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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Man, we sure haven't had a Golden age in a while, huh?

'Bout time.

Share your dreams/visions of a utopian/golden world to come!



Revelation 21 NIV

21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”


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A world where /fringe/ is the top-listed 8chan board.

~Epyc Wynn


Prosperity and abundant LOVE


While there are many goals, the best utopian goal is one where G-d has eradicated all evil


IT'S TRUE! Jesus Christ of Nazareth is RETURNING


A world where all the disgusting lies and false religions and false idols and those who seek to control others vanish into thin air and all that's left behind is the truth, and then the truth and all of its followers are raised into heaven and the world behind them disappears forever, never to be experienced ever again. Everyone is in heaven and everything is great forever Amen.



>A world where all the disgusting lies and false religions and false idols and those who seek to control others vanish into thin air and all that's left behind is the truth, and then the truth and all of its followers are raised into heaven

Heaven's gonna be an empty place brother, because nobody on this planet's invited obviously.


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A proper golden age would require an advanced state of development with an accompanying satiation, where all of the energy would be spent relishing in the advanced state achieved.

It would be boring as fuck after the first couple of days or maybe weeks. Stagnation.

Life is movement. Always moving forward, even in decomposition. Build it, tear it down, build it again a little different, tear it down, etc.

That said, an ideal golden age for me would be an entire planet devoted to McDonalds, where I could get the greatest double quarter pounder (with cheese) ever to exist in this universe.

Where the cows are raised like divine beings, then sacrificed.

The french fries are made from potatoes grown individually, watched over each day until they are perfect.

The trays are made of solid gold.

The floors are marble.

And after you finish your meal you are so satisfied your spirit abandons your body for new horizons, and your now dead flesh is given a viking funeral on the ocean.

But that's just me.


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When I was a boy, I saw two nuns in the back of a car making love.

That kinda shit won't happen in the future.


A realm of true freedom. Freedom of creation, motion, and thought/being. A very individualistic society, granted very chaotic.


A place where truthful knowledge is aviable to everyone



They were not making love; they were indulging their baseness and fornicating in sin and sickness.



First of all, to hell with "muh one world!!!!!" BS.

Secondly, reestablish White countries for White people and only White people. Deport all non-Whites.

Third, deport all remaining jews. They are guilty of many unspeakable crimes and subversions.

Fourth, ban all secret societies. Most of them are rotten as hell and literally evil.

Fifth, adopt National Socialist economics. Reform the US constitutional system to reduce corruption and "mob boss" party control vulnerability.

Sixth, use the media to encourage healthy and upright living rather than, as it currently does, degeneracy and vileness.

Seventh, institute sensible and humane eugenics in order to improve health, reduce sickness, and increase strength and vigor of the Volk.

Eighth, establish peaceful relations to the rest of the world while maintaining strong and uncompromising border control.

Ninth, use the industrial and scientific might of the reestablished White homelands to reach for the stars. Interplanetary and later interstellar lebensraum.


Note: I'm sure many will "Reeeeeee!!!!" about my opinions, but I would point out that currently the world is NOT heading towards a "golden age." Currently the world is hurtling towards a combination of "brown favela shithole" and "soulless Chinese hive world" heavily subverted by jews and secret societies.

If you actually care about the future, then you should think about these things seriously. Look at Brazil. Look at China. Look at India. Look at South Africa. Look upon "the diversity" future and despair.

Most of you won't, of course. Most of you will respond with "What's wrong with "X" shithole?" Pfft.

Note2: Notice how I never mentioned killing anyone. I will of course be accused of "wanting genocide" due to choosing to oppose White genocide.


Christians are really quite hateful, aren't they?

If we reject their "jewish fairy tales mk2" cult then we get vaporized by their magic sky spirit for wrongthink. Wow.

And they CHEER the idea of global genocide of "wrongthinkers."

Abrahamic religions. Not even once.


Anarchy leads, very quickly, to totalitarian despotism.

Learn some history.

Freedom must ALWAYS be tempered by duty and loyalty to one's civilization if that freedom is to last.

Of course, it's problematic when one's civilization itself is turning to shit.



lol what a baka


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Foresight is actually a form of pattern recognition. He who analyzes trends best can see the future best, and I'm sure you think you're great at it for noticing surface currents. If you actually look closer, you'll notice that many public-facing trends have reversed behind the scenes. Off the top of my head:

<conservatism of the youth

<spiritual revitalization of the 1990-1996 generation

<"indigo parents"

<healthy food making a market comeback

<labeling laws supporting healthy eating (organic certification that can be verified easily, for example)

<social media use decreasing

<mainstream news viewership falling

<general tendency to "unplug"

The revolution isn't being televised. We're out here doing the work, cleaning up our neighborhoods and reconnecting with one another, you're welcome to join us any time. Be ready to work the land.


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I only have visions of the upcoming destruction.

A great darkening and decay, followed by a psychic shockwave like the world hasn't seen in ages. What lies beyond it is not in my purview. What's important is that we make it there. And save as much uncorrected genetic, spiritual, and material knowledge as possible.



So how long d you estimate we have to wait for this? I wanted to an hero but if this event is close I am willing to wait for it.


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You shouldn't "an hero" without it having an impact. A death is a terrible thing to waste.

Anyway, there's two components to this thing:

The "yin" component, the slow decay, the spread of the darkness. This has already been happening for a long time. Not much to say about it except it works slowly and thoroughly. All that's required for evil to win is that good men do nothing.

The "yang" component. The sudden reaction of the psychic gestalt. Hard to predict when it'll burst. You're part of it. I'm part of it. The jews and other yang forces aren't part of it. We can do our part in setting sparks. accelerating the thing. It's like a boiling frog situation . The sooner the frog jumps out, the better.

Now, there's two reasons I'm hesitant to make predictions: 1) it's yang, It'll happen when it'll happen. 2) we're part of the yang. If I say it'll happen in "x", people get complacent and stop doing the things required of them for it to happen.

But, by the way things are looking … 5 years. Or less. Good luck. Fight the good fight.



No way I am gonna wait another 5 years. But you can still tell me what impactful death I could pull off. I've been thinking about asking this questions on fringe but never did it because I could already smell all the matrix cuckolds yelling "don't do it" and threatening me with all sorts of punishment in the afterlife or silly reincarnation. It's an insult to intelligence.

But you seem alright. So what should I do? I don't operate on 'morals' or whats good and evil, right and wrong and do not fear the law so I guess I take any suggestion if it makes sense to me. Wanted to do it on halloween but not quite sure yet


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


funny to read your post because I was just watching this recently, Italians with degrees are leaving the city and their field to work on farming, then I watched another video about organic dairy products in Italy



Can't speak for Italy, but in the US degrees are fast on the way to becoming worthless. It's going to cause an economic crash/boom similar to the '08 housing market crash, for the same reason. Debt gets traded as a commodity, the person/bank who originally sold a loan rarely holds onto it, instead they sell it to investment funds, that's where the "projected returns" in an IRA or 401k come from; most people in '08 lost their pensions because the "projected returns" were made with the assumption most loans would be paid back, which of course didn't happen because the borrowers were in no position to pay. This is already happening with student loans: Kid gets a loan for 60k that he'll never pay back, bank sells the loan to an investment fund, fund manager knows that the kids will never pay it back but makes a table of projected returns that suggests it will, within the next eight years this will come full circle when most of those loans are defaulted on and go to collections (by which point the debt has been sold 6-8 times), culminating in a university education being considered worthless and a new form of post-secondary education (apprenticeships and cloud-based education) replacing it.

This is all pretty obvious when you think about it, but one pattern those of us with pattern recognition learn to pick up on pretty quickly is that people scoff and roll their eyes when you talk about the future matter-of-factly until they've seen you be proven right enough times (magic number is six times). Then they start looking to you for investment advice, LOL.




Might as well be reading fan-fic, fam.



Fast becoming worthless? They already are. Entry level positions require degrees here because HR has to justify their salary by verifying more than the fact that you can breath. The sad part is, these graduates aren't any more capable because of their experience in college, all it shows is their ability to participate and be told how to think. It also allows a business to filter out candidates based on SES and the capacity of the student to be compliant.

>they aren't gonna throw out all resumes/cv's with the name L'shonda, just the ones without college degrees.

Pretty funny, tbh.



They're worthless but not, it's weird but true. More and more people are learning how little they mean, but the illusion of value remains. It's almost like stock, where the value is based on perceived value. The #1 reason I hear college students hear for going is "my parents said I needed one" (followed by "you need one to get a job"). The #1 thing I hear from college graduates is "I wish I'd just gotten a job and worked for [four/eight] years" (followed by "maybe I should go back and get a Master's and then I'll get a job"). Hell, I've even heard of people going back after getting a Master's to get [i]another[/i] degree, because that's all they know how to do… Go to school for a lifetime.

Sometimes I really can't tell the difference between comedy and tragedy, and I think that it's the same upstairs as down here, the writers are laughing their asses off between tears.




I'm just going because I couldn't find a job but I've never taken out a loan and instead get money for going from financial aid refund checks. I did work for a little bit not so long ago but the starting pay wasn't worth all the work I did. If I wasn't so poor, I would just invest into a trade. I do worry at times that having a full degree won't make up for the lack of experience, but I've seen plenty of options for me so I should be fine.

>'08 housing market crash

those were bad times, plus there was high gas prices around the same time if I remember correctly and high unemployment

I need to leave the city either way and move out into the middle of nowhere



Good luck.


With a golden age will come the rise of new institutions of reality-shaping outside of empiricism and the acceptance by society of the interconnectivity of things and people.




>They already are.

I knew this since elementary school without sources telling me. I just used my God given abilities to find that out. Librarian with a PHD unrelated to their job. Homeless Catholic man who had a degree in something practical, people older than me going into college, working while going to college, and staying at their jobs once they finished or go into something unrelated. I always knew it was a joke, but because of brainwashed peers, parents, etc., telling me what to do with myself growing up, I ended up wasting life insurance for over 120 credits worth of schooling and at the end of the day I have been "packing" things in a warehouse for over a decade despite my schooling. And I'm not about to suck metaphorical dick to land a job related to my studies. Never mind the fact at one point I had to stop schooling so that I could help contribute paying off a mortgage one was falling behind on despite having a well paying job. The whole system is a joke honestly. My golden age is people coming to the realization that the "economy" in general was a farce and that people have been working like slaves for paper that truly has no value. In realizing this, they stop pushing themselves and simply work for the betterment of one another. Work is good, working like a machine is not. I'd love to learn agriculture if only to grow food for myself and my local neighborhood. Maybe I should download as many books on the subject matter before governments finish raping the internet.


>>124111 (checked)

>Maybe I should download as many books on the subject matter before governments finish raping the internet.

Do it. Bonus: Back it up to a HDD and wrap it in aluminum foil to EMP proof the data.


>Cultural Christian Sharia

>Voting outlawed, except for local reps

>Guns for everyone

>90% of property publically owned, except private living quarters

>Dual citizens deported, especially those with ties to Israel

>Atheism banned

>Communal Pantheism

>Abortion outlawed

>Bedroom regulations


>Environmental protections

>Reinstate the draft

>Psychology banned

>General neutral war stance


That's all I got

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