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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: ac189e9e221a847⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 695fcdbf3c5aff03b98c0584ad….jpg)


I have a collection of papers with sigils on them from three years ago.

What's the safest method of disposing of them?

I don't want to disturb/reawaken any of the effects. Thanks.


What do you mean by reawaken effects? Mundanify them? Once they exist, there is no going back. You could try to recontextualize them.

If you're trying to state an intent to change your life now versus then I would suggest some sort of burning ritual.

Honestly if you just don't want to deal with them, send em off the garbage dump like everyone else does with their shit.



>Honestly if you just don't want to deal with them, send em off the garbage dump like everyone else does with their shit.

I want the safest method, not the laziest.

What I mean by reawaken the effects is basically I don't want to look at any of them and have their effects start back up. I want to safely get rid of them without any negative drawbacks.



Cross yourself. Use your thumb to smear a circle of holy water around them. Inform them that you are releasing them from bondage. And then just burn them. The goal is total Ash, but I assume these aren't sigils of any significant power (otherwise you wouldn't be asking) so just do your best. Take proper fire precautions obv. Inform them again that you release them from bondage. Throw ash to each wind (start with East end with west). Cross yourself.

This would apply to powerful sigils and will probably be overkill, but better safe than sorry/paranoid.


Stick it up your butt the next time you decide get fucked by your gay lover, occultis bullshitticus.



do NOT burn them


You have to rewrite them into good sigils. You made them, take responsibility. Once and idea exists it can't not exist, it can only mutate. You could apoptosis the neurons the idea exists on but the memetic structures that gave rise to the idea will cause it to arise again. Mold them into something positive.

Read G.Morrison's The Filth.

sage for double post


File: 62b63bb1eaabe62⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 500x375, 4:3, magic.jpg)


This is what op should do.



If they're good sigils then why bother?



Some of them helped deal with a planetary influence I'd rather not get pulled into again.


File: 627f0a0bb321332⋯.png (8.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, epycdoodle.png)

Throwing them away.

~Epyc Wynn



Seal it in an envelope and bury it then do whatever “banishing ritual” of your choosing



By making this thread and entertaining these notions instead of just doing as >>122845 said, you've already fed more power to them than any other disposal method. Just do it.


File: 6ff5941142eedd6⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 572x670, 286:335, huntered.jpg)


Why wouldn't you just re purpose them?

Let's hear the backstory.



Whats that even suppose to do m8



It's an infographic for the subconscious.

It'll do what ever you want it to do, but I'm guessing you'll have some revelatory dreams from using it.

Most of what I draw and put on here is straight intuition and not specific to any goal. I'm a big fan of chaos.


File: 1b47d053a0bf8a6⋯.png (28.07 KB, 1174x600, 587:300, concatenate.png)

File: 8139779ce14f69d⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 1174x483, 1174:483, concatenate.jpg)

Two separate from former but similar in purpose designs useful for abstraction of thought and feral purpose driving.

[word salad by intention]


File: 2cdcc0e92fcf570⋯.jpg (155.49 KB, 1092x636, 91:53, concatenate.jpg)

Revised the second one.

Also you really shouldn't trust anything I post, because it's just going to bypass your conscious mind and go straight into the unconscious where all the fun is.


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