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Will you support this initiative to remove ZOG toxins from poisoning us all /fringe/?

>The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed in 1976 and has never been updated. Some people might assume that the chemicals used to make products sold in the U.S., like toys and food containers, are regulated and tested for safety — but they are not. Over 80,000 chemicals are currently available for use in the market. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) grandfathered in 62,000 chemicals when enacted in 1976 and over 20,000 have since been added. The EPA has required very few of these to be tested for their impacts on human health and the environment. Now is the time to update the regulation on these chemicals.



>that tinfoil helmet




So you call me a tinfoil hatter, eh smiley?

The nignogs of the FDA better update their "fluoride is good for your teeth" speech. Also worldwide merchant brands of toothpaste like Colgoyte or aquashit.


Tinfoil hatter is not a derogatory term to me but a term of pride.



I agree… and wow, the myopia article looks breddy good.
>synchronicity, since today I thought much about sight improvement as well


I am engaged right now in a serious of major magickal operations and have been having the most amazing successes I've had in a long while and I'm doing a fuckload of research on a lot of things right now and will document the whole thing when it's done if I achieve the level of ultimate success I'm after – will even have a video if all goes well.


I've also been researching pillow cases, many different cleaning products, saliva, etc. and engaged in intense meditation lately that has had profound and immediate results.

As such I'm barely posting – but it'll be worth it. When I'm done and it all works, I'll have a whole ton of stuff to post that will actually be worth reading.


>not sure if I have become pseudo-invisible and inaudible to my mom

I keep talking to her and asking her questions and she doesn't respond at all even when pressed and only physically getting in her way caused any sort of response but not to a single thing I was saying, she responded as if she couldn't see or hear me.


I can stand for this, but what we should also do is explain how to "detoxify" most of this bullshit from our systems and avoid it. It's quite mundane in a sense but I'll drop what I do anyway in the hopes it may help someone else.

Where possible I juice or blend raw organic carrots, parsley and coriander(cilantro). Carrots are great for vitamin A, and parsley and coriander have substances that can bind to toxic heavy metals. I also take about a gram or so of vitamin C through a day, way more than you can get from eating typical food.

As with anything effective, affordable and widely available, Vitamin C has been reviled as a "quack" treatment by the establishment more than any other innocent nutrient but enough properly designed studies have vindicated its use for well-being among other things like helping your body recover from being slammed by these toxic substances. Don't believe their goddamn lies.

Also, get your minerals, vitamin D and K. They are vital for almost everything.

Real kombucha (raw, homemade if possible) has a bit of glucuronic acid which helps the liver bind to and remove toxic substances, and helps your healthy intestinal bacteria flourish. FYI, intestinal bacteria greatly influence your mind. Your mind and your feelings can also influence them. One reason people are spiritually blind because the makeup of their gut bacteria is hindering them. Those bacteria are like the midichlorians in those shitty star wars movies, they give you "the force" and are intimately connected to your mind, your "gut feeling."

Dandelion root is another important liver helper. The herb milk thistle is supposed to be helpful for the liver as well. Sulforophane is another recommended detox substance that helps the body handle an increase in estrogen activity caused by xeno estrogens. Sulforophane is important as many artificial toxins are powerful endocrine disrupters and the endocrine system is probably form the material basis of the chakras.

You can either purchase the substance for dirt cheap or eat a lot of brussels sprouts and broccoli. Roast in butter is recommended. DIM is also found in cruciferous vegetables and is similar to sulforophane. eat more brussels sprouts and broccoli.

Weekly fasting can be good as well. there's a reason it's incorporated into spiritual practices and it helps free you from the illusion of material hunger.

Avoiding GMO and non-organic food is highly recommended. Staple GMOs like wheat, corn and especially soy. GMO itself hasn't been "proven" to be harmful by the same people who produce them, but the Roundup herbicide shit they spray on it (it's the only reason it's genetically modified to begin with… to resist the herbicide) has been scientifically established a powerful endocrine disrupter and carcinogen and yet we use it anyway.

Also it kills those intestinal bacteria that can promote spiritual awareness. Fuck man.

GMO is just a clever red herring for the actual dangerous stuff they spray on the crops. It's also the way they can turn a living organism into intellectual property for extra $hekelz

Also, the more whole your food is, the better. Stay away from ramen and hot pockets and learn how to properly boil eggs and eat rice and beans or your staple of choice like oats or something. the good gut bugs like the stuff found in legumes and oats.

Staples are the most cost effective foods anyway. Avoid the microwave like the plague as it destroys the subtle anti-cancer nutrients of food that materialists conveniently overlook. This is not a myth:

The clarity of mind you get from eating clean is of tremendous value, not to mention the quality of nourishing yourself with tasty food that you prepared yourself even on a NEET's weekly allowance budget. hope this helps.


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Thanks for that


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lel, that pic.

Would've loved to have seen the shitstorm the first time they saw the Illuminati card game.


That article is true. I used to be nearsighted and needed glasses but stopped wearing them about three years ago. I got an eye exam a few months ago, and my vision was perfect.


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This lie struck me.


Did you just stop wearing your glasses? Or did you also do exercises/change your reading habits/pray to the virgin Mary?


Yes, I didn't like wearing them and I wasn't about to wear contacts.


I wore contacts through high school. They are better than glasses in many ways but come with their own set of problems. Better to be free of both.
I'm really glad I saw this thread. Not needing glasses would be a definite blessing.


Just do a high carb low fat vegan diet. Or raw till 4, look up freelee on youtube. You basically eat raw fruits and veggies till your last meal which would be cooked starches. Its the best detox but you do it for life. If you want extra detox eat a bunch of broccoli.

Also amla powder and cloves for a bunch of antioxidants.


I don't think children should wear glasses or contacts for any reason. I'm 19, so it seems my eyes corrected myself as I grew.


There's a lot of articles about kombucha being "harmful and not proven effective".


*corrected themselves


I'm 21 and never wear glasses but my eyesight is still fucked and has been fucked for years now. I intend to fix it with magick though after fixing several other problems first.


Well, there's also a lot of articles about how good fluoride is for you, so…


>for 3 nights now
>have taken triple-x dose of melatonin (9mg)
>it is helping me do magick, but not at sleep
>perpetually awake, just want to astral, but can't sleep at all
>have been doing ridiculous amounts of cleaning during the day, followed by showering off after getting exposed to so much dirt and using tearless baby shampoo to clean hair, followed by fuckloads of meditation throughout the night because I can't sleep

I think it's because I've been having less fruit than what is normal for me lately but I don't know. I don't seem to NEED sleep but I really WANT to sleep.


What is kombucha tea? Does it have any health benefits?

Kombucha tea is a fermented drink made with tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast. Although it's sometimes referred to as kombucha mushroom tea, kombucha is not a mushroom — it's a colony of bacteria and yeast. Kombucha tea is made by adding the colony to sugar and tea, and allowing the mix to ferment. The resulting liquid contains vinegar, B vitamins and a number of other chemical compounds.

Proponents claim kombucha tea can stimulate the immune system, prevent cancer, and improve digestion and liver function. However, there's no scientific evidence to support these health claims.

There have, however, been reports of adverse effects, such as stomach upset, infections and allergic reactions in kombucha tea drinkers. Kombucha tea is often brewed in homes under nonsterile conditions, making contamination likely. If ceramic pots are used for brewing, lead poisoning might be a concern — the acids in the tea may leach lead from the ceramic glaze.

In short, there isn't good evidence that kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, the prudent approach is to avoid kombucha tea until more definitive information is available.



I agree. My eyes have corrected themselves as I've willed them to adjust to see large distances. The only reason I became near-sighted was because I used to play MMO's for long hours so I purposely allowed my eyes to zoom into the screen to simulate an immersive field of view. Then I never needed them to see far on a regular basis so they didn't.



Where can I get this and is it efficacious? I am particularly interested in it as it appears it may correct several other related problems I have at once.



>Will you support this initiative to remove ZOG toxins from poisoning us all /fringe/?



I've had homemade kombucha for years and I'm still alive. Maybe I am a superpowered exception, I don't know. But unless you make it while you have shit under your fingernails or your immune system is compromised due to AIDS and there happens to be anthrax in it or something, it's not harmful.

Plus it's not in Mayo Clinic's interest to advertise it as a panacea like the people who sell shit for it. Of course they're going to have a "warning" like they warn you for vitamin C. If you look at all sides instead of just one with an ulterior motive, you may be able to determine what is good or not.

Kombucha is like a more probiotic apple cider vinegar, and the benefits of ACV are numerous. The other difference is that kombucha components also promote liver metabolism.


This is a good guide, thank you.

Yesterday, while meditating, I heard a single faint crack inside my head, (I believe). It would be great if the detoxification progress had begun as I've been following my own diet for some time now.




The Unexpected Capability of Melanin to Split the Water Molecule and the Alzheimer’s Disease

>We began a study about the three main causes of blindness in 1990, because their incidence and prevalence have not changed in the last forty years. Twelve years later we concluded that the main source of energy for the human retina is water, not ATP. And this is also true for the entire human body. Water is the main source of energy. The amazing capability of eukaryotic cells to break or dissociate the water molecule was unsuspected to us because it takes 2000℃ degrees to dissociate water in a laboratory environment, and until today, it was believed that only plants were capable of accomplishing this. Photosynthesis occurs in humans as it does in plants. The water that we drink every day is not just to wash away detritus and toxins; it is not just a cleaner, nor a simple solvent. When our body dissociates the water molecule, cells are able to get their energy from Hydrogen (Hydrogen is the energy carrier that Nature uses the most). Water is our main source of energy. If our body couldn’t acquire energy from water, we would need to eat between 50 - 170 kg (110 - 374 lbs) daily. In any system, when a generalized failure occurs, we must suspect energy first. Parkinson and Alzheimer’s Disease are examples of a generalized failure. That explains why it is not uncommon that patients improve dramatically with pharmacological stimulation of the human photosynthesis process. Recall that the brain needs energy not only to grow or to perform its functions, but also to preserve its form and shape. The best energy for human cells is Hydrogen.




I think I am permanently stuck on a 25 to 26 hour cycle that sometimes temporarily aligns with the regular time but otherwise is always shifting forward 1-2 hours relative to the regular time.


lol butthurt

It's not just a question but a call to action.


So how do you improve eyesight?


We'll see. I just want to fix my skin first and then I'll work on the eyes. I'm pretty sure there's a way, I just like to investigate everything I can find first, and try out the mundane solutions first just to know they're bullshit before proceeding to something more powerful.


excellent post! is there a board for natural healing information? there should be, i'd contribute
steaming is not good for your skin. look into the oil cleansing method. I prefer grapeseed and castor oil blend and flannel cotton rounds.
also nightshades give people with sensitivities skin problems.
good luck anon!


Too late, I just cleaned and steamed my face last night, then put on some shea butter bodywash for sensitive skin twice and manually forced all the blackheads and other crap out of my skin, then cleaned with cold water, then went outside into the cold winter air, then came inside and went to bed and laid down on a clean pillowcase. My skin was all red and irritated when I did that but now this morning my skin looks better than it has looked in weeks. I got sick of "don't squeeze the skin" rule and just made sure my skin pores were as open as possible and to make it as easy as possible to squeeze everything out and it worked. I had an insane amount of blackheads and other crap all over my face. Now my skin pores are closed now and not even really visible because they're much smaller.

It's not over until it's over though… only once every last bit of skin problems are eliminated on me can I do one last final change of all pillow cases and so on and rest assured I've finished the job.

I also just spent a whole bunch of time in the astral playing games over at someone's house.


Also in the past I put coconut oil on my face before and that caused insane amounts of acne to breakout. Putting any oils on my face is a terrible idea.


coconut oil breaks out a lot of people. You just have to find the right oils. ok bye!


Nutrition is really important for eyesight. Getting a rest from the computer/books etc also helps. You can meditate on food to help it be more effective.



The CIA and other government agencies around the world has employed dark magic to make all our chemicals more dangerous for years. All you need to do is notice that chaos magicians and other people are on the payroll at places like the fda.

The only way to avoid being controlled through your food (and vaccines) is to prepare it yourself. You can't trust anyone to do that for you. The rights to purify these things are not for an underling to undertake. All I hope is that you realize this.


Do you even know anybody who had made that work? I hear it doesn't fucking work. I'd go with Qui Gong or this shit here instead: http://frauenfeldclinic.com/


>tfw CIA is intimate with discord

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