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Isn't that really the ultimate truth about all the gods from different religions? That they are all us. They are all mind, and we are part of that mind. So ultimately yhvh, allah, jupiter, all those gods can be your god in your universe. It's not just "the god of the jews". You should be able to turn Yehova into your own god. "Oh but the bible says…" who cares? Whose universe, whose mind is this? Yours, or the bible's? Just take the good parts, take that which resonates with you. You want god to have wings? Give him wings. You want him to love the same music you love? It already does. Because you do. And you are the one thinking, you're the one creating the universe by thinking it. So if you want to praise Allah you can just praise him the same day you praise Hecate or Baal. Or Jesus Christ.

Right? Or at least that is the case if we really believe the idea that ultimately we are all connected, that your purpose as a small living consciousness on earth is to get back to the original source, to the original mind from which you separated in order to explore just a little corner of the universe and then come back with new information. Like the hero's journey. Isn't that the universal story behind all myths? Isn't that, perhaps, how our lives are then supposed to be understood? Like every human being a small process, a small "thread" like in a huge supercomputer, each thread calculating a little bit of information and then sending it back to the main program which originated the search. So our lives are like little .exe files that get executed by the universal mind and whose purpose is to just know, to find out, to live. To make new things.

But let's go back to the gods, like I was saying first, shouldn't we just stop separating gods? Like saying "Allah is this, YHVH is that", if they don't really exist outside our attention and our mind, shouldn't we stop giving names to things that don't have agency? We don't attribute agency to lamp-posts, or to the idea of "jealousy". We have the agency. Or rather we all share the same agency, we are all the same computer but with limited access. We do have however the capacity to imagine anything and have it processed. Allah, Yahweh, we can change them if we want. In our own universe, we are the creators.



ah fuck I forgot to link the picture. Threads with pictures are better


File: 415b11122e97f54⋯.png (109.03 KB, 530x463, 530:463, jung_memories_dreams_refle….png)

File: bbcd040cf7928a1⋯.jpg (150.6 KB, 427x640, 427:640, 7156939761_c89a44152d_z[1].jpg)


You is lump of atoms.

Niggers are lump of atoms.

=>You is niggers.

A red room doesn't become black just because you stab out your eyes.

>shouldn't we just stop separating gods?

You do that if you want, that won't stop muslims with an unseparated god from stabling you and crushing your skull.

>gods are thought-like.

<they don't exist outside our attention and our mind

<since we can make thoughts, we can make God however like

<you are God.

Sigh. Since you insist on pointing out how much of a neophyte you are, I should leave you with some guidance. See pic. related.



the point of the thread wasn't to discuss how much you hate niggers and muslims but to have a conversation about the nature of the gods and the possibility to incorporate gods from any panteon into your own ritualistic work / prayer just by changing them to exist as you want them to exist.

Of course it's different when it comes to real people, because the way I understand it, the universe operates on different levels of subtlety/grossness. Material things are the grossest and most sluggish, taking other sluggish forces and energies to be moved. You don't push a car with your mind. But for example with your mind and words you can make a person jealous because that is a different level of energy. You don't apply brute force to make someone fall in love with you, you apply subtle energies like attention, praise, tenderness. It's obvious that you didn't create those people in the room with you. But their nature is way different than the nature of the gods.

Also please read the OP again because I clearly introduced a condition that needed to be fulfilled in order to follow this rationale

>Or at least that is the case if we really believe the idea that ultimately we are all connected

>if we really believe


Oh enlightened master please get your head out of your nirvana'd ass and read things more carefully. N'maste



Sawadee crap:

You should ask the gods about this before presuming they can all be lumped into one giant grey mass of generalization.

Anyone not understanding the interconnections of life hasn't bothered to test it or is in denial of it. Being connected doesn't exclude people from individualism, whether beneficial or otherwise. Same with the gods.

We are interconnected but that doesn't exclude having agendas beneficial to a particular direction at the detriment of others.

A better route or path would be to define a collective outcome that would attract others interest in pursuing, then identifying what gods are useful to this outcome at any given time.


no because Jesus killed the jewish god.


Ugh this thread annoys me so much.

I am a Messenger of God, heed my words.

What satan does is use labels to trick people into thinking there are "multiple deities".

There is no "God of the Old Testament" or "God of the New Testament". There is only God.

Muslims and Arabs (Yes even Arabic Christians) Label him "Allah" because it is literally their word for God.

English speaking people will use the label "God".

Ancient Jews used many, many labels throughout different times for God.







etc. etc.

Stop using labels like "Jupiter", "Saturn". Please refrain. This is satan trying to revert people back to Pagan Polytheism.

Monotheistic religion, repentance of sin, submission to God is freedom from yourself.

It is freedom from the cruelty and suffering from this world.

You have to take up your cross and bear it. Repent your sins and forgive.

These are the ultimate teachings of the religion of Abrahamism.

If you follow it you will find that it leads to the happiest and freest life.

There is only God. None other but God. Call him what you will, Allah, Jehovah, God. But they are all One.

Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Muhummad was the fulfillment of the New Testament.

Satan is very present in this world too. And he will do everything in his power to prevent people from seeing the truth.

But those who are awake will know the truth. Because it stands out from all falsehoods

The end times are coming soon…



If all gods truly are the same, I'll just make my own good that is personable to me. One that can relate to me and understand me. One that I could actually feel a deepened connection with rather than "worship me; feed me" that is essentially all other gods.

Hell, I'll just make a goddess and wed myself to her. Why the hell not?



Technically that's a tulpa.


File: 03db47e5c399954⋯.jpg (523.77 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 1521685031211.jpg)


I agree, that there is One God, but Jupiter is Zeus, and Saturn is Satan. These are different entities from God


Am I important? Will everyone do my work for me? I am so fucking important. God said so. God is just this imaginary friend I made up, and it's just a proxy for my ego, but everyone needs to stop what they are doing and Grant me full control of them because I said the word God. Somebody please just give me attention! Will somebody please just let me know I'm important , and since I'm not, will somebody do all the work for me to make me important? Will you all also continue to consider me relevant despite the fact that I serve zero purpose and solve zero problems because I just deflect any call for responsibility with words like FAITH?

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