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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: ad08fa90b482f5a⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 599x513, 599:513, Scottobear_-_051231_sun_(b….jpg)


Sharing some lesser-known information on two symbols that fascinate me. Maybe after reading, you can share your thoughts, or convince me to stop being such an autistic neurotic, maybe that'd be healthier mentally.

I'll start off with the more familiar Major Arcana, The Tower. The symbology of towers has interested me for a little while, but that's mostly unrelated. The Tower has a somewhat exceptional position among the Tarot, I guess you could say that it's less "official" than the other cards. Card 16, The Tower actually started off as two separate symbols, Fire, and Strike of Lightning. In the archaic mind, lightning was basically just a more solid fire that comes from the sky. It's bright, destructive, and it immolates anything it touches. The card was generally portrayed as a bolt of lightning, or a single flaming tree. Therefore, "The Tower" isn't about the tower at all, it's actually about the lightning striking it. This kind of imagery is fitting, since the card comes right after The Devil. Maybe it's sinister, or maybe it's about Satan being cast from Heaven.

Anyway, as you probably know, The Tower points towards a sudden change in your life, maybe brought on by a disasterous event. For this reason, it's generally considered pretty ominous.

The second symbol I'm going to talk about is the number 555. I supposed that, since the numbers 666 and 777 represent the power hierachy between Beast and God in Jewish mythology, then it should be perfectly fitting that 555 is Man's number, since, in a one-on-one battle, he'd be weaker than either. Neither of those views are very popular, but I still feel pretty confident in them.

While researching it, I found that most people generally put forward an interpretation similar to The Tower, even though nobody really mentioned it. The number represents a sudden, large shift. Of course, I couldn't take most of the people seriously, because they all seemed like New-Age faggots all up in their own worlds, and it takes a lot to make a /fringe/-goer think that. I did find one guy that seemed like he could be taken seriously, and he really had something out for this number: https://hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/555-Meaning

Anyway, peruse that link in your own time, but one thing he mentions is a certain, widely-reported incident from back in 2013 where lightning struck the tip of the Vatican when Pope Benedict XVI (16!) announced his resignation. Supposedly, this happened at 05:55.


I think a coincidence like that suggests an amazingly strong link, but I'm open to arguments, or just getting called an idiot. Either'll probably sober me up.


I have nothing to add other than I found your post very interesting and I think you're too hard on yourself.



Agree with this guy.


It's an interesting point of view. This will definitely come to mind when I see these numbers along with all the other definitions within.


Strikes of lightning are hardly ever visible for more than a few seconds, at most. Therefore, the tree was already immolated: twice struck by lightning.

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