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Opinions on this site? How accurate is it?


(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )




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Decent info on that site, don't get tied down to the language they use.

>read a lot of their info a while ago, already used many of the practices they advocate

>mfw per their language I'm a "saint", lol



They don't use empirical inference. It's trash.



They use spiritual research.

"On the other hand, there has been another form of research conducted since the dawn of humanity called spiritual research. This form of research involves a spiritually evolved person asking a question and then a definitive and absolute answer is received immediately from the Universal Mind and Intellect. This works based on the principle that God’s Mind and Intellect (or the Universal Mind and Intellect) contains all the Knowledge that exists in the Universe already. The unique Knowledge about the spiritual dimension on the SSRF website has been obtained through spiritual research."




Spiritual research is an entirely valid method of discovery. An issue lies in translation/language, however. An answer given will be given in a language the recipient can understand, which can be corrupted (unintentionally) by a lack of translatable language. This is the core problem in differing schools of esoteric/magickal thought: Everyone's saying the same thing, but it sounds so different!

There's also an issue of locale: What is true in East Asia may not be true in the Americas. Why? Because they're on opposite sides of the earth, of course! So if a Chinese or Tibetan spiritualist says you should sleep on your left side, does that mean an American should do the same, or should they sleep on their right side? What about the direction one's head should face, East/South/West; are ayurvedic guidelines to be reversed for the western world? Should the prime meridian be considered the divisionary line for the magnetic poles?

This is why self-study and a journal are important. Experiment! Experiment! Experiment! Sleep facing one way, for a week, sleep facing the other way a week. Sleep on your back, sleep on your side, sleep on the other side. Wear your polyester clothes, then wear pure organic cloths and compare! Do the work, use different tools, see what works best for you, record your results and test the theories others present for yourself.

Basically what I'm saying is: You can take their word for granted OR you can use their methods and find if your conclusions match.



To be clear, by "language" I don't literally mean Sanskrit or English or Chinese or Lakota etc. I mean symbolic language. If you gave a bible belt christian a fistful of magic mushrooms, they might come back from the trip talking about how they met Jesus and all of the lessons he imparted to them in that time. A Thai buddhist on the other hand might meet Buddha, a passionate Hindu might meet Vishnu. The core experience is the same, but it's being presented in a symbolic "language" tailored to the individual. This brings a risk when you're reading/listening to someone who comes from an entirely different background to your own: The language that makes sense to them may translate to something else entirely in your own, or be otherwise incomprehensible.

Now, if you feel comfortable with someone else's language and it consistently makes sense to you, it makes perfect sense to borrow from their teachings. But if something confuses you, or doesn't make sense… Who taught the first Master? Mother Earth is the highest teacher, just start talking, asking, praying, externalizing. You're welcome to think you're talking to yourself and no one's listening, eventually someone will pick up the phone and start talking back. You may be given a name you recognize, it may be something you can't find anywhere. They're all roots of the same tree (or roots to the same forest, at least, it's hard to be sure). Of course, there's always the worry that you may be deceiving yourself, which is why it's important to require results. Faith and trust are a large piece, but "staying grounded" in many ways simply means looking around you and saying "how has my situation improved through my practice".

Of course, "God" is a good candidate to start talking to if that floats your boat, but it really doesn't matter who you name. And it doesn't all have to be possible either, think of it as a sort of… Extradimensional counseling phone service. If you really have to cuss out the heavens and get it out of your system, do it. At least then the powers that be know what's really on your mind and can look into getting something done about it.

It's a fucking bureaucracy up there though, JSYK. Thoth was the scribe of the gods and a lawyer for a reason. Give it at least a month between doing a thing and looking for results. Another reason keeping organized notes is important.

Yeah, not even wizards get out of paperwork. You actually get more.


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Something I meant to touch on: It can sometimes be easier to find what everyone recommends against and move from there. For example, on the subject of sleep: I have yet to find a single school of thought that advocates sleeping with the head facing north. It is consistently associated with death and dying, I have found ONE suggestion that for aging/elderly people it can help ease the transition to death and that's it. The only recommendation for a prone (stomach) sleeping position is to relieve gas, and even then one should be able to do that before rolling over onto their side or back. I've also yet to find any compelling sources suggesting sleeping with one's head facing the intercardinal (NE, NW, etc.) directions, though of course your home layout determines what's actually possible. You may still have to experiment to see what works best for you (which may depend on the situation, West may be more restful while East is makes you wake up earlier, sleep East during the workweek and West on the weekend if that's the case!), but at least 1/4th of the possibilities has been eliminated for you.

Sleep IMO is the most important place to start, you spend a great amount of time sleeping and the effects bleed into the other parts of your life; good sleep quality = good waking quality; think of sleep as an enforced meditation session, the better you get, the smoother the ride is. Diet is very important as well, but is less easily changed overnight. All it takes to play with sleep quality is one of many simple changes: Less light in the bedroom (LEDs from electronics), an earlier bedtime, moving the bedframe, experimenting with sleeping on the floor, changing sides, etc. Any one of them will take anywhere from a couple minutes to no more than an hour, and none of them cost money.

Polyphasic sleep is of course an amazing option to pursue if available to you, but requires a bit more effort and planning than general sleep quality improvements. If you find you already tend towards a polyphasic cycle (daily naps, waking up for an hour or two around midnight, or other cycles), emphasize your natural rhythm!

If you haven't yet, go start experimenting with your sleep now.


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>If you really have to cuss out the heavens and get it out of your system

I've done this many times :|


>If you haven't yet, go start experimenting with your sleep now.

I've struggled with sleep apnea for over a decade and just recently gotten it under control. The biggest improvement to my sleep came when I started using a humidifier. Not a cheap one (tried those), but a heavy-duty, expensive one. Missing sleep on a nightly basis, like I was, messes with one's head in ways beyond description. It's like you're never fully awake during the day and never fully asleep at night. Some of the things it gave me were memory loss, a major lack of energy, and very negative vibes.


I found not everything on their site to be legit, esp their WW3 predictions and stuff. Though you can also predict the website is very vague about it.

Though the practice of meditating and chanting will always work and energize yourself. The problem however will be if you incorporate their practices you have very little knowledge on how to really use that energy only just to gather and attract it. But it's still a very good step. You will learn to control aura, and to feel other people their aura. Most of the auras you feel are rather weak / small but some can be tremendous if it are other people who meditate a lot and do spiritual practice. You can kind of sense it.


A good electromagnetic environment is key to improving life, not only when doing occult stuff but also when wanting success in anything.



Looks like a front for a cult.

Probably some new inspirational leader behind it, doling out wisdom to the select in measured doses.

I like India though. They are a solid mix of low self esteem and deep spiritual knowledge held together by blind adherence to tradition and acceptance of street shitting.



Yeah obv, you should use multiple sources. Still just by chanting and other stuff you can kind of start developing yourself spiritually. Idk if they are an actual cult or w/e. A lot of the stuff they say doesn't make much sense. They define the ego in a vague and bad way imo. It's like they don't really fully get the concept about getting what you want and the concept of ego separating us from spiritual progress.



I'm always hesitant to base any of my religious beliefs on "scientific" things; because I know that if the same experiment were false, I wouldn't accept it as proof that the thing being tested isn't real. It's always neat to see or experience something that confirms your beliefs, but relying on those experiences is a mistake. Magic should be thought of as timeless metaphysical 'things' that seep into the material world. Reversing this process, and trying to prove metaphysical truth through real world experiences or "science" inevitably leads into reductionist methods that are inherently materialist.

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