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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Hello /Fringe/.

I want to learn magic, I'll start by telling you a bit about myself.

I am a half jew, on my father's side. My father committed suicide when I was very young. This means I learned next to nothing other than that my grandmother was possibly a witch. She had a collection of owl figurines and, after visiting her during the funeral times, I have not gotten sick once.

According to some guy I met from the internet, who fancies himself a pagan, I am possibly also 'unseelie'. I am autistic and possibly sociopathic, with an unnatural charm and auditory and visual hallucinations in times of stress that faded in intensity over my childhood.

The only religious experience I have is that I went to temple as a child as well as church, but stopped going and reading later in life, and am currently following buddhist meditations. I fast constantly and reduce my standard of living to harden myself.

What am I best suited for, what can I do, and where do I start? I'm also a fencer, so anything that helps with that would be pretty cool.



>The only religious experience

Religious? Re-li-gi-ous….

Magick has nothing to do with religion. You are pulled to earth because of gravity because you believe in gravity? Gravity will continue existing even if you don't believe in it? Does It matters if you believe in gravity or not? Magick is top science believe me or not.

>and where do I start?

On fringe library?!? It´s right in front of you, on top of this very thread…. Or you want to be quickly told what this is all about, like in fifteen minutes like most of the new faggots and you are good to go conjuring demons and switching realities? Abandon this thought, it will take YEARS even if you knew everything that is to be learned, you need a lot of energy for these to work yk… Even if you have a car you can't do shit with it without gas…


Go find your local rabbi, then sign up for anything kabbalah related.


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"Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts" by Donald Kraig will get you started. It will outline all the basics and give you a solid foundation in ritual magic.

Hoodoo root working is another path, more folk based but a lot of resources available to learn from. Interesting to learn about if you like blues music.

And then there's just buying a book or two on spells, and just casting them and see what happens.

I had to google "unseelie". Unless your actually talking to fairies and whatnot's in the woods, I wouldn't take that too seriously. Even then I'd still take it with a grain of salt. That's more about being sensitive than being a magician.

Ritual magic uses tools, so if you get off on waving swords then the Kraig book is likely your best route.



Geez Louise, I don't know what to say to such profound disassociation with reality. I'm sure you think you've typed a meaningful description of yourself but it's mostly bad memes.

If you feel pain, I imagine it is the only honest resource you have.




Sure, fringe magic library SEEMS like a good place to start but the problem is that jew magic is different. I want that dark bloodline shit but I never learned any of it because my family died all over the place. I understand that it takes effort and time, I was just wondering what direction would be most beneficial for my background. I'll go ahead and see if I can grab the twelve lessons in high magickal arts since sword-rituals sounds like something I can believe in and readily build energy toward.

Also I don't want to summon any demons or anything crazy I just want to curse a real sword. Thanks for your patience.


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>Implying there that there are different laws to cheat on the same reality.

Sure anon, you study this high magic stuff because you are clearly an advanced user.

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