Also, now that I'm back at the computer I want to add this thing I noticed in John Keel's book, The 8th Tower. I also started off thinking of him as a nut–he's the Mothman Prophecies guy, and since I'm from Ohio I know all about that story and have been through Point Pleasant, so I don't know, I guess I thought he was a kook. But then one day I felt obliged to check Montalk for a book to read and noticed "Project Trojan Horse"; I got a copy and found his comprehensive study of UFOs to be the most open-minded but convincing one I had seen, and it helped me to re-evaluate this topic a little. Mostly, his conclusion is that if UFOs are real–and his experiences indicate they are certainly subjectively real to the witnesses–evidence indicates they are not extra-terrestrial, but supra-dimensional. This theory is elaborated in The 8th Tower, in which he delves into the depths of his electromagnetic theories of paranormal activity; and in the 8th Tower just the other day, I stumbled upon this section below. I'm wondering if anybody here might know of this event, especially any French posters lurking around (if any); I Googled a little but couldn't find any data about it, but then, I don't know French:
>Thees games [of information suppression played by trickster UFOs] are by no means restricted to the U.S. In 1974 "France Inter", the Paris radio station, aired a series of 39 programs about UFOs, beginning with a pro-UFO talk by M. Robert Galley, France's minister of defense. French broadcasters had spent much of 1973 locating and recording statements by leading authorities in France, England, and the United States. The list was an impressive one and included such luminaries as Dr. David Saunders, the psychologist at Colorado University who has been programing thousands of UFO sightings for computerizations; Dr. Jacques Vallee, author of three UFO books; Pierre Kohler, a famous astronomer; and even Cardinal Danielou, a prominent churchman.
>The broadcasts were divided into two parts. The first part consisted of statements by UFO witnesses and local French enthusiasts and officials. The more advanced students of the phenomenon were scheduled for the second part. This second question was never aired because someone broke into the radio station and stole the tapes.
>M. Jean Claude Bourret sent the following explanation to Gordon Creighton, the distinguished British linguist and UFO authority: "Unfortunately, on Mnnday, March 18th, 1974, a mysterious burglar carried off all the tapes which were still waiting to be broadcast. That this was an act of deliberate malevolence is beyond question. in the metal press where these taped recordings had been stacked, there were two piles side by side! Those interviews that had already gone out, and those that were still to be broadcast. Only this second pile was taken."
?What was the gist of the missing tapes? Like most of the professional scientists and journalists who have undertaken a serious study of UFOS, Dr. Vallee and his colleagues have found the popular extraterrestrial hypothesis untenable. For some time now they have been weighing the awesome alternative–that UFOs are similar to psychic manifestations and are produced by complex distortions of space, time, and even of reality itself.