Christ is calling you 08/25/18 (Sat) 15:03:44 No. 124683
Why don't you accept Christ, /fringe/?
It's clear that the void which everyone has in their souls is only replaceable by God's love. Repent :) Come and see that the Lord is good.
08/25/18 (Sat) 15:21:28 No. 124684
also, here's a nice song that could inspire you
SAGE! 08/25/18 (Sat) 20:34:43 No. 124690
haahahha fucking christard
08/26/18 (Sun) 09:00:17 No. 124701
I am Christian, albeit a mix of Druze, Alawaite, Orthodoxy and neo-Marcionism, a blend of ideas. I am pro-Jesus, I am also pro-Mohammed. I'm just anti-Jew.
08/26/18 (Sun) 09:01:12 No. 124702
what a pleasant argument. I like pagans but I'll wager you goys belittle us more than we do you. God Bless.
SAGE! 08/26/18 (Sun) 11:32:53 No. 124718
You are all fucking cancer. Shitting all over boards with your "jeeebus loves you" crap. No one cares, go worship your fucking zombie dude but leave fringe alone, online preaching became old real fast.
There was no argument in my post since I was not arguing, your reddit "nice argument" joker cards are not wroking here. I don't want blessings from your demigod, you can just stick it up your ass.
08/26/18 (Sun) 19:29:07 No. 124726
/fringe/ is a Christian board!
SAGE! 08/26/18 (Sun) 21:07:07 No. 124727
08/26/18 (Sun) 22:03:42 No. 124728
The problem lies with people being unable to understand what is actually being said. Is there not a creator? Coincidences do not real. If there is a creator then are you not of his creation, ergo his son? Throughout the bible there is a recurring message, that God is the truth. Truth being that which is true, and not false. If you pursue the truth then you pursue God.
08/26/18 (Sun) 22:05:07 No. 124729
That is because you choose not to. There are no coincidences, ever. The message is all around you pay more attention next time you hear a sustained sound like a cicada or a bee buzzing by. Listen to the oscillations. Or, be mundane.
SAGE! 08/26/18 (Sun) 23:26:32 No. 124731
I don't see it, hear it or feel it. No buzzing, no oscillations, nothing at all, no matter how hard I try. Whatever allows people to connect, I lost it.
08/27/18 (Mon) 00:21:11 No. 124732
I dont think you can lose it. But, you can certainly be accidentally "tuned into the wrong radio station". It might sound cliche, and pretty gay, but try taking a mental step to the side and maintain awareness of your thoughts, urges and reactions to everyday occurrences. And, while you are doing this refamiliarize yourself with the "mortal sins"… And consider redefining them, not as "mortal sins" but "mundane sins". Being a gluttonous fatty that cant stop shovelling food into their mouths, jacking off constantly or otherwise engaging in meaningless sex, habitual drug/alcohol use, being overly prideful, being hateful… All of these things cause us to shut ourselves out from what is right in front of us.
People also misinterpret things like "dont be hateful" or "only focus on love" as meaning you have to be a cucked faggot. That is not the case. It is only natural to hate something that threatens that which you love. But, instead of falling into that hatred focus on that which you would rightfully defend from the thing/people that you would otherwise hate. Hate consumes but love strengthens.
For instance, I hate the kikes.. Fucking hate them for everything that they do. But, I love my kin far more than I could ever hate the kikes. So, instead of focusing on that hate, I focus on that which I love. Even on a mundane level when you are doing something in the interests of that which you love you will always be more successful than if you did that same task for sole purpose of your hatred.
And, most importantly, as this is one of the biggest seals that has been laid upon you by the illusion of this world, keep your mind engaged in active thought as often as possible. Ask yourself power questions. And if you cant think of any power questions just ask questions.. It could be anything "what is this" "how does that work". Even if you already know the answer ask it anyway maybe you will see it from a different light and find a new answer.
As far as power questions go here are two to start you off: "Who am I?" and "To what extent are coincidences real?"
Take care, anon.
08/27/18 (Mon) 02:01:17 No. 124734
>try taking a mental step to the side and maintain awareness of your thoughts, urges and reactions to everyday occurrences.
It's gotten harder and harder to do that over the years, I'm losing the ability to focus my awareness.
>Being a gluttonous fatty that cant stop shovelling food into their mouths, jacking off constantly or otherwise engaging in meaningless sex, habitual drug/alcohol use, being overly prideful, being hateful…
I see myself becoming like that and I can't stop it.
>keep your mind engaged in active thought as often as possible. Ask yourself power questions. And if you cant think of any power questions just ask questions.. It could be anything "what is this" "how does that work". Even if you already know the answer ask it anyway maybe you will see it from a different light and find a new answer.
>As far as power questions go here are two to start you off: "Who am I?" and "To what extent are coincidences real?"
Great advice, spot on, when I was looking for solutions to my situation this is what I found too. The problem is that I don't have the willpower or something to actually use the advice.
I feel something is really wrong with my brain and I can't overcome it. I'm sure it's some kind of illness. I can't tell if it's the reason or the consequence of my condition. Magick and spirituality is all about one's mind and my mind isn't working. I'm unable to even ask God for help.
08/27/18 (Mon) 02:36:20 No. 124736
>I can't do it
>I feel there is something wrong with my brain
I know that feeling. All of this shit is so easy to say, it's also so easy to imagine yourself doing it, but it's hard to put into practice. I have come to look at it like this: When you are an unaware zombie mundane normie thinking and behaving like a pleb doesn't have any immediately noticeable negative effects. Yea, a pleb is a pleb but they don't know any better. What negative effects they do experience they blame on the material world. Once you become more aware, however, you agree to play the game by a new, stricter set of rules whereby when you transgress you feel much more severe effects. And those effects are you falling from the tree you have climbed and hitting every branch on the way down. And then, once you finally stop falling you are left standing there feeling like shit, you realize, very strongly, that you have lost something that you once had.. A connection, an ability, a gift of grace. Maybe you even have some actual physical effects such as head pain, or general drowsiness. It's like you had the whole of your being operating as it should be and then the plug got yanked from the socket.
This has happened to me several times. I have found that when I attain higher I am still learning "the rules" so after a while I get tripped up and fall. Sometimes when I do I am able to get myself right back up. The most recent time it took me months and I have still not climbed to as high as I once was.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You got this. Think back to where you were and where you are now, what has changed and how did it go wrong. Then repent your thinking, there is a life line dangling in front of your face and I, or anyone, could say all the most well dressed words of encouragement, but in the end it is up to you and you alone to find that rope and climb your ass back up there. You got this brother.
08/27/18 (Mon) 02:41:41 No. 124737
One last thing.
>I am unable to even ask God for help
It is not always easy to admit it but I have found this is always due to pride. Go for a walk outside at night, look at the sky, kick rocks along the road, even if it feels gay and corny force yourself to smile. Even if you are pissed as all fuck the physical act of forcing your lips to form a smile and holding it causes your brain chemistry to change. And while you are walking, with a corny fake ass smile on your face, verbally ask yourself questions, and verbally answer them. Have a real good conversation with yourself, from the heart. After a while of this you just may find that you were not talking to just yourself and it was not just you responding to yourself.
SAGE! 08/27/18 (Mon) 02:49:28 No. 124738
08/27/18 (Mon) 18:09:34 No. 124744
I love cancer. It killed my bitch ass ex-mother-in-law and John McCain in on fell swoop. So I can't knock it. It's effective.
08/27/18 (Mon) 21:32:17 No. 124750
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>124683
Christ is more than religion.
Christ versus MechaChrist is the age we currently living in.
09/07/18 (Fri) 12:06:29 No. 124901
Because misinterpreted words are a weapon far more deadly than nuclear warheads.
09/07/18 (Fri) 15:12:43 No. 124906
>he doesn't know that man is the microcosm
i thought this nigga was a neoplatonist. did someone pull a quite from hitchens or dawkins or some other new atheist faggot and attribute it to julian?
09/07/18 (Fri) 15:13:03 No. 124907
SAGE! 09/08/18 (Sat) 03:44:52 No. 124908
YHVH is the demiurge and you're a slave to groupthink, binded to it by your good intentions but ironically perpetuating the trap of physical suffering by giving the demiurge so much of your adoration. Read The Kybalion and stop being so dogmatic, you fucking pleb.
09/08/18 (Sat) 07:45:02 No. 124909
There's nothing wrong with putting a familiar and friendly face on the unknown when dealing with it.
It's likely the idea of the demiurge is just a leftover of some ancient "scientology" type religious machination.
Israel is fake. Most of what is written in the bible is already established as never having happened.
Still, there is power in the book. The words access something in the human mind (for those conducive to it) that produces profound effects.
We are multilayered beings, as far as our consciousness is concerned.
So, put on your big boy Mage pants and stop being a little faggot. You'll find a lot of useful resources in religion.
09/08/18 (Sat) 09:22:51 No. 124910
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>124909
>Still, there is power in the book. The words access something in the human mind
I'd change that to "Human Psyche" in retrospect.
09/09/18 (Sun) 00:34:17 No. 124922
>It's likely the idea of the demiurge is just a leftover of some ancient "scientology" type religious machination.
The Demiurge comes from Gnosticism, which is pre-Abrahamic. Have you read the recommended reading list? Because if you haven't I'm going to stop replying to your posts.
09/14/18 (Fri) 01:42:44 No. 124999
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>124922
Have you read Dianetics?
Now imagine reading that 3000 years from now and taking that shit seriously because its old.
You shouldn't be reading my posts anyway. None of them are safe.
09/14/18 (Fri) 01:57:56 No. 125001
Islam is real Christianity btw
09/16/18 (Sun) 00:12:24 No. 125041
Praise baby jesus! The one true prophet! All the other prophets are just imitating!
09/16/18 (Sun) 01:28:19 No. 125043
There are two types of thought, monism and stupidity.
09/16/18 (Sun) 09:18:00 No. 125050
Daily reminder if you are a /fringe/ wizard and think Christianity is wrong/fake/bad you don't understand what is true and essential yet and are most likely a pleb.
You should understand the truth is multifaceted and can take more than one exterior shape.
09/16/18 (Sun) 13:28:50 No. 125053
The demiurge comes from Plato
10/12/18 (Fri) 00:52:34 No. 125602
Social Shaming
>Most likely a pleb
Conform to the identity I want!
>If you are a /fringe/ wizard
Jewing via Dualism
>wrong/fake/bad vs true and essential
Cogitative Dissonance
>The truth is multifaceted, but only mine matters!
This is why I stopped going to church, and started meditating on the mysteries without trying for good goy points.
<Daily reminder of what group 'think' looks like
10/13/18 (Sat) 02:05:50 No. 125627
Could you post a source on that cause I'm pretty sure Plato only argued for a "unmovable mover"
10/13/18 (Sat) 07:56:49 No. 125637
You're conflating Plato with Aristotle or St. Thomas Aquinas. The demiurge comes from Platonism or neo-Platonism.
10/14/18 (Sun) 02:44:50 No. 125651
Yes, but Plato never said that the Demiurge was a evil and ignorant entity, that was made up by the gnostics.
10/15/18 (Mon) 07:20:31 No. 125666
From what I've gathered, Gnostics don't really say that either. It's only sometimes evil and ignorant when out of its proper place. The strict dualism is a meme.
10/16/18 (Tue) 12:57:59 No. 125690
10/17/18 (Wed) 01:52:33 No. 125703
Demiurge is the half-urge.. The urge that causes one to become half of what they are capable of being.
10/17/18 (Wed) 04:47:09 No. 125706
Of all the stupid things I have heard, surely this is the stupidest.
10/19/18 (Fri) 01:03:50 No. 125727
I called christ but it always went to voice mail.
10/20/18 (Sat) 21:53:18 No. 125749
Fugitive, witch-doctor, born in an impoverished stable
Could this flimsy child truly be an predicted scepter?
Balaam’s prophecy, Judah’s predictions
Artificial pages of an unearthly fetish
Interpreter of the Torah
Worshipped by the Magi of Arabia
Hobo of Aramaic Tongues
The outline of a dead fish on a wall of mud
Signs of the resistance
Hobo of Aramaic Tongues
Frauds, hoaxes, serpents of Earth
Surviving on quails and manna
Christmas star of a frozen Palestine
Saturn no longer protects thee
The outline of a dead fish on a wall of mud
Signs of the resistance
Hobo of Aramaic Tongues
10/21/18 (Sun) 10:59:24 No. 125763
Huh, I thought of it as the inverse of a demigod. Instead of a human being half-divine, it's a god being half-temporal.
10/31/18 (Wed) 16:46:55 No. 125905
You got it backwards, buddy. Christ is always calling you, but it always goes to voicemail.
11/13/18 (Tue) 22:32:08 No. 126200
>greek-orthodox icon
>catholic song
>From posts probably a mischling between a muslim man an a catholic woman.
You should at least put some effort to understand what you're preaching about. Git good faggot.
11/13/18 (Tue) 23:39:14 No. 126201
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 81 (1d100)
11/14/18 (Wed) 08:21:49 No. 126241
OP I have read the entire bible from start to finish and I have been going to every theology discussion group I can find and talking with many Christians.
Tell me what you mean by "accept Christ"?
11/19/18 (Mon) 09:32:11 No. 126401
>It's clear that the void which everyone has in their souls is only replaceable by God's love.
Yes, but jesus isn't God. jesus is a false idol just like every other religion. it's all bullshit. religion is fake too. there is only God.
11/19/18 (Mon) 09:32:59 No. 126402
notice how they always praise jesus but never explain why.
11/19/18 (Mon) 09:34:18 No. 126403
<jesus: let me in!
>person: why should I let you in?
<jesus: because I need to save you
>person: from what?
11/19/18 (Mon) 18:48:14 No. 126418
Then will Allah say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favour to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the holy spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel and behold! thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! thou bringest forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst show them the clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing but evident magic.'
And behold! I inspired the disciples to have faith in Me and Mine Messenger: they said, 'We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims'".
11/27/18 (Tue) 01:39:33 No. 126533
Whats the main difference between soul and spirit?
Among the holy spirit, the son and the father, the first one gets more praises by the prohphets. (they are mentioned to be filled with the holy spirit, not with the son or with the father)
One thing of interest is that (to my knowledge) the term the spirit of god is mentioned in the first book of genesis, but a term such as the the soul of god is not and does not exist in the rest of the book either.
There are things that seem to indicate this, that god has a soul, while there are not strong statements of this such as the one previously mentioned.
SAGE! 11/27/18 (Tue) 16:03:09 No. 126540
>orthodox saints have halos
>muslims are possessed by demonic fire
Yep, seems about right.
11/28/18 (Wed) 04:49:03 No. 126543
They super saiyans.
12/08/18 (Sat) 10:17:17 No. 126771
I love to struggle, fight and overcome. I'm willing to do it forever.
12/08/18 (Sat) 10:27:19 No. 126772
This attitude really diminishes my empathy when you get muslimd
12/08/18 (Sat) 12:31:23 No. 126773
Sounds more like you are caught in a eternal struggle because you are too weak to actually overcome anything and win. Now all you could do was to accept the fact that you will never make it and embrace your pointless eternal struggle.
12/08/18 (Sat) 23:38:38 No. 126790
The beauty of the samsara is I have eternity to figure it out on my own
12/09/18 (Sun) 04:56:21 No. 126792
12/09/18 (Sun) 12:36:13 No. 126799
<jesus: let me in!
>person: why should I let you in?
<jesus: because I need to save you
>person: from what?
12/09/18 (Sun) 15:35:42 No. 126801
If you truely believe this then I fear you are highly mistaken. Don't fall for those religious fairy-tale concepts. You should overcome and make it right now, in this lifetime. There might be no eternity, reincarnation or stuff like this for you.
12/13/18 (Thu) 07:03:03 No. 126853
That's the best thing about being a wizard. I'm right I reincarnate until I realize the spiritual secrets of existence, or I rot in the earth like everyone else says. Might as well give astral mastery a go if you ask me.
12/14/18 (Fri) 14:39:11 No. 126889
12/14/18 (Fri) 17:25:05 No. 126892
We're a bit more into the esoteric - "inside" - matters of religions. Christ explicitely says immigration and miscegenation is left-handed - "Satanic" - but most false believers don't care to actually read the books.
12/15/18 (Sat) 15:40:35 No. 126920
soul does not exist
12/27/18 (Thu) 15:23:02 No. 127082
12/28/18 (Fri) 09:32:14 No. 127091
Mainstream Christianity/Islam are both memes.
Gnosticism is the true faith, the essential bridge between Christianity, Islam, and all other faiths.
Unfortunately most Muslims will never believe the Thomas Gospel is really the Injil. and Christians will never believe that Muhammad was Jesus
01/02/19 (Wed) 15:36:19 No. 127179
>Christ explicitely says immigration and miscegenation is left-handed - "Satanic"
citation needed
01/04/19 (Fri) 01:47:12 No. 127220
01/04/19 (Fri) 03:44:07 No. 127221
SAGE! 01/04/19 (Fri) 22:11:18 No. 127230
>I am also pro-Mohammed
nice to know you're a retard, disregard what this guy says.
01/06/19 (Sun) 17:06:47 No. 127251
>thinking you're not above a worm
Wow, atheism somehow got even more self-loathsome since I last saw through it.