Dig your heels in. In the astral, just as in the physical, the world is full of fake-ass fuckers who try to put on the appearance of being something they're not: Demand to be shown their true form and keep demanding until you know you've got it. Most things that look super beautiful/scary are actually super weak which is why they put so much energy into maintaining that appearance. Something genuinely strong doesn't NEED to put on a beautiful appearance to register as powerful, it might be a ball of light or geometric shape, but it will FEEL strong. I can't quite describe the sensation and I believe everyone would describe it differently, you'll know it when you've got it, if you're not sure, it ain't true.
If you undertake spiritual work on the behalf of someone else, say to give a friend with depression a way out of the cycle, don't tell them unless you know that not only do they believe, but they believe in YOU and YOUR ability to heal. If they don't believe in you or your abilities, they'll undo all of your hardwork with their disbelief and they'll sap your strength if they add even a grain of self-doubt to your own practice. True work doesn't need to be shared, because you don't need validation outside of the work itself. When you know what you're doing, you know what you did.
That said, if someone does believe in your ability to heal, then it's of course perfectly fine to share what you did with them, and this is where your own judgement comes into play. Often, you'll know the work succeeded because they'll feel the need to come to you and tell you about a dream they had that you'll recognize as being their end of the experience. It will be different from what you saw and went through, but the link will be obvious.
For example, when I did work for a girl I'm close to, I saw her alone in a dark room crying, when I tried to get her to turn to face me, forms like
>pic related
began to fly out from where her face should have been. Every time they came, I'd dispel them by saying "this isn't you", I had to do this more times than I could count, until eventually I grabbed her by the shoulders and said "LISTEN, THIS IS YOU" and forced an image of her appearance as I remembered it onto her body, which remained behind as I left the room.
A week later, she told me confessed to me a dream she'd had of her having sex with me. At first we were having sex from behind and it was painful for her, like she was being stabbed, then she turned around so she was facing me and the pain disappeared and she was comfortable again. Keep in mind that as a dream symbol, sex tends to be a symbol of unification of dualities (one of the most common male dream symbols is autofellatio for this reason, esp. when you undergo the spiritual path), in her dream I represented the outside world while she was herself; when she's not looking at the world she's afraid of what it thinks of her, but once she's involved in it, the fear evaporates. It was at this point that I told her about my own journey into her psyche and what I saw there, and she saw it for what it was and thanked me.