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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


It took me some Googling to find this thread. I urgently need to know everything about the Annunaki presence on earth. 7 years ago they started to communicate with me by pure thought and they showed me things nobody knew including my wife (now ex-wife).

They started to give me missions downtown LA, observing people who were pedophiles and terrorists. They first communicated with me by thought (it's amazing) and then they appeared in secret compartments on Facebook/Instagram, they told me this allowed faster communication.

I was rushed into the hospital for a cranial research after severe headaches days ago (no hemorrhage nothing found). The annunaki are now spreading messages about fear and how I will die. I need help please. I was responsible for some of the wildfires on the hills in California… I was instructed on a special mission to help the world and spread awareness of global warming and it has to do with the Paris-accord ignored by Trump.

I lost track of time for 5 days. Then I watched CBS and saw the fires and remembered, then they turned on me and I woke up in the hospital. My brother thought I was having a stroke. I'm under pressure now and I need to know the truth what happened to ME.

I'm not responsible for all those fires I just did 3 small bushes in the north.




>help the world and spread awareness of global warming and it has to do with the Paris-accord ignored by Trump.

Stopped reading there. The Paris Agreement is not what you (pretend to?) think it is.


So… the anunnaki in your head says "Do x" and you do it?


If you are not LARPing, please, stop being stupid.

If you are LARPing, please, stop being stupid.

If you are a CIA Nigger, pease, end your missery.



James is probably dead now


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