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Esoteric Wizardry
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 65a1219eb3b9248⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 454x330, 227:165, 16zcfm.jpg)

File: 6a72cb251c547c5⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, downeydream.jpg)

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The web of mortal life is the result of a story conceived and designed before the Big Bang. The conceivers are spiritual thinker-feelers who are perfect eternal conscious energy. All living creatures in this universe were designed by their spiritual selves. They each scripted their horrible lives. They are infinitely intelligent and totally indestructible. The pain doesn't improve nor diminish them. They have nothing better to do with their eternal consciousness.


File: a822abb4d11754b⋯.jpg (933.92 KB, 2390x2058, 1195:1029, how-to-draw-cute-kawaii-ca….jpg)

Okay so we live in constant fear and pain because our eternal consciousness is bored? Pretty sure we are all prisoners here. Something has enslaved us all. If this is a dream we should just wake up right? These days i am thinking a lot about suicide, i was always against it but it all started to make sense



If you're honest with yourself, you will admit the fear & pain is not constant. You don't want any fear or pain at all. That's unrealistic. You convince yourself you can't take pain, but you've endured plenty so far.

That sense that you are a prisoner is because you are: You are locked into a destiny you designed before the Big Bang.

Suicide is just one way to die. All deaths are predetermined by each spirit before the Big Bang. Most people who think about suicide, no matter how intensely & sincerely, never do it. I've thought about it since I was a child. I'm now much older. I may yet do it someday but I know where it leads. I also know that death returns us to our original reality and it eventually gets so boring that we design these dreams and live them out. The pain & drama here IS worth the candle. It beats eternal boredom. Focus on what you enjoy and know that we all suffer here from time to time. Ain't no titties or cocks in Heaven. No beer or marijuana or video games. No tears and no laughs. All the color and action is only available in dreams like this one.


File: 93e3bd1b1adcc67⋯.jpg (367.73 KB, 684x1000, 171:250, cupid_finding_psyche-large.jpg)

What a bunch of passive bullshit.

>"Don't do anything because you're supposed to sleep an infinite dream, you wake up when you die anyway".

You motherfucker, have you ever heard of samsara? If you don't wake up here, you are forever bound to the chains of karma within maya. Your memes are not only cringe-worthy and retarded but extremely dangerous misinformation. I can't tell if you're actually this naive or if you're a demonic agent trying to fool people into withdrawing from the one path that leads to liberation from suffering. You are essentially a nihilist telling people that nothing we do matters, the religious teachings and esoteric traditions of all ages are pointless, and that we should shut the fuck up and be content with our spiritual misery and separation from God as disgusting hedonists - the complete opposite of every spiritual teaching on the face of the planet.

Universalists GET OUT. You will not be saved unless you demonstrate that you are worthy of saving.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


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Every time I read one of these "prisoner vs free consciousness" arguments a I can think of is the principle of a fetus bound to the womb. Is a fetus a prisoner?

Of course it is.

Can the fetus live on it's own?

Of course it can't.

Is a fetus conscious?


Can a fetus feed itself?

Not at all. The umbilical cord hooks to the mother and blood is sent to the unborn offspring. The mother eats for as many children it carries.

What would it take to truly birth and nourish consciousness? Has anyone truly considered how long it would take to accomplish such a feat? Have you thought about your sires and or progenitors? Is time linear to our gestation?

These are questions that I would much rather have answered; that I feel in my gut are better venues of exterting mental energy to ponder on.

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