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File: 2aa4554a632dcbb⋯.jpg (137.42 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, nixon.jpg)


>February of 1974: American science fiction author Philip K. Dick is struck by a laser beam of information sent from an entity he calls VALIS, "Vast Active Living Intelligence System"; the entity seems to predict the fall of Richard Nixon, and correctly diagnosis a birth defect in the author's son

>August of 1974: Nixon resigns in disgrace following the Watergate investigation

>Autumn of 1974: Dr. John C. Lilly, while in a plane destined for LAX, is struck by a laser beam of information delivered by an extra-terrestrial organization Lilly calls "ECCO", "Earth Coincidence Control Office"; the message is from another entity, SSI, or "Solid State Intelligence", which demonstrates its power by shutting down all solid state equipment in the airport and forcing Lilly's plane to divert to Burbank

What other real/significant/strange events occurred in 1974? Do any theories exist as to why both Lilly and Dick were contacted in the same year?



Lilly is the dude who did work with LSD, isolation tanks and telepathy. I'm not well-read on him or the laser beam you're describing, but he was definitely on another level.


PKD was most likely going to start a "new" religion. The books he wrote following his experience all examine the incident from different angles and give different interpretations as to what he was shown. He also began work on his "exegisis", which had he survived longer would have taken on a much larger and more mythic scale. Especially considering that he passed right as his biggest cultural touchstone, Bladerunner, was just being released the same year he died, 1982. His influence and status as a writer would have only kept rising had he continued living.

The flip side of this is that he could easily have been "set up" for his enlightenment. In 1971 there was a bizarre incident where he was robbed of many personal papers, supposedly the burglar used dynamite on his safe. A culprit was never found. What was in the papers is anyone's guess, but PKD had a pet theory that the government was behind it and may have been sniffing to find out just what kind of influence he could wield.

Another stray strand of the tapestry is that he was close friends with a "James Albert Pike" interesting name, no? Who passed away under very strange circumstances.


This man and his passing had a profound effect on Phillip to the point one of his last books offers a fictionalized account of his life and new life in great detail.



Yes, I just finished the VALIS trilogy and am about halfway through Radio Free Albemuth, which was the original novel Dick wrote to explain his visionary experience– the publisher wanted it reworked, so PKD scrapped it and wrote VALIS, The Divine Invasion, and The Transmigration of TA. The Exegesis is very interesting but before I get too much deeper into my copy I would like to read Flow My Tears, and 3 Stigmata; as it stands, RFA is also very interesting to me.

I am very curious about all of this because of important personal reasons and find a number of events taking place during 74 to have peculiar occult weight, especially regarding the phenomenon of UFOs or extraterrestrials.

That year, even the late David Bowie saw, while in tour in Detroit, a local television station nervously report on a UFO landing which was denied in subsequent reports; two years later, in 1976, he released his film 'The Man Who Fell to Earth', which Philip K Dick saw and recognized as being descriptive of his VALIS experience; the main character in the book, VALIS, sees a film of the same name, the plot of which is actually Radio Free Albemuth. The film is an epipahny for the main character, who is really PKD. This is drawn from when he saw Bowie in 'The Man Who Fell To Earth'; it gave him context for his pink laserbeam and other visionary experiences.


I find Lilly to be both fascinating and important, but have not has a chance to delve deeply as I'd like into his work just yet; he is next on my reading list. I am very intrigued by some of his ideas; his ketamine research made me re-consider a drug which I previously rejected offhand as sounding useless psychically; and this telepathy you mentioned, was that his work with dolphins? Or did he ever try with humans?


Also, now that I'm back at the computer I want to add this thing I noticed in John Keel's book, The 8th Tower. I also started off thinking of him as a nut–he's the Mothman Prophecies guy, and since I'm from Ohio I know all about that story and have been through Point Pleasant, so I don't know, I guess I thought he was a kook. But then one day I felt obliged to check Montalk for a book to read and noticed "Project Trojan Horse"; I got a copy and found his comprehensive study of UFOs to be the most open-minded but convincing one I had seen, and it helped me to re-evaluate this topic a little. Mostly, his conclusion is that if UFOs are real–and his experiences indicate they are certainly subjectively real to the witnesses–evidence indicates they are not extra-terrestrial, but supra-dimensional. This theory is elaborated in The 8th Tower, in which he delves into the depths of his electromagnetic theories of paranormal activity; and in the 8th Tower just the other day, I stumbled upon this section below. I'm wondering if anybody here might know of this event, especially any French posters lurking around (if any); I Googled a little but couldn't find any data about it, but then, I don't know French:

>Thees games [of information suppression played by trickster UFOs] are by no means restricted to the U.S. In 1974 "France Inter", the Paris radio station, aired a series of 39 programs about UFOs, beginning with a pro-UFO talk by M. Robert Galley, France's minister of defense. French broadcasters had spent much of 1973 locating and recording statements by leading authorities in France, England, and the United States. The list was an impressive one and included such luminaries as Dr. David Saunders, the psychologist at Colorado University who has been programing thousands of UFO sightings for computerizations; Dr. Jacques Vallee, author of three UFO books; Pierre Kohler, a famous astronomer; and even Cardinal Danielou, a prominent churchman.

>The broadcasts were divided into two parts. The first part consisted of statements by UFO witnesses and local French enthusiasts and officials. The more advanced students of the phenomenon were scheduled for the second part. This second question was never aired because someone broke into the radio station and stole the tapes.

>M. Jean Claude Bourret sent the following explanation to Gordon Creighton, the distinguished British linguist and UFO authority: "Unfortunately, on Mnnday, March 18th, 1974, a mysterious burglar carried off all the tapes which were still waiting to be broadcast. That this was an act of deliberate malevolence is beyond question. in the metal press where these taped recordings had been stacked, there were two piles side by side! Those interviews that had already gone out, and those that were still to be broadcast. Only this second pile was taken."

?What was the gist of the missing tapes? Like most of the professional scientists and journalists who have undertaken a serious study of UFOS, Dr. Vallee and his colleagues have found the popular extraterrestrial hypothesis untenable. For some time now they have been weighing the awesome alternative–that UFOs are similar to psychic manifestations and are produced by complex distortions of space, time, and even of reality itself.



So that's weird. I'm sure this is partly selective attention but PKD and Lilly are two important figures in my mental world, and these synchronicities are strange–certainly contrived by the Earth Coincidence Control Office, if ever there was one! I'm an author, myself, heavily influenced by Dick; starting in May of next year I'm going to be releasing a trilogy, and as I was preparing a time line for the back of book one, I pieced together all of this after connecting the fact that the villain of the trilogy arrives on Earth in 1974 to the fact that, by coincidence, the main character of another book of mine was also born in 1974; the last name of that character is 'Vasko', which means 'King', and is the same word as 'Basil'– but it is actually closer to 'Vasil', which is Greek (the entity which possessed PKD spoke Greek) for the same word, and, of course, rearranges to "VALIS". Further, I sort of 'revived' this character in a new form for another book– an unpublished thing I sort of tinker on for fun in the background of more serious projects– and in this book, I named him 'Felix'.

Then, reading VALIS, I did backflips, because I got this this part:

>The two-word cypher signal KING FELIX was not intended for human beings but for the descendants of Ikhnaton, the three-eyed race which, in secret, exists with us.

>The person referred to by the two-word cypher KING FELIX is the fifth Savior who… VALIS had said, was either already born or would soon be.

I have already been neck-deep in the occult for some time–or third eye deep, I suppose–but that really blew me away to discover. But I thought that PKD's VALIS experience was the only weird thing about 1974…then a few months later (three weeks ago) I discover Lilly received proof of the Solid State Intelligence the same year. It's to the point now where I wasn't even surprised to discover the Bowie thing last night. All the stuff is really great window dressing for the book I'm editing but I'm low-key becoming obsessed with the significance of that year, which is when Philip K. Dick postulated 'real time' once more began.

I guess I'm just looking for as much weird stuff about 74 as anybody can find or recall.


Here's another data point: between July 1973 and October 1974 Robert Anton Wilson "entered a belief system" (his words) in which he was "receiving telepathic messages from entities residing on a planet of the double star Sirius." I highly recommend Cosmic trigger, the book where he recounts these experiences as well as analyzing ways of moving in and out of various belief systems.




!!! No shit! I have read Cosmic Trigger I but this was before I started to connect VALIS etc. to 1974. This is really incredible; thank you very much for adding this for me, my friend.

I am really very moved by all of this. I have a materialist partner; the other day, I was discussing the subject of the synchronistic connection between UFOs and owls as observed by Mike Clelland, and said friend scoffed and said, "Yeah, but if you're looking for that, you'll find it."

After I made my argument to him that while it was true that many such instances of this might be mere 'selective attention', especially with regards to the 1974 thing because I am deliberately seeking out these events, he told me about how his father and step-mother moved into a furnished apartment which the decorated had absolutely littered with an owl motif. He seemed to regard this, somehow, as evidence of the mundanity of owls, so I sort of encouraged him because I am non-confrontational with materialists, who are very defensive when their worldview is challenged. But then he gets quiet for a couple of seconds, and all of the sudden he pipes up and goes, "Actually, they bought their condo in 1974."

I am just so interested in this phenomenon. This seems so very deliberate. These are three very important cultural figures, not just to me, but to many people, and it is extremely odd for them to all receive 'contact' within the course of the same year. 'Earth Coincidence Control Office', indeed!



Forgot to finish my thought about the difference between 'selective attention' and 'synchronicity'. Sorry, I am sick this morning. (Radiation poisoning from VALIS's encroaching proximity to me? Hah, I am mostly kidding.)

The difference is the amount of emotional energy behind a synchronistic event versus a pattern noticed by selective attention. This is something beyond mere subjective significance being applied by an observer; if the basis of the universe is indeed information, rather than energy, then that makes it all the more significant that a surprise contains more information than something delivered to us in a mundane way. This is why zen Koans are effective at enlightenment, I believe; the moment they do click comes as such a surprise, and with such a sudden influx of information, that consciousness is almost forced open like a channel. At least, that is how I would describe my perception of the matter.


Nixon was the closest we got to Hitler on a economic AND social scale. post-modernist hippies hated him. free Market Trump is still far from Nixon. why did the aliens contact Hitler too? they only want to meet with truly intelligent people.



also most ballbusting politicians in the US are Scotch-Irish or Catholic Irish. look at Bannon, Nixon, Jackson, Kennedy, etc.



I want to add to this: in the preface to Cosmic Trigger, RAW mentions VALIS and says he corresponded with PKD about it. He says that although there are many parallels between their experiences, there are also many differences and he doesn't consider them to be coming from the same source.

RAW's experience seems to have been the result of his experiments with psychedelics and his immersion in conspiracy theories while writing the Illuminatus! trilogy. As far as I know, PKD didn't do many psychedelics but had had visionary/mystical experiences since he was a child and around '74 was experimenting with taking large doses of vitamin C. The experience may also have been triggered by an anesthetic used during a dental operation. (This is all from memory so I might have fucked up some of these details.)

I've only read bits of the Exegesis so there's probably a lot more to be said that I'm unaware of. I'll just also mention that Ubik seems to be relevant to PKD's interpretation of his own experience, so you should read that as well if you're trying to immerse yourself in his work in preparation for the Exegesis. PKD seems to have believed that in writing some of the sci-fi elements in Ubik he was intuiting a real phenomenon, namely that the retrograde force that caused the characters to experience their reality to disintegrate and move backward in time was eerily prescient of how PKD would experience his present day as 1st century Rome. And the opposing force that reintegrated reality, which in the book is Ubik, was somehow analogous to God or as PKD sometimes called it, Zebra.

I have yet to really immerse myself in this stuff and read the full Exegesis but when I do hopefully I will have more to add than just this handwaving in which I'm probably getting a lot of the details wrong or missing the nuances. But thanks for making this thread. It's good to know there are other people obsessing about this stuff. I feel like there are still a lot of things playing out in our 2018 reality that PKD predicted and/or experienced first hand and most people haen't even acknowledged. There is definitely a lot left to be explored.

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