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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I fucked up and did something terrible, I know I should be prepared for karmic justice but I need to find a way using magic (or other fringe methods) to relieve this heavy karma upon myself.


You fucked up even worse by breaking rule 2 u nigger


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If you believe you deserve it, you probably don't. Most people who deserve to suffer, deserve it because they don't own their own wrongdoing. In owning your own wrongdoing, you've already proven it was a mistake and not necessarily a product of you being evil. But if you aren't fully owning it, the degree to which you don't own it will be the degree to which you will deserve to suffer. To deserve suffering, is an achievement earned through a truly strong-willed destructive ignorance; for instance, being a postmodernist.

However, if you are owning your evil/mistake because you are afraid of the consequences, and not because you fully feel and understand why it was wrong, you will deserve to suffer anyway. If you have full righteous remorse, as opposed to a fake coward's remorse, then you are going to be fine.

In your case however, you presently sound like a coward, so I'd suggest you sit and meditate for a while so you understand exactly what you did wrong, what you didn't do wrong, and where the true blame lies; and you'd better hope you understand this thoroughly and ethically if you wish to avoid deserving to suffer.

That all being stated, this universe does not have a righteous God, so don't expect to get what you deserve; however, if you take to heart everything I've just said, you can at least know what you deserve to a degree where your justice will come at your own hand, meaning any acts by God will be unjust. And if an act is unjust on God's part, at least then you can rightly hate God rather than hate yourself.

~Epyc Wynn



Wrong flag. Just fixed it.

~Epyc Wynn


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Depends on what you define as "terrible" . These days, the public's definition of "good and bad" is not what good and bad is. You'll have to be more specific if you want more specific answers.

Now, as for the consequences, consider an analogy: you have modern medicine. A very useful tool. But it can also be misused. You can use it to treat illness, but you can also use it to shield yourself from the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. That is, until it breaks and you have to face the fact that your health is now fucked permanently, beyond repair. And you should have made the lifestyle change early on.

If you left the faucet running, you shouldn't build a damn. You should go and turn the damn thing off. Sure, you might get your feet wet, it'll be unpleasant, but it's still better than what's to come if you build that dam and forget about it.

God comes for all. You can delay Him, but no power in Heaven or Earth can stop Him. If you don't make the hard choices now, you won't like it when He's gonna make the harder choices for you.


Go do some community service. Pay it back to mother earth, y'know. Pick up some litter in a particularly bad area or sow some seeds or trim overgrowth or whatever, really it can be whatever stands out as needing done.

When you feel you've done enough, you're done, and you'll feel better for having done it.


Karma isn't real unless you believe in it and let it happen. If you don't believe in karma you'll be fine



Karma means action. Physicists call it "cause and effect". Druids call it "you reap what you sow". Kids call it "what goes around comes around". In any case, it's a universal law: You don't pick up your dog shit and eventually your foot slides in it and you land on your ass. That's karma.

As far as a lightning bolt coming out of the blue sky to strike down you for flipping off your neighbor, yeah that's pretty unlikely.


Good and bad are just opinions, subjective reality.

The Multiverse has no morals or ethics, it just understand of vibration, objective reality.

If you have really not any trace of remorse, really, not any, like a fucking plant, then no "justice" will be served.

Now, knowing that, you have a human mind, you have a identity, and that identity have morals and ethics.

According to those morals, you did something wrong, and since i hoped you are not a nigger, if you tell to us what you do, we may agree that you did something wrong.

To relieve this karma that you put on yourself, you need to remove remorse.

To remove remorse, according to your morals, you have to pay a price.

To pay that price is where you can be truly creative, it can be anything really, as long as you FEEL that the price have been paid.

You ask for a magic method to erase that karma, and then, i tell you:

"There's an ancient spell, recovered from Atlantis, tattooed in the booty hole of and freaking big nose ancestor who survived the fall; the momified piece of leather was conserved antil the damn shoaxh take place, and turned into a not very nice lamp, still in the "Museum of Very Credible Events that Actually Happen" in Poland, you can actually read the spell in the ceiling when the light is on, but it´s in atlantean, wich is a very complicated language, but only if you dont know sumerian, wich i happen to know, because i know things, trust me.

The spell read someting like: [Some weird ass runes that doesn´t exist in ASCII]

And translates to "SHU, SHUU, GO AWAY BAD SQUIRREL."

Apparently, but it's just a theory, the atlanteans believe squirrels to be some kind of evil spirits."

If you believe what i said, you do the spell, and genuinely remove your remorse, then it's done.

But being honest, the chance for that to happen is really low unless you´re a nigger.

So, instead, you can try be a human being, more than that, a Man and affront the consequences that you subconsciously agree upon what you did.

Do not be afraid, because there is nothing to be afraid of.


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Karma works slowly around but I have proof. My high school sweetheart was gaslighted into dumping me by my asshole sister. My ex now has five different boys by five different men who all look like me. My sister had a husband of seven years who cheated on her with a better looking younger woman. She had to move on. My ex girlfriend is a shell of a woman now with no human emotions. All those kids (all boys) and no man wants that shit. At least a sane man.


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Had random music playing, song playing relates to your post, so this is for you!

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