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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Fringe, does any of you had also experienced or toyed with the idea that We humans are the supposedly 'fallen angels', that fell from grace (high vibration acorporeal) to earth or hell to live in to a lower cast (lower pysicalized vibration), but not for the sake of damnation but for the sake of adventure and exploring into unknown territory from the place we used to be before?

And like when we felt unworthy of joy its not because we are but because our higher vibration bateries are depleting and we unintentionally gave ourself amnesia and struggle to remember how to refill them so we can keep exploring in joy instead of exploring in misery this 3D perceived space? or its just me been high?


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No, our ancestors did not fall from grace for the sake of "adventure". Your "vibration battery" idea is also pure nonsense.



but i think its a cool idea senpai



Ah no. Angels are part of the holy spirit.

We are carbon based Human beings, with fragments of the image of God embedded within us which act as our souls. Throughout all of our life, our deeds get added on to our soul to be Judged in the afterlife.


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We will never have answers but interesting thought OP.

Fuck all those faggot neckbeards who immediately say "no this is retarded and ur mom is gae". People like acting here like they know the secrets of of our creation and universe.

Fringe…. Fringe never changes



You might be surprised at what you can learn from people here

The Enlightened always seek the enlightened.

God has left many signs on earth that allow us to piece together how existance works. Most are too blind by Idols




And that is still much more preferable than your radical skepticism which asserts that we can "never know anything for sure". Yes we can, and some people do.


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Pretty sure none of the enlightened people are fucking around on chan boards.

If there really some super enlightened people out there then why aren't they doing something? Like defeating the kikes? Where are they huh?

Btw i rather stay "skeptical" towards ever getting answers instead of calling shit on other's posts and pretend like I would be some lexicon of beings.LARPing at it's best, fringe



Within the myth there is a base line story of a meta myth. And this meta-myth is that there was a war with two distinct sides that amounted to loyalists versus a vast rebellion. The rebellion was all but defeated and was cast down either exiled or caused to retreat into this realm; the Earth. This was all well and good because it was known that in this realm of the Earth the lower vibrational frequencies were very deceptive and would cause those who entered to forget who they were. They would retain their characteristics but memory of the how and why of their arrival here would be almost entirely forgotten, especially the longer they remained here.

But, as the rebellion was cast down something happened. Something precious was caused to fall with them. And in response to this volunteers were sent to try to retrieve it. Only problem was when they arrived here they soon forgot why there came. So, on their arrival they worked as fast as they could to create artifacts that would serve as clues to hopefully help them remember. Another problem is, the rebels did the same thing but the clues that they created tell their version of it which revolves around a corruption of the truth.

So, now, the clues that contain the truth have become intermingled with clues that are corrupted. And, coupled with that, the true clues themselves all require a certain level of abstraction to be understood and if a clue is studied without its required level of abstraction any information gathered from it will be irrelevant.

Tldr; we are stuck in an ancient escape the room puzzle.

Serrano, as well as others, wrote about this. And there are plenty of more ancient texts that seem to support this.



>then why aren't they doing something? Like defeating the kikes?

A couple of reasons. 1) the kikes will be defeated by their own hand. Their hubris in assuming they understand everything has all but cemented their eventual destruction. Protip: you can not cheat karma by faking a holocaust 2) lets say a merry band of uber enlightened individuals got together and used their wisdom to blow the fuck out of them, and all other wicked circles, right now, and then took control of everything to ensure that civilization was administrated properly. What would be the result? Peace and happiness? No. As soon as those enlightened individuals left this world, if not sooner, it would all once again fall to shit. Why? Because they people would not have learned anything. You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or you can teach him to fish and he can feed himself. If the people dont learn how to identify, deal with and prevent a parasite infection then any unilateral delousing will only be a temporary fix before the complacent masses allow for themselves to become infested again. If the kikes are entirely removed you really think that another breakaway group of inbred malcontents wouldnt eventually pop up in some remote enclave and come up with the same sort of invasive ideas?

I'd love for the opposite to be true but humanity needs to learn the hard way. And, in any event, its all there to be seen if you figure out how to look. The pattern is omnipresent. Everything has a reason and it has all been written.



Whatever you do, don't solve your problems. Continue to seek out ridiculous explanations for your shitty life, like the position of the moon when a girl denies you. Whatever you do, don't face reality and find actual solutions to your problems. Its better that you are kept contained to this glorified mental institution, and the best path for you is continuing to be insane until your die. If after all this cringey literally bullshit you've wasted most of your life on you discover that you were wrongg, then that will just be more of your messes that everyone else needs to clean up. Keep up the awful workk.



Humanity is so hateful it doesn't even have any heroes.

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