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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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==The True Meaning of Magic:== Diagramming and spreading diagrams of ideas, symbols, and memes, such as symbolized philosophies and theories, in order to manipulate hiveminds and the individuals composing hiveminds. (This is unconsciously done by many political, religious, and general organizations in order to gain and maintain power, as it's essentially Advanced Propaganda 101.)

==Why this is true:== All main lines of occult history both in this board and across the field lend themselves to the notion that there is an Ideosphere, aka Imaginary Reality, and the best way to interact with this reality is through organizing, understanding, and applying diagrammed systems of ideas, symbols, and memes, in order to influence the Ideosphere on a large scale, which is best achieved by manipulating Hiveminds.

Based on our board's history, magic's history, and most magical information I have encountered, magic is uniquely conveyed through webs and hierarchies of diagrammed symbols, ideas, and memes. These diagrammed systems represent spiritual constructs and personalities. Our most iconic "theories" or "symbol systems" look like giant maps for exploring the symbols in our mind. These include the Golden Drawn Cross, Kabbalah, Astrological Maps, Alchemical Systems, Chakra Maps, and miscellaneous diagrams you can find throughout our board. These are symbolic maps meant to explore a strictly Imaginary Reality which is overlaid over our Physical Reality, and it is known as the Ideosphere in the scholarly field of Memetics. The Ideosphere is the house of Hiveminds, whereas in our Physical Reality we have a Biosphere which instead of having Hiveminds, has Packs and Armies of living beings which often act as a byproduct of being manipulated by Hiveminds. Hivemind in the sense I am using it in, should be thought of as an entity with its own unique singular individual free will, which exists as a mosaic nework of nodes or fragments scattered across numerous individuals it uses as both pieces of its collective brain, and as pieces of its collective body. This is divergent from the common weaker definition of a hivemind as a collective observed force that can take over a riot or mob of people as a reaction to a collective experience. Magic is almost universally focused on viewing reality as imaginary, and I simply argue that while this could potentially be true to some extent in the Physical Reality, for the most part this is not sufficiently proven and even if it is true, its direct influence on reality without relying on the physical body's abilities, are minor at best. However, the Imaginary Reality aka Ideosphere, is nonetheless A REALITY which is overlaid on our Physical Reality which we embody and experience simultaneously with our Physical Reality.

==Why this is done:== It's a tool, it works, it's built for large-scale usage, and thus we should learn to consciously use it well.


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==How this is done:== 1. Break the universe down into a set of abstractions, label those abstractions, create a symbol for each of those abstractions, organize those symbols based on the relationships between those abstractions, relate these abstractions with other closely related abstractions, compare and contrast this system of abstractions with other systems of abstractions, create from this a better system of symbols representations labelled abstractions, and finally symbolize and label this system of abstractions and its sub-systems of abstractions. This should be done repeatedly within the Magic community in order to create 1. The ideal symbols, 2. The ideal systems of symbols, 3. The ideal abstractions, 4. The ideal relationship web of abstractions, and 5. The ideal symbolized, labelled, related, system of abstractions.

2. Unify the aforementioned methods in tandem with philosophies, political philosophies, study philosophies, ideological philosophies, theories, and memes.

3. Introduce these systems to people interested in the aforementioned concepts in order to alter how they organize these concepts in their minds. For instance, introduce a symbolic system related to discrimination to feminists and supremacists, or introduce a symbolic system related to sexuality to LGBT members and people interested in sex.

4. Do this enough to where the Hiveminds built around the aforementioned concepts and people which fuel those concepts, are altered in a way which is beneficial. For instance, there is the Feminist Hivemind, the Democrat Hivemind, the Pepe Hivemind, the Anal Sex Hivemind, and Intersectional Hiveminds such as the Black Female Hivemind, Nazi Trumpist Hivemind, etcetera.

==Concluding thoughts:== Magic is bullshit because it's imaginary and based on imaginary things. That means you can effectively affect other things that are bullshit with bullshit occultism. You can only alter an imaginary reality with an imagination-oriented applied method. Thus, only when one can admit magic is imaginary bullshit, can one fully comprehend magic's applications in manipulating imaginary bullshit. There is nothing more bullshit than the hegemonic hiveminds of thought manipulating us on a collective large scale, so we could stand to consciously work toward better alternative hiveminds.

~Epyc Wynn



You're so close, yet so far…



Explain how he's wrong or you'll just seem pretentious



Is this an Epyc Wynn post? If so, I appreciate that you're actually giving knowledge instead of just saying that most people's idea of magic is wrong



Nvrm didn't notice the name tag unu


File: be743457efa94f4⋯.png (3.06 MB, 3314x1695, 3314:1695, ClipboardImage.png)



I am Epyc Wynn and the OP's posts are mine.

I will post a clown emoji on Twitter 1 minute after this post's timestamp.


~Epyc Wynn


File: 9cfcc5dd778a865⋯.png (411.29 KB, 453x457, 453:457, chrome_2018-07-13_05-01-20.png)


Twitter's timestamps are a tad on the broken side for some reason. It says 7:15pm on my end despite it having been posted at 10:16pm.

~Epyc Wynn


File: 6db9da3792200cf⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1593x1602, 177:178, PotPlayerMini64_2018-07-04….png)


>you're so close yet so far




~Epyc Wynn



I never said that there's anything wrong, but to borrow a aphorism, here is a toad that lives at the bottom of a well, and looks up to the sky and declares its complete view of the world…


File: 11b2065f2d06ce3⋯.png (1018.78 KB, 1252x1257, 1252:1257, chrome_2018-06-09_09-41-54.png)


Let me metasplain the average in-depth discussion between two opposing viewpoints to you.

>Me: "Observation."

<You: "Your observation is wrong."

>Me: "Why?"

<You: "Because I said so."

>Me: "Can you do better?"

<You: "Fine." *lifts leg and proceeds to shit propaganda and fallacies all over the place*

>Me: "I disagree."

<You: "Why?"

>Me: "Because all you did is shit excessive verbose propaganda and fallacious logic everywhere."

<You: "Argue why it's wrong if you disagree."

>Me: "But that wastes a ton of time."

<You: "Ha looks like you lose."

>Me: "Fine." *proceeds to clean up the shit*

<You: "I disagree." *shits more*

>Me: *cleans more*

<You: *excessive shitting noises*

>Me: *excessive cleaning noises*

And nothing will be accomplished because I'll see shit where you see sparkles.

So what do we do about this divide? Do we concede we're both sure the other person is wrong while fully believing we ourselves are right?

Simply put, I embody my truth, you experience your fallacy, and we both feel on some level that we're absolutely right.

That is the inherent problem with philosophy and mysticism: you can't prove mysticism to anyone but yourself, and you can't prove philosophy outside of systems of logic and rhetoric which can always be circumvented through other systems of logic and rhetoric.

I'm sure of myself and you're sure of yourself. I believe you're wrong because I embody an existence which dictates this to be true. You believe I'm wrong because your experiences and desires led you to this conclusion. But we can't do anything outside of make fanciful claims so we're fucked no matter how much effort, logic, or rhetoric we put in.

With all of that in mind, I claim you have no legitimate basis for your statement. I make this claim on the seemingly ignorant basis of "I said so," with no other logical or rhetorical validity to support this claim, because let's face it: IN MAGIC EVERYTHING IS COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT!

~Epyc Wynn



I love how epyc wyn is gradually becoming more and more of a looshcow


File: 2c4d7d31468ccc1⋯.png (373.88 KB, 781x689, 781:689, chrome_2018-06-29_04-53-12.png)


Same fam.

Image related.

~Epyc Wynn



You aren't wrong and i never said you were.

But you seemed to have missed the light


File: 0c1ca62a79b1bd9⋯.png (445.39 KB, 450x449, 450:449, chrome_2018-05-28_04-58-03.png)


>state you believe it is wrong that i claim to observe a complete view

>state you actually meant i was right

>state that i have missed the light of what you meant

If I went around making contradictions and vague wordings, most people would miss the "light" of what I mean too. But that would be my own fault, and I would own responsibility for that without mocking others for my own bad-to-misleading conveyance.

~Epyc Wynn



I am not making claims of whos wrong or right.

If you stare into a mirror are you seeing an image of your past? Your future? The dimensions of your nature? Or is it only a reflection, an incomplete perspective of the whole?

Could the reflection be wrong?

What if you pointed at the mirror and said, 'that is the the whole truth!"

Here us where we might say you are wrong. But if you were to say, "this is all that i can see," then there is no more right and wrong. Then you have opened yourself up to the light which i had alluded to in my previous post.


File: f1f407d3a7c6887⋯.mp4 (11.52 MB, 480x360, 4:3, mozart-symphony-40-in-g-mi….mp4)

The board has become well-populated with maps of symbols representing abstractions.

However, I'd remind you all that we cannot move forward unless we make our own ORIGINAL symbols of UNIQUELY chosen abstractions UNIQUELY connected together in our own ORIGINAL systems of symbols.

Think of it like making a comic book with no dialogue and symbols instead of detailed artwork in boxes. Give it flow and purpose. Make it an original creation.

Don't try to be perfect; try to try to be perfect. That is to say, don't get hung up on being perfect, so much as valuing the attempt itself. The more attempts we have to compare and contrast, the closer we can get to finalizing a TRULY perfect system of systems of labeled symbols representing abstractions, as a means of influencing people to think better.

All we are, are cartographers of the mind's abstractions.

Some Mozart for inspiration.

~Epyc Wynn


File: babf6b0546b7250⋯.png (130.41 KB, 1000x1620, 50:81, 1462071501316.png)


Magic is a product of expanding consciousness. Expanding awareness. Maybe just a byproduct.

More awareness, higher sensitivity to the invisible, exploration of causal relationships related to the invisible.



Exactly. You have to create your own stuff. Carve your own path through the jungle of life.

Too bad most people are sheeple and will always be sheeple. Unable to create or even to think for themselves they are bound to be mere drones, soulles followers and consumers. The reward for being a part of the slave-hive-mind of the demiurge is death.

How often have I preached activating the mind and thinking for onseself? How often have I preached going your own way instead of following dogmas and lies of others? It is all in vein, most people can only follow the paths of the few who were able to create themselves. Drones reuse their symbols, their teachings, their ways and by doing so almost always fail.

It is only human to be ones entire power away and worship some other who you can blindly follow. Because humans in the end are pathetic and weak and when you look at society and the modern human you will not have any doubts about this. The occasional leader and creator is very rare indeed.


File: 054398a038e126a⋯.png (15.64 KB, 270x98, 135:49, chrome_2018-05-16_17-26-25.png)


Thanks for the understanding.

Though, I sincerely doubt leaders and creators are given a fair enough shot in life for you to assume they're rare, instead of considering they're just unable to make a name for themselves due to limits they're uniquely faced with.

~Epyc Wynn


File: d470afcdad9b95b⋯.jpeg (89.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, B1BBC73D-A1BA-47FB-9565-2….jpeg)

You have as much magic as this guy


File: fb36aad8671aa22⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, epycwynnpumpkinuser.png)


God I love having the magical power of being a forgettable anime character. Right up there with plot armor and anime logic.

~Epyc Wynn



you need to be a little less self obsessed


File: 54eca93921e95f4⋯.png (193.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, epycpumpkinonyellow.png)


Egotism is wrong because it requires you to love yourself at the cost of devaluing the importance of others.

So if I just love myself a lot AND love others a lot, then it balances out.

Nothing wrong with having a fun with an imaginary identity. Not like I actually need it in order to enjoy life.

~Epyc Wynn



Need much more than just a little self obsession.


File: b20cf1eaa270f97⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.06 MB, 2100x1900, 21:19, rainbow_6__caveira_consuss….png)


You know what else is close?


Here it comes my slave!!



Baby's first magical paradigm. You get some stuff right, but you are only as right as those books on persuasion and influence and shit like that. It's mundane-level business-class magic, like if Scott Adams tried to claim he was a magus. Memetics are a path to magic, but staying strictly in the realm of social programming and mind control misses the vast bulk of magic and even magical theory by restricting it only to the level of common social relations. Telling us you know the real deal because you understand the basic outline of ideology and memes is like trying to teach a course on Biblical scholarship after reading a children's abbreviated bible.


Interesting stuff.

I saw a lot of focus on the systemization of things. This is the science.

In the practice it shows us application.

Both physical and mental reality can interact with one another.

Older rituals were done using more of the physical.



Can you actually bend spoons?



Yes, if handed a spoon.


File: 69aa4ea631338b4⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 462x500, 231:250, 4535f.jpg)


Some day i will become like you.


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File: 811db826e640aea⋯.jpg (24.28 KB, 300x410, 30:41, Ne-oh's.jpg)

File: 683ea83a6b20ff8⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 550x567, 550:567, THERE-IS-NO-SPOON_o_122372.jpg)


I believe you!



I saw the red pills in the second one and groaned internally at /pol/ before I realized heh


Please stop responding to [redacted] and his threads, he's a complete retard


File: f89ab495b74b7e4⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 625x628, 625:628, 10ba9839a3b9bd.jpg)


idk who the op.. [redacted], is.



I bet this guy still believes in the holocaust.


File: d911c36c28ecdb9⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 220x215, 44:43, 220px-US-GreatSeal-Hunt190….jpg)


This is a good point, magick can be used to manipulate the collective consciousness because we in a sense are part of that already. And politics and culture are expressions of the collective consciousness.

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