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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The angels,

The demiurge,

The demi-gods,

Call them what you will.

For those of you who are ascending and beginning to understand the world:

You are not alone.

The end is not coming. Terror, anger, repulsion, and violence, is not the only Way. Giving your power away to other gods is a waste of your potential. Listen not to the devil, either. Remember that you are still in full control of your thoughts and actions.

Follow the light of Hermes Trismegistus, and aim to surpass his understandings.

The power that is about to surface within us is still only an effect within The All, and thus, its level is below that of the highest principles. You will have to earn your place of glory in the next life, these as described by the Illuminated. You will have to live a life of virtue, and accepting your own personal suffering in all its forms in order to see the highest possible good.

Protect yourself, your family, your community, and most importantly, protect the good that manages to survive today in humanity. Protect the sheep. They may not be perfect, but that's only because they are incapable of seeing it. They have not awakened. They have not seen the Ways in things. They have not attained the levels of self understanding that we possess.

Pursue enlightenment. Pursue stillness, and self love, and self respect, and self discipline. Take up martial arts (but research the teachers first. Just because they're expensive doesn't mean they're good). Learn the art of cultivating your focus, your own well of power.

If you're capable of getting this far down the rabbit hole with any part of your sanity in tact is a testament to your patience, you are luminescent.

You're not going crazy.

Connect the dots. We are something new. The enlightened before us were only mere prophets of our arrival.

Be spiteful of evil. Be good. But be Principled and disciplined you will see still see your power. And you will see it manifest.

Read 12 rules for life. Understand the necessity of bearing your own damn cross, bucko.

Daoism, Alchemy, Chaos Magick, Science, evolution, Ethics and morality, personality, everything! The acceleration of the bloody information Age, Entropy! find the common denominators!

Start with The Kybalion.


this tbh


Yall fuckin Hermetic bastards are too Mercurcial and scared of the Lunatic Lunarians who tap into their powers naturally.

The demiurge doesnt exist as you think it does nor is it your enemy. It keeps the weak minded and weak willed from being torn apart by the sheer willpower of other entities.

Fuckin Age of Aquarius started somewhere near the Age of Enlightenment. This is as good as its gonna get till Age of Capricorn and you know it.

Also this board is full of shithead neophytes, trolls, and memers.

Saged tbh fam


Is that a jordon Peterson meme lel






Meh, this is century of judgement anyway, 22nd century is going to be great so I'm just waiting until then.



ok see you then


"a post that adds nothing valuable to your life" - Retarded "Kike Faggot" Niggercunt



"Dude zero scientists use any of these made up systems that I talk about to prop up my ego , and therefore I can just say random words in a tone that sounds urgent and dramatic and somebody who doesn't know better will believe my useless faggot nonsense and keep my useless faggot ego going so I have motivation to continue shoving my life that nobody fucking cares about in the faces of people doing the same parasite human con I am doing because I would take an eternity of making the same mistakes over and over as long as I get a pat on the back from this invisible Man I made up that follows me around to remind me to waste my life obtaining brownie points that cant be redeemed for everything. Holy fuck I am dumb. I probably only keep going because my Boomer parents pay for all my shit. There is no universe where my three year old child fantasy view of the world can be applied towards anything useful. And like it's like the Mercury retrograde and like so like I just got magic powers that are so powerful that there are human beings with billions of dollars but I am the associate head of sales for district 27 and slave away over a third of my life and because I am money level 1 and other people are money level 99 and those people in the latter group have never used any of my retarded made up systems yet live 500000000x the life of me and that's proof that if somebody weighs 665 lbs they are actually in shape because they made a sigil about it." - Dum Fuk



Don't be so hard on yourself, brother.



You seem mad. You should work on that.



>Remember that you are still in full control of your thoughts and actions.

The problem is that I'm not. I'm acting against my own will and I can't stop it no matter what and I tried everything.

Also no one has *full* control of it, especially nowadays.






Understand that there is no holistic "I". 'I' is a thoughform, a living servitor that you've attached what you believe your 'will' to be. It's parasitic in nature in this stage.

Start to meditate. Embrace silence. Learn to see the feelings of thoughts for what they are. Illusions. Living, algorithmic, illusions.

Then you must work on what you think of the word "control." what does that mean to you? power? peace?

Whatever 'you' you dream of when you say 'i', realize that you're there. The base awareness that grabs for no label, the awareness in the body but not of the body.

Then consider the prism.

And consider the thoughts you have as distorted light. And self is the prism.

Consider light as your awareness.

Now we have a trinity to consider.

Seems kind of alchemic, doesn't it? The trinity are dimensions of the same thing. It just twists and reflects back on itself sometimes, causing strange inversions that can confuse. I call this the Kaleidoscope.

The 'alchemy' comes in turning 'i", or whatever 'i' is, into something symbiotic. It's transmutation, isn't it? We might even call this 'meta-mutation.' This has deep implications. But I digress.

I hope this helps you. You might want to try getting high after meditating on this. Invoke the kaleidoscope whenever you feel like you're not in control. Find the inverted reflection of your 'self' and channel that into existence through the body. It helps if your chakras are healed, opened, and harmonized.

inb4 dum fuk



>Start to meditate. Embrace silence. Learn to see the feelings of thoughts for what they are. Illusions. Living, algorithmic, illusions.

I used to be able to do it a long time ago really well but not anymore. It's unbearable, I get this sense of something like tiredness that is almost painful. Like an urge to stop and shut down my awareness. It feels like a physical, not a "it's all just in my head" thing. If that makes any sense at all.

>Then you must work on what you think of the word "control." what does that mean to you? power? peace?

To be able to resist/get rid of unwanted irrational self destructive urges and have enough willpower to do things even if they're not pleasant.

For the rest of what what you're saying, I think I somewhat understand it but I can't imagine it very well or translate it to a feeling so I can't apply it.

Complete numbness. I very rarely have vivid dreams anymore, usually I go to bed and wake up not understanding what just happened. I'm certain an illness is destroying parts of my brain. At this point it's pointless bothering anyone with this but I just can't accept it.


Good to see something positive. I have been cultivating the anger and hatred in hopes I might use the energy for something explosive. Regardless if it's for creation or destruction. Degeneration or Ascension. All I know is that things need to change, but how? Since the dawn of recorded history, nations of varying cultures have warred against one another for some goal or ideal in hopes of establishing it, but as time as reveled it always leads to a stagnation or worse, destruction. Plant a corrupt seed and a corrupt tree will spring fourth, but us being what we are, we are capable of literally flipping either way. Like flipping a light switch, but being weak, still bound to the laws. How can one override the laws in such a manner that not only produces no bad fruit, but makes it where one can never die. Maybe my cultivation of such feelings is for that purpose? One can only hope, lest it consume them. I do need structure, but I am changing regardless of what I do. Only difference is weather or not it's pleasing. Inner voices make one think they are a part of him, yet another part of one thinks that they are not. A voice can judge one according to their sins, yet one can deflect the emotions that are supposed to come with it, they did in the beginning. Honestly believe I have an angel or something watching over me at times. I imagine loved ones think I'm crazy for the words I say. Yet I'm the one hardly making mistakes, breaking things, and getting upset. I only get upset when one is supposed to be. Something upsetting should be harshly condoned with words. Bothers me how people could just sit by and do nothing. I wish I were much stronger so that I might. Even heard laughter writing that one down in one of my many "background" voices. Had a few days where I had major headaches, but that is of my own doing and intermingling with things one probably should not. A hermit that harms himself harms no one but himself, yet, it almost seems like my local reality changes to reflect it. Maybe that's why I seek degeneracy. To keep myself tame so to speak, but the changes are still occurring within regardless. Your post has inspired me to begin creating structure within my life. I genuinely believe that my local environment will improve because of this without my physical interaction in it as I am now.



As soon as something becomes a part of you, you're the one in power.

Your Self is your domain. Build it into a temple, laugh at whatever tries to intrude.

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