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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 6346d0e1affa425⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 700x525, 4:3, kratom.jpg)


I find that kratom helps me meditate and puts me in a headspace in which I feel full of energy. I like to combine it with caffeine for increased focus but sometimes it will make it hard to clear my head. Anyone else have any experience with kratom? Let's discuss any herbs/substances that help us in meditations, rituals and such.


I bought 4 strains to test it anon. Care to share what method you use for the best results?


To use drugs to achieve your goal is like taking a bike with the intent to develope a faster run speed. Yes it works your legs but in the end the speed you will have gone with the bike makes your unaided development… Disappointing



How bout you turn off your neurochemicals then and exist as a spirit without them? Shut the fuck up with your shill garbage and get the fuck out if you're only going to spread dissent. All practices are valid kyke


As for you OP, I've learned from others that if Kratom gives you a stimulant effect then you have a rare response to opiod drugs in general that makes them more stim than depressant. It's around 1 in every 1000+ people. Consider yourself lucky.

Personally Im using mugwort right now as just a pillow stuffer. Works wonders for making dreams vivid, helps with lucidity if you practice lucid dreaming techniques.


Any tips on how to stop it from giving me headaches? Didn't used to be this way when I first started taking it…



>"everything is and isn't, at the same time";

>"all truths are but half-truths";

>"every truth is half-false";

>"there are two sides to everything,"

Your Ego is speaking for yourself instead of your Master Self. You should study more…



>All practices are valid

You sure you're not the real kike here?



Your thought traps are weak and won't work on me. If you actually believe the bullshit you're spewing then I feel sorry for you and your oh so real 'Master Self'. Otherwise fuck off with your demiurgic logic.


Only a kyke spells the work with an 'i'. Kykes like taking spirit out of actions for everyone they despise as a form of passive warfare. All practices are valid if you actually understand the system.


File: b31df51330da419⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 450x373, 450:373, Kirk Lazarus.jpg)


>so real 'Master Self'

>demiurgic logic




Ok, arrived:

1- Red Betuangi

2-Rede Bali

3-Green Malay

4-Maeng Da

Witch one is the best in your opinion?



By that logic you might as well endlessly supply your system with a surplus of chemicals to achieve the desired states of mind. Not an uncommon practice. It's called drug addiction.

I endorse the practice of instead changing your brain structure to accommodate for your natural availability of chemicals. Within the specific brain area you desire to develop. So you can achieve your desired state of mind in a more permanent sense.

You got awfully defensive. You should dwell into the reason why that is.




was meant to this


quoted wrongly…



would you need a pole to jump a poodle?

So witches, druids and shamans are all wrong because they use the help of herbs? I am disappointed by your lack of knowledge.



Bali is GOAT

Maeng Da kind of sucks but it's not the worst

Never tried the others.


Ok, shit is GOOD…Such a deep, profound feeling of peace! I think even if my feet where on fire I wouldn't give a single fuck…This would be the ultimate help for empty mind meditation IF you could focus… But using a thermogenic like caffeine to help improving attention will probably conflict with the effect of Kratom so it is not good. Probably is best to just diminish the dose instead of using caffeine.



I happened to use Bali by chance, it is great indeed


I hear some people die on kratom.



They die off of it too.



>doesn't know about the psychonauts

smiley ur just schizo. you've accomplished nothing, technically



What!? No wayAa


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>All practices are valid kyke

I have a video for you.


I actually feel much more high and joyfull when sober than when I smoke kush, this is a recent observation but I geuss im either naturally high and the frequency being high off weed resonates lower or that my body is good at alerting me to toxicity. So in a sense smoking for me is like running whit weights which makes sobriety not disappointing whatsoever.


You know about DMT and the pineal gland right? # Muh psycadelics. Take what you want but please don't insult sobreity, being able to stay sober in todays world is a consciousness expanding experience.



>To use drugs to achieve your goal is like taking a bike with the intent to develope a faster run speed

>don't use cars to get to other places because at the end of the day you won't even be able to run faster




This analogy is flawed. Where we're going after this is over we won't have cars. If you learn to rely on them you're fucked.

You will be missing a lot of other stuff you probably rely on and shouldn't.



is it legal in burgerland after all?



Not in pisshole states like 'bama



bikes can go faster than legs tho m8

and cars can go faster than bikes





Kratom is an opiate and the withdrawals are almost as bad as heroin, certainly way more severe than the supposed positive effects are worth. At least real opiates get you high.

t. Recovering addict


>the withdrawals are almost as bad as heroin




T. Big pharma shill




Why don’t you faggots just do some heroin?

Get a real habit. At least you’ll get high while wasting your money.



Because heroin is hard as fuck to keep recreational faggot. If you get addicted to Kratom you're a retard.

t. haven't touched dope in ten years


this shit ruined my life



lol nobody is trying to shittalk kratom. nobody knows what the fuck this green muck is. It's an opioid though and it has opioid withdrawals



What's it like being a weak-willed faggot?


Been taking Kratom for 4 years or so, now, probably 3 years of daily use. It was a great antidepressant for me at one time, probably more placebo at this point though.

But can confirm, opiate like withdrawals, mostly just minor fever like symptoms tho- achy and that. Nothing terrible in my experience. More annoyed than in pain, nothing like I assume heroin to be. The dependancy is similar to in between cigarettes and sugar)

Its shit to be dependant on anything. But its what i would recommend to anyone attempting to get off hard drugs (youll easily puke your guts out if you take even a bit "too much". Moreso, it has a neutralizing effect on other opiates, in my experience. Its safer and less addictive than that bullshit they give ppl now, i forget what their new wonderdrug is called) Also would recommend to people who are complating big pharma anti depressants, bc kratom doesnt come with the warning that :" youre either going to become a slug, get fat or kill urself"



Im going to add to my last post to say ;

"ur a pussy if you let kratom ruin your life" holy fuck dude.


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