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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: c8120286f33ade5⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 318x430, 159:215, 6661516.jpg)



Tom Montalk just put out a new video (on a very interesting topic) after many years of not uploading videos I think….


montalk the pinnacle of a long line of spiritual robots




It's just another one of those bullshit videos "quantum physics proves your mind control the universe therefore The Secret!"



What do you think is wrong with that viewpoint?



Not who you're asking, but the whole video to me is what Montalk describes as "artficial syncs". In fact, I actually got a huge sync while watching the video that Montalk is serving and being influenced by the dark entities he claims to be against. Dude's a shill and prolly has no idea.


Is he still with that hideous goblin chick? That creature is how I know he embraced the Lie. There are physical consequences to a functional mind. Namely mastery of whatever it does.




because the only thing worse than a armchair occultist is a armchair physicist.

> "quantum physics proves your mind control the universe"

and how would he know does he have a degree in quantum physics?



source on that? i've never seen any pictures of his girlfriend.



He has videos up on goytube where she's on, too


You bunch of fucking larp autists. Just fucking embed the fucking video you closet homo pretend wizards.

(and thanks for the loosh, your all awesome)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: cdaeb947301b8b6⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 571x759, 571:759, 1122.jpg)



This is inaccurate. Your subconscious will fill in details to make your interactions more familiar while your "dreaming" but you are definitely not operating purely in your own mind. Your not offline, but the things you are interacting with defy interpretation in our physical reality, and so require filtering. Like costumed Disney characters (entities) at Disneyland (your dream construct you operate in).


Time wasting click bait spirit science noob shit.

[ignore my sigil]


File: dd5c8e515479e64⋯.png (51.67 KB, 1234x1144, 617:572, ending.png)

I made a sigil to destroy the Universe. I call it:

" She just wanted to keep her little brother alive. She asked for a used feed sack but was denied, so he froze to death in her arms." Universe Ender.

If it works we should see some pretty cool shit.

Thanks for the thread to tag this to, been waiting for it.



here it is completed



File: eb30ea382b99223⋯.png (56.75 KB, 1234x1144, 617:572, resolute.png)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


accompanying soundtrack

w/o sage


I hope he has a backlog of fresh knowledge garnered during his absence and starts uploading his findings consistently.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reflection provides insight.

Metaphor provides context.

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