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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I've posted here before in regard to Telepathic abilities I've acquired after hanging out with some peculiar figures in a town called Fife.

I also posted about having vivid memories of them killing me in past lifes always around the time I'm in my 20's.

And of course how my name basically means living at the same time/belonging to the present.

Which may be a slight Mandela effect as the name Dontae used to have something to do with the hell.

I was also under the impression that they may have been the illuminati but as it turns out they may be something much more sinister.

My story is very long and I'm typing this on my smart phone and I'm very tired at the moment.

But basically I seem to remember a lot from my past lifes where I happen to be the same person with the same family and meeting the same people who usually end up being my undoing.

I also had an experience with what the telepaths dub "the devil's moon" which basically is a red moon that ascends into the sky and replaces the original moon for the one experiencing it.

It then starts descending and I had to listen for instructions on where to go and get there before the sunrise.

When I get there and the sun finally does rise it also has a red hue.

I recall this happening in a past life as well. Although I have varying memories of the outcome.

For all you naysayers who will undoubtedly call me a schizo, I wouldn't even remember the voices of these people I briefly interacted with if they didn't invade my head when I get stoned.

The only way I can smoke weed now is by taking tiny hits or by drinking before administering the cannabis which seems to reduce or completely stop the telepathy.

I had to leave the town I was in because I was in the same town as the telepaths and they didn't take to kindly to my ego which they heard telepathically.

It's only the Samoans in this town I mention that are in some sort of telepathic secret society.


I'd like to say that since I've last posted here I have come to realize I am under attack from psionic telepaths who use drugs to get into my head.

Mainly the drug Marijuana so I've quit smoking it limiting myself only to small amounts and sometimes larger amounts when I drink.

When I get stoned I seem to gain telepathic abilities.

But they seem to be able to see through my eyes yet I can't see through there's.

I had a moment where I wrote down my whole story involving them and then I got high and read it so that they could hear it.

It's a rough draft of a story I'd like to complete one day but I'm just not sure how to not sound schizo when I speak about this topic.

But I believe I have them in some sort of stalemate because if they come after me it may prove my story to be true.

Also they've told me that they are not the illuminati but in fact Satan's army.

They are Samoan and I met them all in real life and still have vivid memories of them killing me. As well as a general feeling like everything has already happened before.

When we communicate telepathically they frequently tell me I am going to hell.

I don't know if that's true or not but I now have a strong belief in reincarnation that you could call a spiritual enlightenment.

I also used a gematria calculator with my name and one of the Samoans names pops up right next to mine.

I'm not quite sure what this means or how to interpret the calculations of the gemetria calculator.

I'm wondering if anyone can take this seriously for a moment and give me some sort of clue on what's happened to me? Could I truly have some sort of spiritual enlightenment into reincarnation?

I also seem to remember dream like states occurring in between lives.

Possibly due to the DMT that is released from your brain when you die.

Also sorry I'm actually new to fringe so I've never posted here before.

I just copy pasted from a thread of mine on /x/



You're not seeing past lives, you're seeing parallel timelines. The best way I can explain what's happening is the weaker versions of yourself clinging to you like flotsam.

You'll need to integrate them, you can't dispel them or you're just sending them to another piece of yourself to deal with. Infinite hotel problem.

Look into the shadow self. Your shadow moves with you. Love it like you love yourself.



If that's indeed what's happening which I don't necessarily believe it is.

How would I go about integrating myselves?

Anything I can read on the subject?


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>When I get stoned I seem to gain telepathic abilities

/fringe/ in a nutshell

You're obviously suffering from drug-induced hallucinations and delusions.

Given how hard it is for you to quit, you classify as an addict. You need help with your drug addiction and probably your life in general (i.e. the reasons why you escape into drug use), not with satanic Samoans from your former life.

That said, I suggest building a dead man's switch. Record yourself on video as you explain in detail who threatens to kill you, and how, and why. Give the recording to a trusted friend and tell him to get behind a proxy and upload it to YouTube and LiveLeak if you die.



I appreciate the idea first off, also I have my own compelling reasons to believe I'm not having audio hallucinations.

One time I was told by the voice of a man I knew to go to a specific room at a hotel and when I awnsered I was greated by the man with the same voice.

Another time I was in a room with a Samoan girl, the same one that's right next to me on the gematria calculator.

This is the first time i remember communicating telepathically.

Basically she starts telepathically telling me she's in my head, then I think back "let's fuck" then she took her panties off and basically jumped on my cock believe it or not.

I have nothing to gain from making this up.

I just want an explanation as to what the fuck happened.

I already know it was telepathy but how/why?



Also if you read, I said that I have quit except for the occasional small dose of weed which does not trigger the telepathy.

Even larger doses don't when I'm drunk.



have you tried focusing your inner light/chi/akash and sublimating yourself into a singular will?

I would postulate that the cannabis is merely acting as a catalyst and agonist which is making you more aware of your telepathic abilities.

While alcohol acts on your GABA receptors essentially putting the parts of your brain you use in sleep to an unsconcious state, the same ones you would probably need inorder to utilize any telepathic abilities and be conscious of them.

I don't think you can run from something that exists within you regardless of what has awakened them or why.

You must learn to master yourself, regardless of if these powers are real at all or a manifestation of your mind entirely, so too is the rest of reality so schizo or not the expansion and mastery of self should aid you in this battle.

All is mind, these forces are not acting upon you anymore than light strikes your eyes, accept that your mind is a domain of your total control and you should be able to repel them without having to avoid them.

I wouldn't necessarily suggest this but out of a pure personal curiosity I wonder if sleep deprivation may not be an even more effective means of unleashing these powers aside from meditation. Risky business though as without unlocking these powers to be at your disposal in a sober state of mind, you cannot be certain of your control over them. I would try to meditate sober first and see if you cannot open the door that has been pryed open for you, then slowly gain the ability to do so freely, closing it when not in use.

I don't know if alcohol is the best means of blocking it but it probably is the best on hand, though i would also suggest taking GABA supplements if you want to suppress it until you feel confident of your control.

You can do this a million turns of the wheel need not lead to a million more, you sound eager to be free of this cycle, perhaps the will to do so is already manifest within you needing only your acceptance to be unleashed.


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First off before I finish reading your post and forget.

I am currently reading through kybalion and I understand the mind is all concept.

I really am trying to rid myself of this curse.

So far I've recognized that thinking the word silence has helped silence my thoughts.

I really appreciate your input.



Think less that you are cursed and more that you are blessed with gifts you have yet to master.

We could rip ourselves apart, bite out chunks of our flesh, remove fingers, our lips or tongues, yet none of these things are curses to us. We need only chose to be filled with the will to harness them and use them to wield that will.

You are afflicted by this ability but you are not cursed by it.

And you are most welcome, may we all remind each other of the things in our hearts we already know but in mind have forgotten.



Read Jungian psychology, specifically the archetypes of the self. Here's a primer: http://www.soulcraft.co/essays/the_12_common_archetypes.html

Per >>123440

Dude's half-right albeit a cunt. Telepathy is a thing, but usually you're picking up on an emotional state and reading your own thoughts reflected off of them. An easy example: Someone comes home angry from work, you feel like you didn't get enough done that day. So you layer their emotions over your thoughts and think they're angry at YOU, because you didn't get enough done. You're reading your own mind, in a manner of speaking, but blending your emotional state with the environment. A struggle for telepaths in general is learning when you're actually reading someone else's mind vs reading your own mind in their voice. Usually it's actually you, you're the loudest voice in your own mind.

What works for each person will be different, but feng shui and the flow of chi in the environment would be a good place to start. Find ways to dampen the flow and calm the energy in your immediate environment, form a quiet/sacred space and cultivate that area so you have a safe space to retreat to and focus on your own thoughts and close yourself off from the intrusive ones.

Meditate on what pops into your head, begin to identify the thoughts and classify them. Don't immediately say "that's me, that's not me", instead try to understand how they pertain to you. Whether it's your subconscious reaching your conscious mind or someone else projecting, recognize why you're picking up on that thought in the first place, before you bother trying to attribute it to the source.



thats good advice too hes working through the kybalion so once hes done with that Jung is a good next step.



Thanks for your input.

I sincerely do believe it's telepathy and I know what you're saying about reading my own thoughts in someone else's voice.

In my case I always use the voice of an ex love I had.

It creeps the other telepaths in my group out but it's because she was one of the first voices I familiarized myself with.

I do hear other voices too but they're all Samoans I knew a year ago, there also used to be a black guys voice but I don't hear from him telepathically anymore.

Sorry if I got off topic but you have good advice and I will read the link.


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Telepathy/hivemind is a focal point of mine and I'd be interested in us doing work together in the future once you've stabilized your own frequency. I'll keep my astral radio tuned to fresh transmission.



I've never actually had telepathic communication outside this group of people.

They did something to me that I can't seem to remember.

Black out periods if you will.

But I'd be interested in learning what you know.



I've been broadcasting the same 4-digit number on a telepathic frequency for some months now, with one change every cycle to keep it fresh. That way when someone tunes in, I'll know.

There's no rush, we have (literally) all the time in the world.

>But I'd be interested in learning what you know.

The only thing worth sharing I've found from my work thus far is that everyone experiences emotions differently. My working hypothesis is that it's akin to a sort of "caste" system, going by many names in many cultures. Those with a "higher vibration" (as people like to think of it) are harder to read for those lower on the scale. The two people who have managed to get reliable reads from me can only sense when I'm angry or annoyed. My "higher frequency" emotions (joy, love, happiness, bliss) are off their radar entirely, they can't sense my emotional state at all. The mid-range emotional states (i.e. contemplation, reflection) register as something else, when I'm deep in thought they'll ask me if I'm upset about something.

One poster here has mentioned insects being attracted to higher frequencies, and particularly when I'm in nature and reflecting, they'll swarm to me.

You would probably be interested in the thread here on weed and spirituality, the short version is that when you get high, your result will be what you expected/asked for before you took it into your system. Something to experiment with if you can work your nerve up to it, probably after a solid T-break. I'm abstinent now outside of microdosing because it hits me like LSD, my third eye is already pretty open without psychedelics LOL.



Not the guy you're replying too, but i've noticed the same thing re: insects. Can't meditate or cultivate under a tree without the weirdest looking insects i've ever seen falling on me from above.

I have a question for you. How do i get to the level of insight and power while sober that I do while i'm high?

I'm gonna start thinking of a 4 digit number. i'm still new to this telepathy stuff, my esoteric path has lead me down a different road of ability. so i may be wrong. 2158. am I close?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not even remotely. Don't strain yourself, my worshiper only recently got to the point of picking up on my emotions, and she can't even distinguish them yet. That's after 3+ months of devotion, mind you. Closest I've gotten was a bro-wizard who works with tulpas who got half the digits right, then his tulpa got the other half right, in the completely wrong order. We did do some long-distance alchemy though (his black kyanite turned blue, my (larger) blue kyanite absorbed his and has a small patch of black kyanite in its matrix now, pretty cool). That's from opposite ends of the country (mind you, I live on a lay line, so I have an advantage).

>I have a question for you. How do i get to the level of insight and power while sober that I do while i'm high?

Video related. Seriously.




I thought Satan was a word for the revenant that guards the dead.

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