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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
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8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 1327b4c0562b346⋯.jpg (154.31 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, a10-1_stan-the-standard-sk….jpg)


So… what exactly makes this board superior to cuckchan's /x/?


If you lurked and you still don't know, I suggest you to go back from where you came from. You won't be missed.


Also, stop making useless threads, there is a thread for questions that doens't need a thread




It's people like you that make this board one of the deadest and unpopular on all of 8chan



Why are you feeding an useless thread like this?! Do you understand rule n°2?!


OP you really want to know that bad what is fucking obvious?! Ok over here there are actually usefull posts that you can learn something. Each time some useless thread, like this one, is made you kill something usefull at the bottom… It's much better to have some quality than tons of useless threads, nobody uses only one board. I go to /x/, I go to half /x/ but usually just to kill time. If I want some actual info then I come here. It's great that this board isn't full of retards making stupid useless threads and comments like on /x/… Happy?



/x/ is where /fringe/ posters go to shitpost

it's fun cuz they have no fucking clue what they're doing. shit that would be brushed off as an obvious joke here gets taken seriously there



Exactly, there are some threads where you see that the guy really wants to know something, but usually are the least discussed ones there and if the guy lurked he/she would eventually see someone pointing here for info… Truth be told, 99% of the people who visits occult boards are after spooky stories, ghost/alien photos or videos, to troll, religious retards… People who actually wish TO LEARN are very few, this board will never be like /b/ or /v/ because most of the people in the world aren't after true knowledge, they just want to satisfy their basical needs…


/fringe/ is full of new-age retards with no fucking idea about anything that takes themselves very seriously

/x/ is full of shitposts like "is toilet paper demons" that does not take itself seriously

the only difference is that /x/ has a few generals where people give you real info, while /fringe/ is pure unadulturated, sub-neophyte new age bullshit.


Fringe is shit by now, so shit that even 4chan/x/ has become a better place.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I watch The Dead Files and other spooktacular TV with a disabled friend of mine, it's hilarious how many "sensitives" and "empaths" on there whose solution to their problems would be "get control over your abilities and deal with it" but instead they want to complain about being tormented and get someone else to solve their problems. Almost every episode ends with "they didn't do what Amy told them to do, the activity continues".

If you want a hilarious show btw, check out Ghost Brothers. Three black dudes from the hood freaking out at everything around them coming up with the dumbest ways of getting spooks to talk to them and freaking out over everything.



Thanks Anon. Seems accurate.


We're not. This place has been dead for a while now.


If I had jing to spare, i would make an egregore to protect this place against stupid people…


Ok, great…



good to know



Actual information and practice.


File: 4ef1d04e2835208⋯.jpg (123.36 KB, 1050x1492, 525:746, 001 (1).jpg)

It s not, tumblr jew bitch owner ruined it before it even started.

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