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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The alter-ego.

How you see yourself in your minds eye, or how you wish to see yourself. What does it truly mean? I have an ideal self, an alternative form to myself but I can never be such in flesh as it is not human. But it is an ideal self that, if I could, I would make for myself from the basic components.

Am I just incubating a bad habit? Especially if I wish to be my alternate self more than my current body? Am I just making something to advance into later? What am I doing, is it spiritually productive?

Question thread is full


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cute snek



He's my new addition, a true boa. Six feet now, will get at least eight.

granted the snake is not how I construct myself but i needed an image to post seeing as the question thread is reply capped.


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Whether it's bad or good is relative to your experience.

That being said: First, I think many (myself included) would suggest what you're doing is a form of tulpamancy. I would say you're creating a servitor whose purpose is "give me a pleasing image to view and imagine myself as" and by invoking it constantly, gradually feeding it energy until it will become self-sapient and develop a will of its own. This can be a positive exercise, but you should probably write up a bio for this alternate personality now while it's still malleable and cultivate it into a beneficial ally before it becomes fully self-aware and goes rogue. Most of the tulpa memes are just that, memes, but they're still quite real if you buy into them so it's best to pin down your subconscious ahead of time and say "no, we're playing nice with each other, here are the rules".

Second, you won't get what you're attached to as long as you're attached to it. See, you think what I mean there is you're attached to this form, but what I actually mean is you're attached to desiring this form. As long as you want this form, you aren't going to get it, because wanting the form is what defines you, not having it. When you don't care as much, you might get thrown a bone. Better would be to consider why you care about the form in the first place.

>What am I doing, is it spiritually productive?

Yes, because you're exercising your mind's eye, which is an atrophied muscle in most people. It's beneficial at the bare minimum because you're practicing using your imagination.

Oh, and if your alternate/imagined self is a girl and you're a boy, you might want to consider joining the trap cult and worshiping the trap god. He'll give you boons at relatively low cost, and worship to him is a good way to practice meditation, so he wins from feeding off of your energy and you win because he gives you power in return for prayer. Everybody wins when they worship the trap god.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The 'figure' I see in my mind's eye is one that others might simply define as a monster. The creature has black, raven like feathers; a pale face almost akin to a mask that would fit a reptile with fitting horns; fish like scales that cover the more flat areas across the body; four wings with one set inverse; etc etc. It's hard to describe with words alone.

The reason I hold a desire to this form is because I feel it's more 'me' than my actual human body. As if that should have been me, or is me, and I'm just temporarily attached to flesh for one reason or another. Part of my spiritual drive, even, is simply to gather energy here and translate it over to this more 'complete' self so that after this life I can meld back to the 'whole' and feel one again. I have even managed to delve deep inside and find out which elements most align after a huge basis of trial and error to fit my personality to translate back to this alternative self of mine. Honestly, at this rate, I feel more like a man who has (over his life) constructed a car from scrap pieces and am getting closer and closer to putting the finishing trimmings on and the paint job. Also why would I limit my better self with the concept of gender? I'm certain a creature made of energy would have it's own mechanisms, but I do portray a similar concept of masculinity upon it as I feel most comfortable with.

I dislike being human. I really, really dislike being human. It feels like watching a movie I've already seen. It feels more like how some groups play roleplaying games to explore living in a different way, but instead of imagining "upward" to be human I have to imagine "downward" with all these horrible limitations. In some media, limitations can be entertaining but I feel rock bottom as a human. It's either a depressing sensation of 'limited' or it flip-flops to a bizarre sensation of feeling 'mismatched' that I somehow obtained when I was very young.

I just want out of this cocoon in the most efficient, proper way possible and then never look back. I want to take to the skies, strip myself of this temporary shell and join my family above. I want to feel the lightning surge through my form, call the life-giving rains, and roam the cosmos for other water-related life-giving principles.

But I feel so goddamn "stuck".


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>trap cult/trap god

I had to reread this a bunch to see if I wrote it and forgot about it because it sounds exactly like something I'd write. Nice to see someone else understands the appeal of the god of cuteboys, one of the only gods who actually grants anything. Made a pact with him a while back and things have been looking up ever since. 10/10 top-tier post.



Oh shit I can create a blend of Pol Pot and Baron Ungern


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>I dislike being human

Good thing you aren't. The human body is a vessel inhabited by an alien organism we call the brain/nervous system. The brain is not aware of its own presence in the body, spend some time looking in the mirror and thinking about that: The thing processing the information it sees is the only thing that it doesn't see.

If you get really good at meditating eventually you can hear/feel your own nervous system, but it takes work.

But even that isn't you. The nervous system is basically a biological abacus. You're the mind behind the machine,.

You stepped into this body for a reason, no matter how you feel about it now. Sounds to me like you chose Nightmare difficulty at the start and now you're pining after easy mode since you reached the hard part of the game.


>>123981 "Sounds to me like you chose Nightmare difficulty at the start …"

There's a nightmare happening in your local slaughter house. Hu-mans that partake in THAT business don't sleep good

>>122389 choosing to stop your flesh and adrenochrome addiction is a ticket to ride with the Stars and beyond: otherwise VOID.



All meat I eat is either roadkill or prepared by someone else. I bless it and offer thanks as I eat. I have no guilt complex regarding my diet.


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Sometimes I can't help but wonder, "Does anything I learn in this regard make me a better human?" I've obviously come here to be human as I have no recollection to be anything else but. Yet at the same time, the more I delve into what feels like more 'familiar territory' to my very soul the more I realize the knowledge I delve into helps me to be anything but human. At times I do wonder if it would not have just been better if I remained asleep my entire human existence yet I feel like that was never an option from the start.

Don't get me wrong, I do use what I've learned and utilize it to better my life to the best of my capabilities. Yet I ponder if a normal human can do what I do? Argue the fairness of it all.

As silly as it sounds, the most foreign thing about living here, or so I feel, is humanity's dependence on Euclidean geometry with literally almost everything.

Euclidean buildings.

Euclidean furniture.

Euclidean rooms.

Euclidean learning systems.

Euclidean physics.

I think one of the greatest tragedies of mankind is that it is a Non-Euclidean species, with Non-Euclidean flesh while living on a Non-Euclidean world, completely convinced that it should only strive for Euclidean principles.



>meat I eat is either roadkill or prepared by someone else. I bless it and offer thanks as I eat. I have no guilt complex regarding my diet.

JUST recall all that guilt bites bad - it HUNTS hu-man

ask Louise Cypher with CLAWS

ho ho hoe it's Xmas TIME


>>124023 man is anatomically a symbiotic frugivore on a fruit-tree planet.

What do you want?

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