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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I think the Tree of Life is a beautiful symbol, and I've been wanting to utilize exercises such as the MPR.

However, all these posts I've come across regarding the Jewish matrix, the Demiurge/Yaldabaoth/YHVH have skeeved me out. Now I'm paranoid to involve myself in Qabala at all.

Though, even sources in the Fringe library make practical reference to YHVH - which, in my limited understanding, is also an elemental formula and not simply the Abrahamic God/Demiurge.

What are your thoughts on incorporating some of these things into ones Work and daily routine. Or do you believe it should be avoided at all cost?

I'm very confused about the whole subject is a tangled mess which I don't even know how to begin to unravel.

Thoughts? Opinions? Advice?


/Pol/ is full of ridiculous garbage, follow your will not others'


I used to be embedded in the /pol/ matrix like you and now I'm teaching myself Hebrew. It really is a beautiful language, and the Kabbalah is an even more beautiful system. Follow your intuition, but be weary of anyone who seeks to control you with fear. If you don't investigate for yourself, how will you ever know for sure whether that fear is warranted?



Several years ago I used a book called New Avatar Power that is based on the Qaballah and includes the middle pillar ritual, etc. It was an interesting experience, but now I have a very nasty entity attached to me that attracts clouds of flies.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get rid of it, I've made progress but it's been very slow.

I would avoid anything of Jewish origin. The topic of evocation of angels is something I would avoid. It's not worth it. Maybe you can find some other occult topic that is interesting to you. There are so many things you can experiment with that are less dangerous.



I'v been working my way out of what the other anon called the /pol/ matrix for a little while now and this anon >>124960 serves and a excellent example of why that place is so ill, people will just make things up… They just don't care that some people are taking it seriously. Do you really think that your average jew on the street is in on some kind of secret or they are just and clueless as the rest of us? (You don't have to go full left wing though)




Only The Chosen Goyim know the truth, that the jews control everything and are poisoning my cornflakes because I am the next NIGGER SLAYING MESSIAH. Hale Shatler


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This sounds like exactly what you're looking for, it's all that stuff, but instead of using jewish names this uses planetary names.




The jewish people are ruled by saturn, so are flies. Try asking for help from the sun to rid yourself of saturn's influence.



>Do you really think that your average jew on the street is in on some kind of secret or they are just and clueless as the rest of us?

You obviously haven't lurked enough, this is the most basic bitch newfig line of thinking when it comes to the JQ. Do it and then ask yourself that question.


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The Kabbalah is just a system like Kundalini. Don't get caught up in semantics when the methods all point to the same system.

Don't get perverted by the blood magick of the polytheistic Semitic religions. Use the system, learn Hermeticism on the side.


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Stay away from kike magic anon



Would you suggest replacing the symbolism of the sephirot with, perhaps, planetary attributions?

Or would it be fine to learn the system (Tree of Life, Bahir, Zohar, Tanakh, etc)? What parts of the system constitutes blood magick?

Anyway, thank you (and everyone else here) for the insight.


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Kabbalah is not Jewish, it is Aryan. The Hebrew letters themselves are in fact rearrangements of the Norse and Sanskrit alphabets. The Tree of Life is a universal symbol, and Kabbalah is the study of the structure of the universe, and all of its spheres.

There are many resources and avenues available to learn about Kabbalah, even the Tarot. The Zohar, the Sepher Yetzirah, Dion Fortune, Eliphas Levi, and others are valuable.

What is necessary is not to become an intellectual, but to become one who, by direct experience, traverses the spheres and comprehends them intuitively.


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I had no idea it's aryan, can you tell us more about it?


In love with Kabbalah rn. Can any of you rec me some good literature about it? Hard to sift through all the pop culture bs



This is a good website. CTRL+F "Kabbalah" at the courses section.



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>Would you suggest replacing the symbolism of the sephirot with, perhaps, planetary attributions?

Kundalini, Rose petals, lotus flowers, alchemy, christ consciousness.

>Or would it be fine to learn the system (Tree of Life, Bahir, Zohar, Tanakh, etc)? What parts of the system constitutes blood magick?

Taoist alchemy, Rosicrucian system, Hermetic alchemy. Use your blood for something better.


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I am gnostic, thats where the demiurge comes from but its not the Sephiroth that are associated with evil its the exact opposites called the Qliphoth, aka an inverted tree of life which in traditional Kabbalah is explicitly forbidden to practice with. Just like the inverted pentagram is forbidden in wicca. It deals with negative demonic energies. Stick to the sephiroth and you'll be fine. As for my views on the demiurge, Yaltabaoth i tend to think he's the male counterpart to Shekhinah both are born from Sofia (knowledge). one is Yin one is Yang, Shekhina is referred to as the divine feminine, so the demiurge is the divine masculine and represents left brained physical and logical ideology while shekhina represents right brained spiritual and emotional ideology, you need a little of both to remain in cosmic balance. Too much of either is bad. There is a path in buddhism that deals with this practice called the Middle Path. It's called Unity in god for a reason.

Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."

The path that is mentioned is that thin silver line between dark and light. Never give in to either side entirely. All is one, one is all.



Like everything else in the world of mystery schools and the esoteric, the kabbalah is something that's been co-opted and reinterpreted by a thousand different sects over the centuries for better or for worse. There are certainly so-called Jews that are clearly just materialists that try and act spiritual because muh kabbalah, but we are talking about an ancient tradition that predates them and there's no harm in looking at it and learning about it. I agree that there's a certain elegance to the tree of life and no doubt there is deep meaning to be found there. It's also a handy tool for introspection and self understanding. It's also a nice way to syncretize other traditions into a neat package.

You should follow your instincts and synchronicity and study whatever you feel is relevant at the time. You'll move onto something else soon enough and take what you learned with you. Just remember all information is neutral. It's what you do with it that counts as "good" or "evil". Read everything you can, the good and the bad, and don't be afraid to delve deep to confront and control your own demons and you'll peel back that veil someday for sure.

That's my advice to anyone who isn't sure about looking into something because of preconceived notions. God speed.



that's bit of a stretch don't you think? figuring out how to ask the universe for favors and becoming enlighten seem like two different things. kaballah just seems like jews just took planetary symbols and instead of making them gods they were just vague forces sent by one god. I dont know if it helped to cut down on paranoia.


more like jokes and a bit of mystery


I don't think there's such a thing as forbidden information or knowledge like >>125069

said. just forbidden practices.



Are you implying there's something wrong with dedicating years, decades or even a lifetime to a specific tradition?



I honestly don't know how you got that from what I said.


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>figuring out how to ask the universe for favors and becoming enlighten seem like two different things.

Yet no one asks the Universe for enlightenment because they are under the false impression that they don't need it.

It depends on what path the individual decides to take in order to go to the places it needs to go. One can start out with Buddhism, dive into AMORC, shuffle the masonry, learn esoteric schools and come out the other end just as well as those before.

I'll have to reference something I wrote in the post you quoted in order to answer something that was already answered:

>Don't get caught up in semantics when the methods all point to the same system.

Don't get caught up in WORDS and LABELS when the methods REGARDLESS of LABEL, point to the SAME system. Buddha and Jesus were both lit on understanding the same fundamental truth as anyone else can do, only difference being: culture, language, time and past religious knowledge.

Would Jesus be Jesus if he had no references to OT scripture? Would Buddha be Buddha if he didn't use Hinduism as basis for his understanding?

Study one system. Study many systems. Truth comes to those that want it.



>everyone needs to be enlighten

I really wish i had a real definition of enlightenment



What did you just say about me, you little fringeposter?


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<The remnant of Israel will trust in the name of the Lord.

<They will do no wrong; they will tell no lies.

<A deceitful tongue will not be found in their mouths.

<They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid.

Zephaniah 3:13

Clues about enlightened prophets and their behavior is left in old religious texts.

<There are no winners or losers, only those who suffer and those who don't.

The steps to enlightenment lays in knowledge. The more you know, the more you read, the more pieces of the puzzle can be set. Settling for ignorance in any situation leads to suffering and death, rather be humble and ask than arrogant and misinformed.

Don't follow religion, be religion. Discipline, virtue, intuition, sensing, observing.



I've learned so much just from the introduction to the alphabet alone. Thank you so much for sharing!



My friend, you are so very welcome. God bless.


Are you really letting the mundies at /pol/ to upset your curiosity like that? I thought we knew better over here.


It sounds really fun but I don't know how to get on the tree.



seems okay but I don't agree the whole being gay is a sin thing is legit. If they love each other then it's fine.



this. bearheart knows the stuff


I was driving around and everyone was acting insane as usual because this world is a bunch of shitty evil people but it was more noticable that day then later I read that a bunch of kids got hit by a car. This society is a complete failure. Six hour work days or people just taking a step back to meditate and chill the fuck out or something and those dumb ass kids wouldn't get hit. Not that I really care, they all consent to to their shit world, but it's still frustrastiing that this gay chaos interferes with my life. Shit is so obvious at this point it can be spotted from a mile away, yet mother fuckers gonna deny anything is wrong. Keep jerking off to old books and symbols golems! I mean, everything isnt right the fuck in front of you! Don't observe your surroundings, just read this book and consent to giving me all your energy!



The Kabbalah is an attempt at a total system of magick. It is neither good nor bad, or rather it has both good and bad sides to it, like anything. The trouble with the K and those who practice it in its entirity is that they have to practice all aspects of it, good and bad. If you just focus on the good, then I say good for you. Otherwise, rts.



oh and btw, the (((jews)))


Once upon a time I never knew that Jewry existed.



>Kabbalah is not Jewish, it is Aryan

It's Egyptian in origin, Jewish in terminology and Hermetist in structure. The Tree of Life as we all know it doesn't appear in Qabalah, the properly kosher version of Kabbalah


Like it or not you are a part of the mundane world until the day you manage to free yourself from the Wheel of Saṃsāra. Material life cannot be utterly disregarded


>/Pol/ is full of ridiculous garbage

Nice non-argument there

>follow your will not others'

As if discovering one's own true Wiill was the simplest task in the world, right?



You seem overly defensive of the /pol/ psyop without providing any actual arguments yourself.



what is mpr?



Psyop? You are thinking of the MSM mate



read title


all worked up about 'da jooos' and you post an mk ultra picture


You are asking specifically about practices related to the middle pillar?

From what I understand the middle pillar is mediocrity or timidity. In trying to meet in the middle you end up lukewarm and ineffectual.

The opposite of that is being zealous or even excessive.

Meditation with the hands on the knees or in a balanced position is also related to the middle pillar. It doesn't matter which leg is above the other as long as the hands aren't touching and are in an equivalent positions.

Meditating like that enables it to be neither left hand nor right hand path. You don't want to just be thinking and letting your eyes move around. Keep them fixated on an object while keeping the eyelids closed.

There isn't any benefit to meditating just to work on old personal problems. It is much better to have the mind be clear as it allows for an easier time interacting with other people metaphysically.



/pol/ is always right is a meme for a reason. This entire post is actually uniroincally true; the Aryan spirit is in most humans but is inhibited by pesticides and other shit like retarded chemical layering of the plastic bags that your corn flakes come in.



/pol/ can't even decide if it likes the president it helped elect. That meme was coined long before /pol/ became a cesspit of clueless retards.



If Israel figured out Trump didn't have their best interests, then Trump wouldn't be able to con them like he has. Anyways, let's keep the discussion /fringe/ and esoteric, not /pol/ and mundane

also I meant ironically true, was wondering how many people I triggered by using that incorrectly lol



>not an argument

Okay, Stefan Molyneux



Would love more info on this.

I'm currently using NAP with incredible results. Can you tell me about the entity and how I can avoid getting something like that attached to me?


The trap you’re in is akin to solipsism. It’s circular. Just experiment and draw your own conclusions. It’s the only way.

There’s no point in anyone telling you what to think or what to do. Just experiment and decide.



Minnesota Public Radio. Duh.

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