First of all, to hell with "muh one world!!!!!" BS.
Secondly, reestablish White countries for White people and only White people. Deport all non-Whites.
Third, deport all remaining jews. They are guilty of many unspeakable crimes and subversions.
Fourth, ban all secret societies. Most of them are rotten as hell and literally evil.
Fifth, adopt National Socialist economics. Reform the US constitutional system to reduce corruption and "mob boss" party control vulnerability.
Sixth, use the media to encourage healthy and upright living rather than, as it currently does, degeneracy and vileness.
Seventh, institute sensible and humane eugenics in order to improve health, reduce sickness, and increase strength and vigor of the Volk.
Eighth, establish peaceful relations to the rest of the world while maintaining strong and uncompromising border control.
Ninth, use the industrial and scientific might of the reestablished White homelands to reach for the stars. Interplanetary and later interstellar lebensraum.
Note: I'm sure many will "Reeeeeee!!!!" about my opinions, but I would point out that currently the world is NOT heading towards a "golden age." Currently the world is hurtling towards a combination of "brown favela shithole" and "soulless Chinese hive world" heavily subverted by jews and secret societies.
If you actually care about the future, then you should think about these things seriously. Look at Brazil. Look at China. Look at India. Look at South Africa. Look upon "the diversity" future and despair.
Most of you won't, of course. Most of you will respond with "What's wrong with "X" shithole?" Pfft.
Note2: Notice how I never mentioned killing anyone. I will of course be accused of "wanting genocide" due to choosing to oppose White genocide.
Christians are really quite hateful, aren't they?
If we reject their "jewish fairy tales mk2" cult then we get vaporized by their magic sky spirit for wrongthink. Wow.
And they CHEER the idea of global genocide of "wrongthinkers."
Abrahamic religions. Not even once.
Anarchy leads, very quickly, to totalitarian despotism.
Learn some history.
Freedom must ALWAYS be tempered by duty and loyalty to one's civilization if that freedom is to last.
Of course, it's problematic when one's civilization itself is turning to shit.