I can stand for this, but what we should also do is explain how to "detoxify" most of this bullshit from our systems and avoid it. It's quite mundane in a sense but I'll drop what I do anyway in the hopes it may help someone else.
Where possible I juice or blend raw organic carrots, parsley and coriander(cilantro). Carrots are great for vitamin A, and parsley and coriander have substances that can bind to toxic heavy metals. I also take about a gram or so of vitamin C through a day, way more than you can get from eating typical food.
As with anything effective, affordable and widely available, Vitamin C has been reviled as a "quack" treatment by the establishment more than any other innocent nutrient but enough properly designed studies have vindicated its use for well-being among other things like helping your body recover from being slammed by these toxic substances. Don't believe their goddamn lies.
Also, get your minerals, vitamin D and K. They are vital for almost everything.
Real kombucha (raw, homemade if possible) has a bit of glucuronic acid which helps the liver bind to and remove toxic substances, and helps your healthy intestinal bacteria flourish. FYI, intestinal bacteria greatly influence your mind. Your mind and your feelings can also influence them. One reason people are spiritually blind because the makeup of their gut bacteria is hindering them. Those bacteria are like the midichlorians in those shitty star wars movies, they give you "the force" and are intimately connected to your mind, your "gut feeling."
Dandelion root is another important liver helper. The herb milk thistle is supposed to be helpful for the liver as well. Sulforophane is another recommended detox substance that helps the body handle an increase in estrogen activity caused by xeno estrogens. Sulforophane is important as many artificial toxins are powerful endocrine disrupters and the endocrine system is probably form the material basis of the chakras.
You can either purchase the substance for dirt cheap or eat a lot of brussels sprouts and broccoli. Roast in butter is recommended. DIM is also found in cruciferous vegetables and is similar to sulforophane. eat more brussels sprouts and broccoli.
Weekly fasting can be good as well. there's a reason it's incorporated into spiritual practices and it helps free you from the illusion of material hunger.
Avoiding GMO and non-organic food is highly recommended. Staple GMOs like wheat, corn and especially soy. GMO itself hasn't been "proven" to be harmful by the same people who produce them, but the Roundup herbicide shit they spray on it (it's the only reason it's genetically modified to begin with… to resist the herbicide) has been scientifically established a powerful endocrine disrupter and carcinogen and yet we use it anyway.
Also it kills those intestinal bacteria that can promote spiritual awareness. Fuck man.
GMO is just a clever red herring for the actual dangerous stuff they spray on the crops. It's also the way they can turn a living organism into intellectual property for extra $hekelz
Also, the more whole your food is, the better. Stay away from ramen and hot pockets and learn how to properly boil eggs and eat rice and beans or your staple of choice like oats or something. the good gut bugs like the stuff found in legumes and oats.
Staples are the most cost effective foods anyway. Avoid the microwave like the plague as it destroys the subtle anti-cancer nutrients of food that materialists conveniently overlook. This is not a myth:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722699/The clarity of mind you get from eating clean is of tremendous value, not to mention the quality of nourishing yourself with tasty food that you prepared yourself even on a NEET's weekly allowance budget. hope this helps.