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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 48rd Attention-Hungry Games
/qanon/ - Were on the road to nowhere

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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 67cfce5628bd228⋯.jpg (783.47 KB, 1600x1598, 800:799, Alchemy_Circle_by_Alchemis….jpg)



Try this technique out and let me know your thoughts. Worked really well for me


He explained something difficult to begginers in an easy understandable way. Unfortunately most people won't understand why he is doing or why to do it, the examples are also too much (light as a feather? So I could fly?! wtf)…normies will think it is just a joke or he is just crazy… But those who understands what, why he is demonstrating it will get it…But very few. You could put something else on the title also, something that would grab attention of people that actually are searching for it and would understand what he is doing…


I got banned from sonofthegods for making too many accounts :(

But i still respect the work he's put into this shit. He's a cool dude. I whole heartedly endorse this video for people looking to start their journey.



Can you give tips of where to start with the 1st rar? I am waiting for approval, but i want to understand this huge 468mb files. I am tottally lost, there is several files, there is the videos that i can't make heads or tails, there are a huge number of htm pages that i don't have a clue where is the start, there are htms that links to the closed forum….why? Why save something that is pswd protected?! I am getting a headache trying to figure it out… Also, the guardian of the files is a bat or something?


File: 11fc70d5c59ee50⋯.gif (103.15 KB, 220x165, 4:3, bat.gif)


>still respect the work he's put into this shit

I understand this part now, it's really a lot of work for only one person…

pic is my reaction after spending 2 days figuring the forum… No wonder they can't get users…They upload the backup of the entire forum saying that "the answer is there", you download 1,5 gb and discover it's the fucking backup of the entire forum and then get mad if you asks questions related to the fucking backup…

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