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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The "artificial entities" mentioned by Atkinson and described as existing in a layer very close to the one humans are found in?

They are the "memes" we are all so familiar with

>It occasionally happens, however, that an artificial elemental of this description is for various reasons unable to expend its force either upon its object or its creator, and in such cases it becomes a kind of wandering demon, readily attracted by any person who indulges feelings similar to that which gave it birth, and equally prepared either to stimulate such feelings in him for the sake of the strength it may gain from them, or to pour out its store of evil influences upon him through any opening which he may offer it. If it is sufficiently powerful to seize upon some passing shell (discarded astral body) it frequently does so, as the possession of such a temporary home enables it to husband its dreadful resources more carefully.

Memes are very much alive, the difference between us and them is that they are made of information, while we are made of matter. Being entirely information-based entities they can't replicate on their own and must parasitize on animals for survival and reproduction, they are spontaneously generated unintentionally from the information they sustain themselves on. The more intelligent the animal they infect, the more complex they can become (any animal capable of having a personality of its own is also capable of being infected by and generating such entities), since they are literally just information they have no physical form and can make it from host to host through any medium that can transmit information (such as the internet).

The most powerful memes are the ones that can invoke the most primal and powerful emotions, such as anger, since those tend to lead to more of the same and thus more loosh for the meme to consume. While memes are no doubt mostly nuisances, and at worst, outright destructive, they have undoubtedly helped humanity advance by letting us work towards common goals more easily as an effect of mutual infection (very early humans were much more solitary than their modern counterparts and only formed basic family structures based on survival)

The thing I don't understand though, is what process one can use to purge oneself of evil memes? Since their form is information it's obvious that forgetting a meme kills it instantly, however, forgetting things on purpose is impossible, especially meme entities like these since they only grow stronger as attention is fed to them, distracting yourself from it also wouldn't kill it, but put it in a dormant state ready to spring back to life at any moment. Perhaps it can be done by forming a positive "counter meme" that absorbs energy that otherwise would be absorbed by the unwanted meme? Like a kind of parasite that parasitizes the parasite. It would have to be able to kill itself after it's done or be one of the rare passive or useful memes in order for this to work, otherwise it accomplishes nothing.

As you can probably gather I have fucked myself and created a fucking evil rage demon that needs to be cleansed ASAP before I go insane, it's one that subsists mostly on hatred undirected, probably the strongest type of such elemental, i can hardly even fucking think straight anymore

Blue image to counter the vibe of this thing, which is, naturally, red-orange.


none of this matter heh


You don't purge the evil memes. You transmute them. Identify, deconstruct, sigil them all up and focus on the new reality you wish to manifest. Then cum all over the sigils and go to bed depressed, wake up the next morning and realize the cycle never ends.

Realize that life is memeingless.

praise sage


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<Noob faggot gets himself into a psychic binding without knowing or practicing the fundamentals.

Wasn't buddhism part of the training? Kids these days…

>what process one can use to purge oneself of evil memes


1) destroy any created physical incarnation of the said meme. Delete all image folders, if the meme has a physical form, destroy it (preferably in a ritual manner. I used a small fire for particularly clingy images) .

If the meme is a person, either a) mend your relationship to that person, such that the person and the meme become disentangled, and the person is no longer the meme (within your mind, or without), or

b) remove that person from your life. Block on facebook. Do the works. Don't prolong suffering unnecessarily. This fixes the "karmic" part of the meme . (ie. the objective changes you need to make in the world to let go of the meme. The procedure needed might be different from person to person and meme to meme, but this is the general "works" ,) ,

Now that we've took care of all physical aspects that may bind the meme to your mind (to the extent possible), time to take care of the psychic aspects (ie. remove the mind worm) .

1) Know that memes in themselves are not alive. There exists things and powers that make use of memes, and are alive, but these are not the memes themselves. You're calling the shell of a snail alive. Close enough, but not quite true.

2) Now, here's an exercise for you to do:

Observe your thoughts as if they where outside objects, like birds flying by. Whenever an intrusive thought comes by (like the said meme), make a passing note of it, and just keep "watching the sky" . Don't go on a wild goose chase. Don't chase after it, don't get your hands into it like toffee, but also, don't try and force it to go away. Just make note of it, and keep watching the 'thought sky' from a distance. Keep doing that, and the disturbing meme should go away. It might come back, but stay calm and repeat the meditation . Like watching the sky and seeing a bird pass by. Give it time. A day. A week. Most likely, two weeks should be more than enough for whatever bullshit you've created. Eventually it should go away completely (assuming the "objective" karmic debt was extinguished. Otherwise you should "know" by then what still needs to be done) . That's how you purge yourself of negative memes.



>I have fucked myself

I would argue that your overall description of how this all works is about as correct as it is incorrect. I'm not saying that you are wrong in your assessment, but rather that it is more complex, more abstract, in reality. That doesn't make your approach wrong, what we are talking about is something that is quite ineffable. You could describe it as perfectly as possible and still not describe it adequately because its a sort of dynamic thing. And when ever you think you have a definition of it, and you have it cornered, when you go to grasp it with your hand it oozes through your fingers and recongeals as something a bit different.

In other words it has entirely unstatic properties to it. There are also different levels of it. Which is why you can not explain these things to the uninitiated. The observer effect comes into play. The more aware you are of these things the more you will notice them and the more of an affect they will have on you.

I understand what you mean though, I too fucked myself a bit and for months it was mentally and spiritually torturous. It took me a while to figure out exactly how these things operate and how they behave but after I did I was able to come up with "meme rituals" that allow me to cleanse myself of these negatives. It doesnt have to be a "ritual", mine for instance is pretty mundane. I focus on the thoughts of improving my strength, personal growth, vitality, etc.. all positive attributes and while I am thinking that I go for a long walk with a backpack full of frozen water in it. And I walk at a fast pace so that I become out of breath and push myself a bit, and the most important part of my 'personal meme' is that I smile at my present discomfort. This allows me to find my "mental center point" because I am out of breath and exhausted but instead of succumbing to it and taking a break I push myself to keep walking while thinking of my personal self-betterment meme and smiling at the feelings that these fucking evil things would want me to bemoan and commiserate unto them. And then, once I find that center point its as if I pushed a button and I am no longer out of breath or tired.

Doing this allows me to become more familiar with where my centerpoint in a way that meditation alone proves to be less than satisfactory.

I hope this made some sense and is helpful to you, I know very well how fucking tormenting an evil thoughtform can be.

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