I'd like to say that since I've last posted here I have come to realize I am under attack from psionic telepaths who use drugs to get into my head.
Mainly the drug Marijuana so I've quit smoking it limiting myself only to small amounts and sometimes larger amounts when I drink.
When I get stoned I seem to gain telepathic abilities.
But they seem to be able to see through my eyes yet I can't see through there's.
I had a moment where I wrote down my whole story involving them and then I got high and read it so that they could hear it.
It's a rough draft of a story I'd like to complete one day but I'm just not sure how to not sound schizo when I speak about this topic.
But I believe I have them in some sort of stalemate because if they come after me it may prove my story to be true.
Also they've told me that they are not the illuminati but in fact Satan's army.
They are Samoan and I met them all in real life and still have vivid memories of them killing me. As well as a general feeling like everything has already happened before.
When we communicate telepathically they frequently tell me I am going to hell.
I don't know if that's true or not but I now have a strong belief in reincarnation that you could call a spiritual enlightenment.
I also used a gematria calculator with my name and one of the Samoans names pops up right next to mine.
I'm not quite sure what this means or how to interpret the calculations of the gemetria calculator.
I'm wondering if anyone can take this seriously for a moment and give me some sort of clue on what's happened to me? Could I truly have some sort of spiritual enlightenment into reincarnation?
I also seem to remember dream like states occurring in between lives.
Possibly due to the DMT that is released from your brain when you die.
Also sorry I'm actually new to fringe so I've never posted here before.
I just copy pasted from a thread of mine on /x/