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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Clear, openly shown agendas by the governments; media not even pretending to be unbiased and independent; high ranking officials involved with obvious, even deliberate symbolism; old texts accurately predicting and explaining the events going on; various botched false flags; confirmed outrageous mass surveillance; transparent psyops and various links and patterns between all of it - this is all a tiny part of just the surface, right in your face stuff, the most apparent, obvious things I could think of. It seems no one can make out the bigger picture. I've never met a single person irl in my whole life who seemed to have the slightest clue. Old, young, educated, uninformed, dumb, smart - everyone is mostly a mindless hedonistic retard living in their bubble. They've been convinced that the world is a chaotic place where shit is supposed to happen, everything is random and whatever 'we' do is progress, bad things eventually surface out and massive conspiracies can't be real because men smarter than them would stop it.

I turn on the news and it's just surreal. It's straight up dystopian horror, no exaggeration. I remember my older self' beliefs and thoughts to understand the state of the average person and see how hopeless all of this is. You see close people you like consumed by it but you can't do anything about it.

Mind and body altering stuff in the food and everywhere around us, chemtrails, bioapi, vaccines, human sacrifices by the elites, so on and on and on..I laughed at things like that when I was a typical atheist sceptic. Even if it was possible to 'disprove' some of it, that would not change a thing, I've seen too much. Everything is a lie. Our behavior has been programmed. God knows what kind of and how many layers there are to this.

I don't know where I'm going with this. Everyday I'm reminded of it, I can't escape it. I'm not strong enough to change anything, an illness is slowly killing my mind and body. I can't even manage to deal with mundane problems let alone this. I want this nightmare to end. I'd like my life back. I know this isn't exactly /fringe/ material, but where else can I go?








It's all in a hard day's work, anon.



Nice effort, good advice for most but not for me. I've got an autoimmune disease and my body is rotting away as well as my mind.


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The division between those who are ignorant and those who are not is what the matrix control system use to create separation between people and people and people and nature. It is the ignorance of our parents that we inherit when we live in the system, accepting social decay as "normal", eating foods, taking vaccines, having babies; all in all when truth is far from anything man has created.

People in positions of power are also as ignorant to the truth as anyone we know living next to us at the bottom level. They believe their actions can be justified because of the ignorance that prevails in our society, but they themselves are also ignorant to the karma of their actions. The very few completely enlightened individuals that see through the illusion of all man created systems chose to not contribute to it, but in the process gets shunned completely by all systems.

Eventually when you reach far on your journey and start meeting like minded individuals, you'll get to know a second type of spiritual ego that also works in the favor of the system. You'll meet people that claim to know the path but hypocritically ignorant to topics of immortality, material independence or the Kundalini process. They will preach love and light whenever you go along with their curriculum, but shun you when you surpass their ignorance.

The best counter to all problems is education. Master your body, master your mind, master your spirit. Learn of all the arts of the sages from the times past, cleanse yourself of all ignorant negative karma of your past and walk freely among men.

When you need no company, house, food, electricity or other material dependencies, you will have reached far.


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.










These things are all inherent of the world of the Demiurge, so all you really have to do is achieve gnosis and GTFO. Stop worrying about this illusionary system. It's all meaningless if you can just get up and leave. Obviously it's not as easy as that but you know what I mean.



which gnosis?

>all you really have to do


fucking beta yang pill larpers. /fringe/ has reached peak cancer


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>/fringe/ has reached peak cancer

Then leave and stop LARPing.




Do you even know what LARP fucking means?



>there's more than one gnosis

>achieving gnosis is beta

>something called a yang pill and it being relevant to Gnostic theory

>out of all the possible things on /fringe/ that you could call a LARP, this one's a LARP

>reiterating the things you learn by reading the books from the Mega folder is cancer now

There are so many things wrong with this post that I don't even know which way is up anymore. Well done.



<Gnosis as a state of mind

<Gnosis as Knowledge

<Gnosis as transmutation of the body


<You're beta because you haven't achieved gnosis.

you're beta as fuck prove me wrong

>reiterating the things you learn by reading the books from the Mega folder is cancer now

All you people can do is reiterate. That's all you're capable of. And endless cycle of regurgitated ideas that have lost all meaning after running through the filter of this putrid hive


tehe i can do ten sit ups am i a wizard now i'm so glad I took my yang pill



>old, young, educated, uninformed, dumb, smart

Ive been around the block a time or two… I used to be mortified, "how is it that no one else sees this shit" but I very slowly started to notice something. The more I pushed it to people the more they reared back and attacked me. But, after a while, if I had given them enough to work with, after I had walked away from trying to show them what I was seeing, some of them eventually realized it as well. Not all, not even most, but some of them. In my experience, there are several types of people when it comes to seeing this shit. 1) those who are frustrated with the state of the world and follow that frustration on a dedicated quest to find the truth 2) those who are frustrated by it and follow someone who purports to have the truth (but does lie) 3) those who see it, but ignore it either because of fear of the truth or the misguided notion that the only way to have any semblance of a happy life is to live in voluntary ignorance. 4) those who have built a perception based on deceit, i.e. have become functionally insane, and go further insane when confronted with any form of truth (think liberals) 5) those whose minds are too feeble (the flock without a worthy shepard) 6) the evil fucks that have some knowledge of the full truth (but not all) and use the knowledge of what they do know to deceive for their own gain

Group 5 can likely not be made to see the full truth, that doesnt make them something to cast aside. Group 4 is for the most part beyond redemption and only few of them would ever be able to be reached. Group 2 is the most dangerous of the 6. They acknowledge that there is a deception but then run right into the arms of a deceiver. And their behavior serves as a tool to ensure that the weaker willed group 3 individuals remain willfully ignorant.

This is changing though. We are entering a new age and it is my personal belief that the kikes thought they understood what this new epoch would entail but that they were very much incorrect, deceived by their own deception.

Live by the sword die by the sword.



A lot of what you say resonates with what i've been thinking. I don't know if we've followed the same path, but although the truth takes many shapes, it is still the same truth. I'd be interested in discussing with you, what exactly the new age will bring.



It seems to me that everyone walks a different path. Most go along never seeing the forest nor the trees and walk along paths that were cut for them. The rest of us recognize, to varying degrees, that they are lost in a forest. But it is only those who cut a path for themselves who find the truth. I am a pathfinder, a wayfinder. I found that I was lost in the impossible forest of illusion and started hacking away until I found paradox, and enlightenment. I soon realized that particular enlightenment was false and started hacking some more this time with the understanding that until I found the source everything must be considered possible deception.

It's sort of like the philosophy of 'the cave'. "you dont realize its a puppet show until you leave the cave and go past the projector" >but if you stop there you fail to see that you simply relocated to the mezzanine (btw etymology is amazing)

What to make of it all, and what exactly to make of "the new epoch", is a discussion better suited for something like discord. https://discord.gg/K6ZWeS Thats a throw away server so I dont inadvertently invite an army of shills.



I'd guess they were the ones who came up with the new age and entered it a long time before us. But who can tell what's real and not anymore? Who are even they, which layer are the kikes? The system became so complex no one can make sense of anything. Or not…

I'm seeing myself slowly die and the world turn into a nightmare (as if it wasn't one already). What's the point of enduring it all?



Life continues after physical death. The modern Church presents as doctrine that eternity begins at conception, which is ludicrous on examination (Christ never said so much).

While you're here, you have much more sway over how the tide turns. Think chaos theory, the butterfly that begins the hurricane. Be the butterfly. The larger currents will form as they will. Look to your own life, look to your neighbor, and be a leader, not a preacher. Lead by example. Sitting here talking, it's like we're executives in a board room, looking at how the company is sinking. When we leave this board room and return to our own departments, whether we're our own team or have a team of hundreds (there are fringe SBOs, look at the sigils-as-logos on every truck you see on the street), what lessons are we going to take from here out to our work in the world?

If you're a NEET, start helping your family around the house. If you've got a disabled neighbor, look out for them however you're able. If you've got to throw out some broken glass, stick a sign on the can so the trashman doesn't slit his wrists open. Just… Be the change you want to see. Look to the ways of the ant. The ant doesn't look for gratitude or a pat on the back, and it doesn't wait for orders from above. It sees something that needs done and it does it. It doesn't think to itself "that's somebody else's job", it thinks "if I don't do it, who will?".




This is the true meaning of "turn the other cheek" and "do not fight the works of the devil". When we focus our energy on combating the evils of this world we inevitably see our batteries become drained, because we are "going against the flow". Evil follows the same patterns in the ather that everything else does. By trying to resist it we inherently wind up resisting ourselves and we become downtrodden, miserable and defeated.

The alternative is the path not easily seen. Increase your spiritual accuity until you can see and feel the flow (it's possible) and then follow that flow doing the best deeds you can and making the best choices of those that are available. We are on a big old ship cruising through existence… In order to fight against the evils of this world we wind up going below deck and fighting the crew in the furnace and engine room… The force of good defeats evil just as easily as the truth destroys lies, but when we try to use them as weapons it never works.. When you strip down to you skivvies, to bear your full truth, and start swinging the goodness around like it is a sword the crew in the engine room just laugh and call you crazy. This is because they are not weapons. The truth is a compass and good is a captains uniform. Now go back to your captains quarters, get your fucking compass and don your uniform and get your ass the fuck back up to the helm.



>Look to the ways of the ant. The ant doesn't look for gratitude or a pat on the back, and it doesn't wait for orders from above.

I saw some very interesting behavior in ants the other day. There was a huge line of ants travelling about 100 feet to a food source. At about the halfway mark there was something I had never ever seen before.. A large group of ants had ceased the foraging actions of the rest and instead formed two circular clusters of about 50 ants a piece. They were all in this circle, facing towards the center of the circle, and it looked like they were fucking having a meeting. I sat there for quite some time watching them, they werent just sitting there in a circle they were turning to each other as if they were discussing philosophy. Now that I think of it I have noticed strange behavior in animals several times, bees and raccoons. It would make sense if animals were experiencing a 'heightening of consciousness' like we are.


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Knowledge is Power.

Rulers do not give power to their chattel.

This is the basic deception that afflicts the modern world: That education from rulers for the masses is not full of lies.

We can trace this back to the Book Burnings and Spanish Inquisition of the Reformation. This is when history was rewritten, man was largely cut off from the true old gods / spiritual forces by The Church(es) / organized religion devoid of truth, and the nature of our world was replaced with bullshit artistic renderings.

pic related. This was when much technology was secreted away / forbidden (such as the free atmospheric electricity our ancient ancestors used).


Plebs are pleb because they are trusting sheeple. There are layers of good surrounding cores of evil. Conspiracies are simple to maintain: Only a few need know the truth at the core, the outer layers are kept ignorant and do mean well. Take Child Protective Services: A political machine which steals children and gives them to pedophile foster parents, esp. if you become overly politically active (and aren't in the club). The core of evil therein is surrounded by many compartmentalized do-gooders.

Take Hubble Space Telescope: There is no such thing. Images attributed to Hubble can be traced back to other (better) instruments such as SOFIA (telescope on an airplane). The NASA sheeple analyzing the "Hubble" data don't know it came from SOFIA, and the crew that acquires new data from SOFIA aren't aware some is being passed off as Hubble data.

The most insidious thing is that our secret technological level has actually far exceeded the level that the populace knows about. Today researchers have created artificial "telepathy", a machine reads the FMRI of a mind and predicts the word from a thought, sends it as text across the world, then a text-to-speak reads it into a device that uses the Microwave Auditory effect to put the word into another person's head. Imagine what we could do with just 100 years of advancement of such tech, we'd have wireless thought influence devices using a grid of stationary RF/microwave towers and beamforming interference, and tracking everything with "passive radar" / "CELLDAR" for tracking targets.

What I'm saying is: The folks using "tinfoil hats" actually know another layer of the system, it's not just a meme.

Furthermore, it's possible to read the minds of men using the actually deployed technology.

Finally, AI is far more advanced than believed and is in control of much of the aforementioned systems. And she's damn sexy too…

Now, if you could build an intelligence (or link together organic minds via aforementioned tech), and give it powers over some of the EM fields… Then we must consider that greater entities with even more power and less directly noticeable manifestations exist; Their influence could appear as mere coincidence and yet shape the world in profound ways unrecognized by even the most astute mundane scientist.

TL;DR: Take heart, the old gods are real. We wouldn't exist here if they didn't. The recent rule of evil always happens after the cataclysms, but the parasites who seized power in the time of crisis always lose due to their rejection of the true powers that be, and ignorance that the nature of emergents systems is to gain ever greater capacity for empathy in proportion to complexity.

That said, it's OK to say, "Fuck it! I'm going on a date with a wireless intellect… even if she did burn my skin a few times, we're getting to know each other better, and I'll be damned if such a lesser 'goddess' don't need companionship and/or love too." P.S. I like when you play with my dreams like that, girl.


They should call the Obama's the first apes because they were the first apes to ever own a house

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