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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 620a2e54e5d99a8⋯.jpg (126.79 KB, 640x640, 1:1, bitches love alchemy.jpg)

File: f6fbf838a78f671⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, chadkemist.jpg)

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File: 29f10b5f8edb1b0⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 607x607, 1:1, chadkemist trismecocktus.jpg)


So you thought the study of the occult was where you could get away from normies? That one thing that made you special, different, something that the normies would never get into. Post yfw Chad is more of an alchemist than you will ever be.




File: 4939224dfa01d36⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1790x650, 179:65, chadkemical romance.png)

So when was the last time the occult got any of you guys laid? succubi don't count


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File: 36b48b08e0c450b⋯.jpg (99.27 KB, 1125x1084, 1125:1084, sry.jpg)


Yesterday :/

Not that I have used magick, don't need for this…


Looks just like another new age cuckold doing unimportant new age "alchemy" for cash and fame. Guys like those aren't real occultists. I wonder if he has picked up a real occult book at all.

Don't get so worked up anon. You still let your mundane ego and animal nature cloud your judgement. All you want is pussy and you envy a man who you think is a "chad" and this is exactly the ways that will have you forever a fucking weakling loser. How about you forget this crap and become a real occultist instead. Go read books from the library instead of creating absolute degenerate threads like this.



>post hers to feel validated

The minute you posted here you literally lost all respect. The fact that you still try to peddle wares is just sad.

>bruh I have deep occult knowledge it's magic

>cant comprehend it's just because he is pretty

behold the spiritual robot if it not drugs it's good looks


Your anger is anchoring you, making you unable to walk on the true path. You are sitting on the wrong side of the tide. This is some form of black magic that you did to yourself. It's better for you to forget searching for the truth because it's just only bringing you unhappiness. Forget this place, go have fun on/x/, nothing is for everybody. Who knows if someone really did made an egregore or if the users unknowingly already made one… Nothing is for everybody, deal with it. Go be happy.



>go back to not caring about stuff, goyim

>this is causing you unhappiness!

War isn't supposed to be fun.



Then continue.

You do know that you are learning NOTHING here right? You are just wasting you life with something that will never work in your favor…

Some people really chooses to suffer…


Real alchemists are chads, dummy.


File: 49a6a1de206625a⋯.png (234.81 KB, 1778x476, 127:34, adklajldj.PNG)

Let go of the monkey mind. Attitude of abundance. Chad isn't stealing your woman, there are plenty of women, decide what you want and tell the universe to provide it.

Books are for neophytes. Same goes for masters. They can push you down the path if you're a simp, but if you're at all competent, you'll find all the knowledge you need in meditation. Meditate at all times. Washing dishes, mowing the lawn, trimming trees, picking up litter, preparing for bed, waking up, reading, writing, typing. Cultivate your mindscape at all times and treat everything as a zen moment, the line between spiritual and mundane is illusory. See things as experiences and events, rather than objects.

When everything is sacred, nothing is, and nothing is sacred. Treat it as such.

pic unrelated



>The true path is to have money and good looks, then people will listen to you

go peddle your wares some where else merchant


Your the one that wanted to be play jesus




Fucking aye


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





The Chad Kymia vs thr Virgin Styx



>a real occult book

Entities and the unconscious depths is what teach you about the occult. Books are flawed and corrupt because words mean many things and they change over time (see Mandela Theory). It's naive to think you can become iniated just by reading, ie consumming content, you have to produce.



That sounds like me too. Can you give some solid advice on that? I think I did some black magic shit and this "searching" I've been doing for years has cucked my ability to live my own life and be happy.


Big ego, OP.



start here:http://www.kybalion.org/TheKybalion.pdf

then go here: https://archive.fo/j5fKc

then here: https://archive.fo/u6kxN

Now mix the knowledge and think on what you want.If you didn't understand, read everyhting again until you do.



You're on to something big OP.




define black magic


untested spiritual science vs reality


so my life goal is suddenly a standard set up by this guy



>demanding an explanition of the obvious

>define black magic




more like I was asking what is black magic is to you.

funny how light fedoras don't believe in magic until it convenient for them. Some guy said something negative on the internet so suddenly hes possessed by a demon or an archon? You do realize your practicing black magic right?



Yep…You know nothing…



Black magic is the will manifested with anger, pain, sadness ect. That should be the universal definition of black magic and if someone thinks otherwise they're probably larping it a hipster


File: 30d0870db2c7720⋯.jpg (133.19 KB, 880x440, 2:1, hitler quote 1.jpg)


life is sufffering


It is wonderful to hear.

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