, electric guitar, flute, flute with reverb, violin, piano with reverb, piano with reverb, chorus, and delay. (go to the article to listen to this)
10/06/14 (Mon) 02:59:53 No. 1237
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>1236 Texture is further conveyed by sound’s reverberation. Reverb’ is similar to echo. A sound played in a large stone cathedral will have a long, rich, dense reverb versus the same sound played in an elevator. Reverb is produced by a change in the sound’s harmonic overtone structure as it interacts with the environment. Stone, metal, wood, plastic, leather, and cloth all absorb and reflect sound differently, subtracting certain overtones from a sound before reflecting it back. The distance and angle of these surfaces further modifies the amplitude and timing of the individual overtones being reflected. Thus the reflections are altered in a unique way according to type of space the sound is played in. This cues the brain into imagining the nature of that space, and hence the setting and atmosphere. So reverb is another aspect of texture, one that paints a picture of the space in which the tone is sounded.
So when you hear a warbling piano with lots of reverb, you might think of an old piano playing in a large dilapidated building which, by the associations built up via all the horror movies we’ve seen, gives an impression of creepiness, ghosts, haunted houses and such.
Texture isn’t really a fundamental musical element, it merely accessorizes a song by providing informational cues about how it should be interpreted. Music is not even a requirement, as texture alone can turn a momentary tone into vivid imagery via association. Therefore texture by itself is not capable of directly resonating the soul; at best it might induce an objective visceral reaction in the body, e.g. nails on a chalkboard. Most of the time, though, texture is an associative device, a sign that points.
However, the soul can resonate with the theme of experience represented by a particular setting and atmosphere, which themselves may be associatively evoked by sound’s texture. So if your soul resonates with themes of monastic spiritual living, then the texture of a choirboy singing a note in a space that sounds like a cathedral may appeal to you. The resonance you feel is not with the musical structure of that sung note, but the context that its texture represents.
If we wish to discover what within music produces direct resonance in the soul, we have to turn off the texture to prevent associative cueing from acting as a substitute. If a song can draw out the same feelings even when performed solely by something as elementary as sine waves, then it must contain something intrinsic to its musical structure that stirs corresponding points of resonance in the soul.
10/07/14 (Tue) 07:55:20 No. 1579
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Jaymes Young - Northern Lights This gives me wizard feels.
10/07/14 (Tue) 07:56:00 No. 1580
>>1579 "I want to know what it's like, to walk away from this life, I want to touch the northern lights, we could leave the world behind, I want to know what it's like, to walk away from this life…"
Them AP Feels.
10/07/14 (Tue) 09:50:35 No. 1592
File: 1412675435640.jpg (49.39 KB, 600x399, 200:133, african american individua….jpg )
>>1579 Thanks for getting me back into AP, anon
10/10/14 (Fri) 12:49:42 No. 2399
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10/11/14 (Sat) 04:19:49 No. 2572
LES FLEURS DU MAL 10/11/14 (Sat) 12:33:43 No. 2681
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10/11/14 (Sat) 15:38:32 No. 2723
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10/12/14 (Sun) 13:22:00 No. 2987
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Same team that did the Akira OST
10/12/14 (Sun) 13:23:44 No. 2989
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
10/14/14 (Tue) 02:40:15 No. 3909
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Anyone listen to Tool?
10/14/14 (Tue) 02:48:49 No. 3912
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Make magic, not war.
10/14/14 (Tue) 03:02:10 No. 3917
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3909 YES IT'S ALL I'VE LISTENED TO THE PAST FEW WEEKS
This song tells how everything was made as far as I'm concerned
10/15/14 (Wed) 10:33:12 No. 4313
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Every day must lose to night.
10/15/14 (Wed) 11:06:03 No. 4329
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I'm the green man.
10/15/14 (Wed) 11:11:10 No. 4334
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Magic runes were scratched into this tree.
10/15/14 (Wed) 11:43:13 No. 4348
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The Ancient Ones
10/15/14 (Wed) 12:09:59 No. 4360
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Unbridled Esoteric Power
10/16/14 (Thu) 22:06:44 No. 4901
10/17/14 (Fri) 18:51:10 No. 5092
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >TRIARII - ARS MILITARIA (FULL ALBUM) (2005)
10/17/14 (Fri) 18:52:20 No. 5093
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >Triarii - Fatalist
10/19/14 (Sun) 16:57:56 No. 5514 Don't know if you guys are into Ambient, but I like to meditate to this.
10/19/14 (Sun) 17:48:16 No. 5540
wtf happened to tex?
10/23/14 (Thu) 19:38:12 No. 6193
10/28/14 (Tue) 04:55:04 No. 6788
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
10/28/14 (Tue) 09:35:51 No. 6811 Zuper & Tsuruda - Warped
lush swings of ethereal silk
vibin & dopeness
10/28/14 (Tue) 09:54:45 No. 6814
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
10/28/14 (Tue) 10:01:52 No. 6815
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Lorn - Acid Rain qlippothic and nebulous space odyssey
10/28/14 (Tue) 10:11:12 No. 6816
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10/28/14 (Tue) 10:26:28 No. 6819
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. numerologically insignificant waves draped over your membrane, unceremoniously remind you of a lover
10/28/14 (Tue) 10:53:43 No. 6820
Embedding error.
10/28/14 (Tue) 21:31:35 No. 6886
10/29/14 (Wed) 01:08:36 No. 6904
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Shpongle - Invocation
10/31/14 (Fri) 00:00:56 No. 7321
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Just some athmospheric funeral doom metal
11/04/14 (Tue) 06:19:42 No. 8186
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11/04/14 (Tue) 12:58:27 No. 8203
Embedding error.
11/04/14 (Tue) 13:14:11 No. 8206
Embedding error.
11/04/14 (Tue) 13:27:18 No. 8208
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. ROB DOUGAN - BORN YESTERDAY(INSTRUMENTAL)
11/04/14 (Tue) 13:40:56 No. 8212
Embedding error.
11/04/14 (Tue) 14:13:58 No. 8217
Embedding error.
11/06/14 (Thu) 10:37:03 No. 8515
11/08/14 (Sat) 09:25:44 No. 8704
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. ROB DOUGAN-I'M NOT DRIVING ANYMORE(INSTRUMENTAL)
Odin ## Board Volunteer 11/08/14 (Sat) 17:29:04 No. 8720
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Dvation - Nuclear Dawn Latex sold separately.
Odin ## Board Volunteer 11/08/14 (Sat) 17:31:45 No. 8721
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hellacaust - Millenial Regression
Odin ## Board Volunteer 11/08/14 (Sat) 17:33:14 No. 8722
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Vital Remains - Into Cold Darkness
Odin ## Board Volunteer 11/08/14 (Sat) 17:35:12 No. 8723
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Fear Factory - Self Bias Resistor
Odin ## Board Volunteer 11/08/14 (Sat) 17:36:33 No. 8724
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Astral Rising - Sculpture Old school death metal
Odin ## Board Volunteer 11/08/14 (Sat) 17:43:42 No. 8726
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Christ Agony - Darkside Full Album
11/09/14 (Sun) 16:54:04 No. 8904
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11/11/14 (Tue) 01:59:38 No. 9248
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11/11/14 (Tue) 02:19:46 No. 9259
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11/22/14 (Sat) 17:11:30 No. 10626
11/23/14 (Sun) 07:01:04 No. 10668
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Astral (projection) Weeks
11/26/14 (Wed) 06:57:47 No. 10951
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 'Imagination, life is your creation'
11/28/14 (Fri) 14:18:12 No. 11248
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 【Trap】 Aero Chord ft. Anna Yvette - Break Them But this does not mean that we are offering you a mass of irrational statements, and insisting that you take them on faith. Far from this is our intent. For while the reason alone can never hope to pierce the veil separating the two sides of Life‑Death, nevertheless the reason, if allowed to follow its own reports divested of prejudice and blind adherence to teaching, will perceive a certain reasonableness in a true statement of the facts of the unknown—it will seem that the teachings square with other accepted facts, and that they explain in a reasonable way phenomena otherwise unexplainable. In short, the reason will seem that the teachings of truth reconcile apparently opposing sets of facts, and join together many obscure bits of truth which one finds accepted by his reason, but which, heretofore, he has not been able to place together and join in a connected structure of mental concept.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/29/14 (Sat) 17:31:38 No. 11409
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>11248 So you say you dislike all music, yet you go full weeaboo here.
You were a covert weeaboo all along, I knew it.
11/30/14 (Sun) 00:01:45 No. 11433
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Listen to Montalk while reading Montalk!
11/30/14 (Sun) 02:58:58 No. 11448
>>11433 I discovered his music about a week ago. His album is really good, and I don't even like metal. How can one man be so based?
11/30/14 (Sun) 04:42:29 No. 11457
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. great album
11/30/14 (Sun) 04:57:20 No. 11458
Embedding error.
12/07/14 (Sun) 22:16:39 No. 12241
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12/07/14 (Sun) 22:20:05 No. 12245
Embedding error.
12/07/14 (Sun) 22:24:01 No. 12246
Embedding error.
12/08/14 (Mon) 04:52:28 No. 12277
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. dumpin LIL UGLY MANE - EXCERPT FROM SIDE TWO OF THREE SIDED TAPE VOLUME ONE
12/08/14 (Mon) 04:53:48 No. 12278
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
12/08/14 (Mon) 04:55:42 No. 12279
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Flying Lotus - Zodiac Shit
12/08/14 (Mon) 04:57:05 No. 12280
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Goat - Hide from the Sun
12/08/14 (Mon) 04:58:21 No. 12281
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Flying Lotus - Never Catch Me
12/08/14 (Mon) 05:01:43 No. 12283
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. DNTEL - Anywhere Anyone (Pearson Sound Beatless Reduction) Helped me lucid dream when i fell asleep to this.
12/08/14 (Mon) 05:02:25 No. 12285
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Melody's Echo Chamber
12/08/14 (Mon) 05:11:30 No. 12286
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Sun Glitters - Drenched
12/08/14 (Mon) 05:13:11 No. 12287
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Dntel - Soft Alarm
12/08/14 (Mon) 05:16:18 No. 12289
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Mac DeMarco - Chamber Of Reflection muh freemasonry
12/08/14 (Mon) 10:24:42 No. 12297
I highly recommend wolves in the throne room, especially the celestial lineage album. I've never heard such beautiful black metal in my life.
12/09/14 (Tue) 05:31:58 No. 12394
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12/09/14 (Tue) 05:37:17 No. 12396
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12/09/14 (Tue) 13:29:32 No. 12436
>>12297 >beautiful >black metal
12/09/14 (Tue) 15:06:07 No. 12444
>>12394 Gr8 song, i'll see if i can dig something /fringe/ up from my 1500 song playlist of different artists..
Personally i don't think Metal to be /fringe/ but whatevs..
I'd like to say stuff like schpongle is /fringe/, but schpongle is in a class of its own and the thread would quickly stale..
12/09/14 (Tue) 16:52:05 No. 12451
>>12297 WITTR is the antithesis of black metal. They don't sound bad but they are poseurs who took the aesthetic without understanding the spirit for their own selfish politically correct ends.
If you like the aesthetic but want sincerity try Summoning, Burzum (Filosofem but any early album really), Darkthrone (especially A Blaze In The Northern Sky and Soulside Journey - don't bother with the later shit) and Dawn. Dawn is especially good if you like huge melodies. I don't really listen to it as a genre and find the motive of most metal is rooted in the physical and can be shallow at times but these are by far the best albums in that respect and are pretty fringe IMHO.
12/13/14 (Sat) 01:27:38 No. 12847
>>12451 John Coltrane- A Love Supreme
There is something deeply spiritual about this album.
12/13/14 (Sat) 03:53:48 No. 12853
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12/14/14 (Sun) 23:36:02 No. 13022
>>1222 This first song in the thread. INJECT THE GREENPILLS INTO ME!!
AVERSE SEFIRA - trv greenpill black metal 12/15/14 (Mon) 00:11:59 No. 13028
Embedding error. "Viral Kinesis"
Anoint. Alight. Align.
The Mind says, "I am not of the Body.
When the Body ceases, I will be set free.
I direct the Shell to move."
The Soul says, "I am not of the Body.
When Death comes, I shall reunite with the Void.
I am the Engine of the Vessel."
The Spirit says, "I am not of the Body.
If I die, there is no longer reason to Exist.
I am the fuel that fills the Form and gives it Power"
The Body says, "It is only through Me that you are realized.
I am that which makes you known. Without Me, you have no Home"
The Fire says, 'I am your Master. I govern you all as Passions.
The Body melts at my touch. The Spirit burns at ignition.
The Soul ashes at recession. The Mind an inferno at my stoking.'
DEMILICH - Transdimensional Fractal Music 12/15/14 (Mon) 00:26:44 No. 13031
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. "When The Sun Drank the Weight of Water" War of elements Water against the Sun The Sun leading a battle of the war that will never be done Sucking the weight of water Bringing its weakness back Now possessing an important weapon The weight that all molecules lack The water gets up to the sky People flying as wind goes by The seeds of their hate never die Everything's too late The earth will be gone All because of the rage of the Sun
12/15/14 (Mon) 06:37:41 No. 13075
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12/15/14 (Mon) 08:13:31 No. 13082
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12/15/14 (Mon) 08:33:53 No. 13085
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12/15/14 (Mon) 08:35:37 No. 13087
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12/15/14 (Mon) 08:36:20 No. 13088
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12/15/14 (Mon) 22:47:19 No. 13164
>>13085 Illuminati here, stop hatin', we're just agents of karma, we're maintaining this reality, to shape you into something coherent out of chaos, can't have the light without the darkness, or the power without the pyramid, only by virtue will you rise and by your vices you will stagnate, make haste if you aren't content with your station in life, it's not crowded at the top, but that's because we're immersed in the fabric of reality, like a solute in water, we don't take up any space, and you don't have to either.
12/19/14 (Fri) 08:45:39 No. 13619
☻ 12/20/14 (Sat) 11:28:17 No. 13962
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Trance - Can't Sleep (Daniel Kandi Remix) {HD} Me every night.
12/21/14 (Sun) 16:13:39 No. 14232
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
12/21/14 (Sun) 22:45:50 No. 14275
12/22/14 (Mon) 22:38:32 No. 14425
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. most greenpilled negroes ever Intro: Riley Martin, author of 'The Coming of Tan', speech sample] "Perhaps you will believe the million feet of film that's been taken above… Uh… Mexico City, and various other places If you think that you are alone in this universe Or that you are the guardians of this universe, then you are rudely mistaken" [El Eloh from Lost Children of Babylon] Took a physical odyssey to the fathers of Shabazz With the shamans of the Cherokees Arrived in Nevada, 10 miles away from NASA Met the farmer, in which he revealed to me the Ohioan crop circles that linked all the star constellations To 19th galaxy…( HA HA….. MAN FROM PLANET RIZQ MALACHI Z YORK CHECK !!!U MO FO'S IN YOUR FACE!!!) The metaphysists that quote the Roswell New Mexican deserts of death valley Will he be, extraterrestrial biological entity Discovering extraordinary memories Glided across Glassland Suddenly seeing illuminations from the seven heavens circle of sand Of Area 51 and 57, separate the schoolkid and reveal the reptilian I seen the CIA transform into the species of Greys The Sabbath seven adding up to seven levels of the Majestic 12 Neoclassic traveller I Travel the Twilight Zone with Einstein and Nikola Tesla Walk through the wilderness of Ibilis As the flying disc, of Ezekiel The pope stands upon the podium Becomes a Zeta Reticulian Behold the arrival of the Elohim …" [IKon the Verbal Hologram] …Beware the prophecies of the Tarots! Alien Spacecraft flying away like Sparrows! Study the lost prophetic books of the bible That recites Fallen body energies: spiritual survival Flying discs seen in Ezekiel 1:3 Granted Kingu a tablet of destinies Seviates spoke the word of the Bavarian illuminati I bring forth harmonics of Hiroshima and Nagasaki! Annunaki planted the seed where I dwell Either vortex turbines pulling me to hell Awareness upon my savannah as omni dimensional Grey species has a common memory complex of the social Liquid crystal colloidal membranes responding To the spectrum of the universal intelligence matrix… The basis is that extraterrestrials created Christ And have a device that recorded all of Earth's history And can display it in the form of a hologram precise; Construction of synthetic humanoids is among us You have entered the Land Of Nod now, face the deafening thunders And the spiritual wonders Because the harvest now is coming Beware the world-wide ancient tunnel system The government is running Hectic! Verbal slaughter of the Judeo-Christian Ethic! [El Eloh] The world has turned on its last spin The coming of Tan- That is when ya learn! (x2) [El Eloh] Fled with the 5, led through a European wooded ravine And seen Stonehenge connect and bring upon the Annunaki The Highest kabbalah mystic chants by Elohim And looks to the sky for prophecy Was abducted in Nebraska Then taken back to the laboratory, experiment performed before me Non earthly alien autopsy! Psycho social biological and electro- -Magnetic manipulation of human consciousness The Vulcan walks about the abyss! [IKon the Verbal Hologram] The Verbal Hologram: Wordle killer like Shark eyes Speak Babylonian and Hebrew genesis like the Star Gods Blessed by Biaviians like the French theologians Anti-Christ is coming in the form of a powerful Roman! Development of Aids was funded in 1969 for the seven And injected into 100 million Africans in '77 Cuneiform inscriptions in Western Asia of the Nabu Dwell in hell, celestial bodies : twelve like Kathabu But I can rob you of your spirit soul like Xenu Elders imprisoned, negative Para-physical beings we knew Function outside the time-track like Ississani I chose to be enclosed and I fold too, like Origami Comprehend the theory of reflection like Paromatma In the epic Sanskrit history of the world like Mahabharata Praise to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada [Hook] [Riley Martin] If you stood above the stratosphere And downloaded 7 gigawatts of negative ions Into the turbines Would this not disrupt the electromagnetic flow?
12/24/14 (Wed) 21:57:55 No. 14716
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
12/25/14 (Thu) 16:47:30 No. 14892
12/25/14 (Thu) 20:24:52 No. 14937
12/30/14 (Tue) 23:57:04 No. 15673
Embedding error.
ambient goa is always welcomed
12/31/14 (Wed) 01:12:17 No. 15705
this gives me the alien contact feels
Kodomo - Decoder
01/10/15 (Sat) 09:59:55 No. 17157
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
01/13/15 (Tue) 21:56:39 No. 17740
01/22/15 (Thu) 03:18:24 No. 19071
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
01/22/15 (Thu) 03:27:16 No. 19072
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
01/22/15 (Thu) 05:08:27 No. 19079
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Ace of Base - The Sign
01/22/15 (Thu) 14:08:55 No. 19116
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
01/24/15 (Sat) 22:43:13 No. 19512
File: 1422139393807.png (37.79 KB, 628x298, 314:149, Screenshot from 2015-01-24….png )
60Min Euphoric Hardstyle Mix 2013! (320kbs)
01/25/15 (Sun) 03:50:44 No. 19545
01/25/15 (Sun) 03:57:43 No. 19550
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
01/29/15 (Thu) 19:45:06 No. 20075
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. What do you all think of Payday Monsanto
01/29/15 (Thu) 20:46:19 No. 20081
>>20075 He's a total bro, I gave him $50 a while back to help fund a flight. Considering using him as a producer (he put info up on his site about producing for shekels) if I ever get into hip hop properly.
One of my favourite hip hop artists even without his red pills lyrics, his sound and flow is great.
Here's some unreleased tracks he sent me for the money I gave him.!uh4GCIjA!2R-NBxjxuS8g2VAIcq3EIA
02/12/15 (Thu) 00:58:09 No. 21916
02/12/15 (Thu) 04:07:45 No. 21953
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Lord Wind - Ales Stenar If you like this the whole album is great.
02/15/15 (Sun) 22:31:13 No. 22606
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
02/16/15 (Mon) 03:54:41 No. 22637
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
02/16/15 (Mon) 04:19:02 No. 22639
>>22637 Getting "not available" for this one.
02/17/15 (Tue) 21:28:22 No. 22818
>>10951 Did you seriously put AQUA barbie girl?
02/18/15 (Wed) 21:41:23 No. 22967
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Do you know of a /fringe/ song from a non /fringe/ band? I played something I haven't listened to in years and I listened to the lyrics It can be seen as a song about Ascension, True Self, and Will The name of the band also adds to it for this song White Wizzard - Over the Top On the horizon In the killing fields You have to fight to carry on Look to the starlight See your destiny Never giving up the will to be You're gonna make it You've got the fire Flames of your destiny burning with desire You've got the dreams You're burning higher On wings of steel you soar to heights that will inspire Over the top The magic in us all that will survive The fuel that drives to keep the dream alive Over the top Over Out in the cold night And on the darkest day You have to fight against the grain Look deep inside you Find out what is real Honesty and truth will be revealed You're gonna make it You've got the fire Flames of your destiny burning with desire You've got the dreams You're burning higher On wings of steel you soar to heights that will inspire Over the top The magic in us all that will survive The fuel that drives to keep the dream alive Over the top Over Oooohhhhh!!! On the horizon Out in the killing fields You have to fight to carry on Look to the starlight See your destiny Never give up the will to be You're gonna make it You've got the fire Flames of your destiny burning with desire You've got the dreams You're burning higher On wings of steel you soar to heights that will inspire Over the top The magic in us all that will survive The fuel that drives to keep the dream alive Over the top Over the top
02/18/15 (Wed) 23:42:16 No. 22977
Thoughts on bineural beats, /fringe/?
02/18/15 (Wed) 23:59:49 No. 22981
>>22977 It's a bunch of bullshit. Don't waste your time.
02/19/15 (Thu) 00:55:31 No. 22990
>>22977 I spent many hours trying to make them work for me with 0 success. My theory is that it either only works on people at a very low level of consciousness or power of suggestion alone is doing the work. They are only useful to me as whitenoise at best.
03/05/15 (Thu) 23:20:27 No. 25548
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Can't seem to find the shitposting thread for this so I'll just put it here.
03/05/15 (Thu) 23:36:46 No. 25550
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Sébastien Tellier - Le château Pupkin Barely any views on this.
03/06/15 (Fri) 05:22:10 No. 25633
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 05:29:18 No. 25635
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 05:35:30 No. 25639
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 05:58:12 No. 25641
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 05:59:34 No. 25642 This guy travels to the astral and brings back regions and entities in the form of balmy beats
03/06/15 (Fri) 06:50:18 No. 25647
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. AUTISM REPRESENT
03/06/15 (Fri) 07:11:37 No. 25650
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 13:57:45 No. 25696
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:00:15 No. 25697
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Another one
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:02:53 No. 25698
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. A doom paul classic
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:06:40 No. 25700
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Tenggar Cavalry, Egofall and Nine Treasures and a few other Chinese/Mongolian Folk bands make heavy use of Tuvan throat singing.
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:12:05 No. 25702
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:14:58 No. 25705
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Ufomammut has a good continuous psychedelic vibe to their metal
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:18:42 No. 25706
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. A good heart chakra/compassion stimulation track
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:23:23 No. 25707
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Another heart chant
03/06/15 (Fri) 18:19:02 No. 25728
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >go through thread >don't see Om anywhere >what?
Any other in shape wizards? 03/06/15 (Fri) 22:21:20 No. 25788
Post your gains if so. Or attempt to argue why you think a good diet is all that is necessary. I want to gauge how many people here aren't deluded by the notion that being physically fit and exercising regularly isn't vital to magick use and loosh storing.
03/07/15 (Sat) 01:15:23 No. 25834
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Electric Wizard seems fitting
03/07/15 (Sat) 03:02:47 No. 25846
>>25788 thank you hungry skeleton
03/09/15 (Mon) 01:18:15 No. 26221
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The Social Network is a dark ambient soundtrack by TRENT REZNOR and Atticus Ross.
03/11/15 (Wed) 15:40:02 No. 26637
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. To be honest the only /fringe/ worthy music would be ambient and the like. It seems wierd to me that some of the music here is generally similar to your everyday average music listener, not really suited for wizards. Some of it is pretty neat, but nothing beats this; it has that dreamy, otherwordly feel.
03/11/15 (Wed) 15:51:35 No. 26639
>>26637 I can only listen to noise and ambient without having thoughtforms attaching to my mind. Oh, and I can compose music and listen to that.
I might renounce music.
03/11/15 (Wed) 16:14:24 No. 26643
>>26639 Music seriously is the #1 thing that continuously fucks over my peace of mind and disrupts the mental silence. I get extremely tough to remove thoughtforms from music.
I find only goa trance (with no lyrics), ambient, noise, and hardstyle (only the old stuff though, the new really lame hardstyle doesn't work) doesn't stick in my mind.
03/11/15 (Wed) 16:42:03 No. 26648
>>26643 I have got into meditation again and I was going well until I began to listen to some music. I need to defuse these thoughtbabes, I got trance-work to do. . .
I don't think the amount of the listeners alone causes thoughtforms to form and stick in my mind, I think it depends more on the emotions the song has induced. (I've listened to songs with listeners under 1000, and they seem to stick, not as bad as ones with zillions of listeners, though).
03/11/15 (Wed) 16:58:49 No. 26650
>>26648 Read a chapter out of an Atkinson book to make them fuck off then proceed with meditation. That's my current strategy.
03/11/15 (Wed) 17:17:46 No. 26653
>>26650 What, you mean they go away by reading Atkinson?
Well, I need to try it out instead of asking. . . I have time for one book before I go practice my night sequence.
03/11/15 (Wed) 17:25:15 No. 26654
>>26653 Just read a chapter and then see if you can thoughtform from 0 to 60 without some annoying fucking song popping in.
03/11/15 (Wed) 18:03:09 No. 26656
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>26648 Did you say trance? I'm pretty sure that's what you need brother.
03/12/15 (Thu) 16:26:55 No. 26822
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>1222 Embed: Backworld - Magick is Love (the most relevant song I have found, should be the /fringe/ theme)
Backworld- Holy Fire Contemplations on a void like gap between the sacred and profane, which is weak, elastic and shall be shattered in due course. Visions and the promise of rapture.
03/12/15 (Thu) 16:36:20 No. 26823
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d3)
>>26822 Embed: Troum- Self-Playing Ocean
TROUM uses a spiral as their logo, expressing the trance-inducing potential of the music and the wish to reach inner, deeper spheres of the mind with it. Music as a door to unknown & alien dimensions. Music as an expression of the mystery of existence itself.
This song starts off minimal and slow, but really creeps up on you, especially if you are preoccupied with something else at the time. Shit really starts to get real when the repetitive drums kick in around 20 mins.
It is a useful track for charging Sigils, or consorting with water or air related entities. Visualize an expanse similar to that in the videos photo, then allow what you want to drift out of it into the foreground.
If sigil charging, visualize the sigil over it, spin it around a few times if you like so its not a dead symbol, then let it drop into the expanse of water.
Like how the ancient Celts and Germanic used to dispose of weapons or wealth to appease gods/spirits.
If you have a window in your time, give it a shot and report back.
03/12/15 (Thu) 16:59:24 No. 26825
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>26823 Embed: Sir Richard Bishop - Live in Italy Tarcento Villa Moretti 10 05 2014
Sir Richard Bishop is a guitarist influenced by the primitivists (like John Fahey), Gypsy music, Indian ragas and music from the near east.
His work has an airy, dynamic quality, like the wafts of smoke from a Brahmins sacral fire, the heady ash of a charnel ground or a freshly lit incense stick on a Shinto shrine.
His grandfather was a high degree Freemason, his father a Freemason as well. In the past he has made his living buying and selling obscure occult books from around the world. He has professed an interest and study of Hermeticism which informs his music.
Sir Richard Bishop- Mahavidya
Mahavidya are the ten wisdom Goddesses of Tantric Shaktism.
03/12/15 (Thu) 16:59:59 No. 26826
03/12/15 (Thu) 17:37:02 No. 26827
>>26825 Sir Richard Bishop is great
his brother Alan Bishop knows about the Jews
03/13/15 (Fri) 23:41:59 No. 27088
03/14/15 (Sat) 08:23:04 No. 27162
>>27088 >Tends towards What? It's called finity. Is this an earlier name for the track from an earlier tape or something?
03/14/15 (Sat) 17:26:18 No. 27201
D…..damnit.. why ya gotta make me cry like this woman?
03/15/15 (Sun) 01:59:18 No. 27271
Death Grips darker side of /fringe/
03/15/15 (Sun) 15:26:06 No. 27357
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>26825 Prepare yourselves. The post-industrial fool, maniac, mystic- David Tibet and the indie scions of that land of ice and fire collaborate to make something which is greater than the sum of its parts.
Embedded: Current 93 and Icelandic friends-Island David Tibet: Gnostic scribbles and the Hallucinatory Mountains - Tibet is love, Tibet is longing, Tibet is life
03/15/15 (Sun) 15:44:23 No. 27358
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 6, 3, 4 = 13 (3d6)
>>27357 You may want to operate a circle of protection before opening these clips.
This was a dark period for Current 93. Too many drugs, black magick and not enough Gnostic Christ.
Current 93- Nature Unveiled (Embed)
Current 93- Dogs Blood Rising
03/15/15 (Sun) 17:50:46 No. 27372
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Embedded: Boyd Rice - People
Spoken Word, folk. A reminder that you should strive to work towards growth and leave mundane degeneracy behind.
>>27271 >Meme Grips 2patrician4fringe
SAGE! 03/15/15 (Sun) 17:51:22 No. 27373
>>27372 I keep forgetting to post with flag
03/16/15 (Mon) 03:22:13 No. 27454
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>13031 I rate this pick
>No Wildhoney>No Maudlin of the Well part the second Was expecting more like related from /fringe/, the aforementioned two for example are Astral Projection related and Wildhoney in particular is Synesthesia - the album, demands your full attention
03/17/15 (Tue) 01:42:36 No. 27843
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. .
03/17/15 (Tue) 04:06:39 No. 27857
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>27372 >Death Grips >Patrician >leave behind muh degeneracy Confirmed for anti-chaotic neophyte.
Not a lot to be done about that, unfortunately, but one step at a time. Here, have something tasteful. I notice only one person has posted Wardruna in this entire thread. What the fuck?
03/17/15 (Tue) 11:08:09 No. 27893
>>27857 Not everybody likes gay artists.
03/17/15 (Tue) 11:17:14 No. 27894
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>27893 >Not liking Wardruna Fucking disgusting.
03/22/15 (Sun) 00:51:34 No. 28734
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Please enjoy carefully.
03/22/15 (Sun) 02:51:37 No. 28741
03/22/15 (Sun) 05:10:15 No. 28757
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. .
03/22/15 (Sun) 20:29:22 No. 28892
>>4313 >Insomnium My nigga, insomnium is the shit man.
My Morning Jacket - Wordless Chorus (Lyrics) 03/27/15 (Fri) 00:10:50 No. 29533
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Follower of the Blind Sheikh !!OWL.bVzibQ 03/31/15 (Tue) 18:53:08 No. 30455
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 6, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 2, 3 = 35 (9d9)
The noise/found-sound visionary Bryn Jones in his notably anti-ZOG anti-imperialist incarnation MUSLIMGAUZE.
Weaving samples from the near-east evocative and provocative song titles and rhythmic distortions and instruments- an ambiance of hypnotic saffron sandy dreams, insurgent terror and bloody conflict emerges.
>Muslimgauze - Mullah said >Muslimgauze-Every Grain of Palestinian Sand >Muslimgauze-Return of Black September (embedded) >Muslimgauze - Saladin Mercy (Gun Aramaic)
Wappenbund - Kybalion 04/01/15 (Wed) 18:30:48 No. 30658
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/04/15 (Sat) 04:13:10 No. 31143
>>30455 That is a very interesting one anon. Thank you.
Newsman !OdohnQlIAo 04/04/15 (Sat) 23:32:55 No. 31252
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/05/15 (Sun) 02:39:35 No. 31264
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/05/15 (Sun) 04:17:26 No. 31276
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/05/15 (Sun) 11:34:25 No. 31312
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/05/15 (Sun) 19:13:27 No. 31349
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/05/15 (Sun) 19:14:11 No. 31350
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. KWJAZ - once in babylon (excerpt)
04/05/15 (Sun) 19:15:40 No. 31351
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Burqa Boyz - A1 this is what music will sound like in the future
04/06/15 (Mon) 04:32:07 No. 31417
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Vril - Portal 2
04/06/15 (Mon) 04:42:14 No. 31420
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Logos - Alien Shapes (feat. Dusk & Blackdown)
full album:
04/09/15 (Thu) 01:46:00 No. 32028
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Nostalgia
04/09/15 (Thu) 03:00:54 No. 32039
Here you go guys: Most of Kayo Dot's music is pretty /fringe/ imo
Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit- 04/09/15 (Thu) 05:42:51 No. 32053
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/09/15 (Thu) 14:28:46 No. 32098
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/10/15 (Fri) 02:37:47 No. 32171
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/10/15 (Fri) 02:43:03 No. 32173
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/10/15 (Fri) 02:51:06 No. 32174
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/10/15 (Fri) 03:07:46 No. 32180
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/10/15 (Fri) 03:09:27 No. 32181
Anonymous 04/12/15 (Sun) 17:23:21 No. 32604
I'm not sure how fringey it is, but I make music.
04/12/15 (Sun) 19:02:22 No. 32612
>>32604 >not calling yourself j3wbr343r Wasted opportunity, but music is ok.
04/12/15 (Sun) 19:51:08 No. 32615
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/16/15 (Thu) 18:06:57 No. 33250
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/16/15 (Thu) 19:00:45 No. 33254
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/16/15 (Thu) 20:51:03 No. 33265
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/16/15 (Thu) 20:57:01 No. 33266
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/17/15 (Fri) 00:46:41 No. 33291
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. nice album cover
04/17/15 (Fri) 01:02:16 No. 33296
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>27454 >motW Thanks for reminding me to listen to Bath and Leaving Your Body Map again.
Also, is this thread just for music containing fringe elements, or can we post stuff we're listening to at the moment?
The only /fringe/ thing I've listened to that I can think of would be Jeff Wayne's War of The Worlds and Sun Ra. Both are pretty good.
04/17/15 (Fri) 04:44:09 No. 33369
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. hermetic band
SAGE! 04/20/15 (Mon) 18:02:25 No. 33959
do you know a torrent where to get oblivion's OST? I can't find a seeded one.
04/21/15 (Tue) 16:33:20 No. 34128
Damn, this is some good shit
04/21/15 (Tue) 18:13:25 No. 34138
04/21/15 (Tue) 18:40:14 No. 34140
I had tried that already and it doesn't work. Crazy how such a popular artist/game combo doesn't have a decent torrent up.
04/22/15 (Wed) 21:53:39 No. 34303
04/22/15 (Wed) 22:08:43 No. 34305
Woah, thanks. Guess I just searched "OST".
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:53:21 No. 38549
29:52 Between Two Lines is a solid ass-track.
05/14/15 (Thu) 11:25:37 No. 38555
Thanks for the music criticism. Go write them instead. I didn't make it. I just posted it. I am sure they would love the feed back and a new fan! kthnx
05/14/15 (Thu) 11:40:36 No. 38558
Calm down sperg he just made a comment to share with like-minded people. Wasted trips.
05/14/15 (Thu) 12:55:14 No. 38570
See pic. I like the song. I've liked it for years (since 2010!).
06/16/15 (Tue) 06:33:29 No. 44134
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Enjoy, this guy is called Random Rab.
I think you guys will appreciate him.
06/20/15 (Sat) 03:39:46 No. 44476
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. ON THIS HOLLOW EARTH
06/21/15 (Sun) 08:54:35 No. 44556
06/25/15 (Thu) 10:27:07 No. 44938
06/26/15 (Fri) 21:52:39 No. 45069
New Montalk album soon under the name Thiocryptos
Be sure to check out his previous project, if you haven't already, here:
06/27/15 (Sat) 16:32:31 No. 45103
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>27357
>Current 93
>Not Black Ships Ate The Sky
06/28/15 (Sun) 02:25:15 No. 45111
07/02/15 (Thu) 01:16:26 No. 45441
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>45069
As much as I enjoy reading montalk's writings, I can't say the same for his music. Although, I think it's impressive as a solo project.
I think what it really needs is some diversity in song structure and instrumentation. The former isn't terrible, but it's predictable and lessens my interest with each track that goes by. For the latter, I know he doesn't have too many real instruments to use, and virtual ones can only go so far, but trying more pairings of instruments especially in the choruses would've been great. Most of them with electric guitar and bass with Tom's voice floating over top. I really would've liked to hear some more of that acoustic guitar too.
Actually, I think Descent is starting to grow on me a bit now that I go through it again. I kind of find some parts getting close to dangerously cheesy e.g. the vocals on Prevail and the overuse of echoing, but montalk has some talent with a guitar.
Anyway, I'll also add that I'm really not well versed in metal. The only other artists I'm into are Maudlin of the well and Kayo Dot, which aren't strictly metal either. Would anyone have any recommendations for similar bands/sounds? Undine and Underwater Flowers is definitely the best track .
07/03/15 (Fri) 17:42:51 No. 45594
Yeah I don't really listen to metal that much at all either, I just like his stuff because I'm a gigantic Montalk fanboy.
Opal - Indian Summer 07/04/15 (Sat) 04:37:08 No. 45643
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. more like this would be nice
07/08/15 (Wed) 02:00:51 No. 45999
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Eternal Tapestry - Hermetic Secrets
09/01/15 (Tue) 00:12:29 No. 52409
Seconding Coil. They were the realest post-industrial homosexual wizard collective of the modern era. They were serious devotees of Crowley with lots of esoteric themes and references in their work; some was specifically engineered to induce altered states of consciousness.
J.S.S. 09/01/15 (Tue) 09:22:52 No. 52442
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>52409
Love you anon. Coil is the best music has to offer.
09/28/15 (Mon) 13:53:58 No. 55265
Absolutely. I'm looking for more stuff like WITTR, but i don't seem to be finding anything. hints and tips welcome!
>poseurs who took the aesthetic without understanding the spirit
while this might be the case, as you yourself said
>the motive of most metal is rooted in the physical and can be shallow at times
i don't see the problem with taking a good sounding aesthetic, cleansing it from the edginess and those 80s-90s roots, and then filling up the hollow with something ancient.
i admit, i mostly don't understand or care to search for lyrics, it's good enough without.
09/29/15 (Tue) 02:52:10 No. 55308
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The most beautiful work ever composed.
09/29/15 (Tue) 02:54:58 No. 55309
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Float with her through the river and see Charons boat pass by above you.
09/29/15 (Tue) 04:33:06 No. 55315
So instead of sharing legitimate /fringe/ music that dabbles in clear occult references, or music for ritual work you're just sharing arbitrary bands under the excuse that they "move your soul"? fucking kek
And now the curb stomp an already teen faggot-full thread, some people are unrionically posting black metal.
09/29/15 (Tue) 11:24:25 No. 55345
your ignorance doesn't surprise me, and neither does that you can't understand most of the references in stuff. keep reading and contemplating, neophyte. you'll get there one day - i cheer for you.
09/29/15 (Tue) 11:57:07 No. 55352
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>55265
Try Weakling (some say that WitTR ripped them off)
Also try Walknut, Altar of Plagues, Liturgy and bands that identify themselves as 'cascadian black metal' - Alda, Skagos, Ash Borer, Addaura etc.
Some other atmospheric black metal bands like Drudkh may suit you too. Some anon posted Blut aus Nord here so check it out as well.
Lately there were some good bands here, but beside that you are right, people posting electro swinh as 'fringe music' (whatever that may be), kek.
I posted Coil before, but I will do it again. Balance and friends made some of the best occult - inspired music ever.
didi 09/29/15 (Tue) 12:41:50 No. 55365
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. this is worth it, it's 6 mins, i got the full 69 minute one from the store - don't regret it.
11/06/15 (Fri) 20:35:46 No. 59765
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. New Coil mixtape is fire of the Mind
11/07/15 (Sat) 21:40:16 No. 59883
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I'm having a real hard time separating True good from true evil terms in lyrical content.
I know this song is from a game but that doesn't change anything from the lyrical content, the game is riddled with eye/pyramid/masonic iconography.
In the game you defeat darkspawn which are satanic obviously, with demons and archons.
So this song talks about Lion and graces and saving - so maybe it's referencing savior figure like Jesus. According to rastafarian, even the bible, Jesus is referred to a Lion… There is also the english warriors who used the lion symbology on flags but surely this is taken from when they -were- a good christian nation and not this huge babylonian empire.
But then, what is "empress of fire", that doesn't sound very good to me. Talks about eye, "the end has begun".
the term "orlesians" are people in the game who masquerade and play "the game" which is politics. inevitably with murders and blood magick
it all sound gimmicky and the game is very mediocre
but it's what this /fringe/ board is all about and it baffles me that there is not more info about this.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 10:48:20 No. 64542
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 10:54:21 No. 64543
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 21:42:26 No. 64828
01/19/16 (Tue) 00:14:33 No. 68255
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>68254
Crap, meant to link this one instead.
01/25/16 (Mon) 19:52:40 No. 69049
Portuguese/Japanese Solar Myth Prog Shinto Doom Metal
02/03/16 (Wed) 02:20:42 No. 69582
>listening to any nightcore but feminine pop songs
I just listened to the original and it sounds better.
02/06/16 (Sat) 06:56:25 No. 69857
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Legionarii - Return to Aldebaran
02/12/16 (Fri) 07:50:31 No. 70161
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Amps for Buddha
I know it may not be the best record quiality but i like the intention of the guy and the simplicity ^_^
>Anyone knows a good power metal band?
03/04/16 (Fri) 07:34:05 No. 71809
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I am missing something or why hasnt anyone mentioned Therion?
(Or perhaps you guys did but was in the music thread 1 or 2?)
03/04/16 (Fri) 19:26:00 No. 71839
Cool band, do you know any other spirtiual power metal bands?
I know a few fringe ones
Gamme Ray
Iced Earth
Also looking for fringe related folk metal bands or electro
03/15/16 (Tue) 23:51:41 No. 72486
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Here is some actual fringe shit I found.
>those lyrics
>dat beat
03/16/16 (Wed) 01:42:40 No. 72490
Barely anyone bothers to post the actual artist which is why you can't find it with ctrl+f.