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October 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 19191964a631e98⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 220x296, 55:74, 220px-Thoout,_Thoth_Deux_f….jpg)

File: c2fe8be373d5835⋯.png (16.9 KB, 527x307, 527:307, 1484285482464.png)


How will Thoth manifest? We've already seen the huge impact Kek had/is having on our world/reality, and I feel like Thoth will soon rise as well. Any thoughts? (heh)

(Rule 2)


Braces can evoke that deity.





Go ask him?


File: d37a0d4199ddbbc⋯.jpg (121.89 KB, 800x449, 800:449, 1537764341502.jpg)


I'm responding because you got Thoth digits


It's relatively well known that posts with digits just as these are of Thoth (as opposed to the repeating digits being of Kek). Thoth will emerge as esotericism is rekindled. Kek was chaotic. Thoth will be principled and regimented. But it will take more time. check back in five years


So Obama was trying to summon the egyptian god ISIS by creating that "terror group" who was on the news all day and in the minds and mouths of the sheeple?

Interesting. Did it work? How to tell?


File: a914b925939bec2⋯.jpg (41.78 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 7d1ec4f594325f6fc6d13afd8d….jpg)

Is there a good egyptian deity? One who brings spiritual knowledge and strength or something positive? We should evoke it with memes asap


I am literally that god dude you all talk about. I am the creator, and i control everything in reality. I guess I just wanted to experience things from a different characters perspective. Guess I'm like the dungeon master programmer and made all this dumb shit but then was like wait i wanna be a warrior mage and kill Jewish faggots.



Horus is what you're describing. He is the Christ equivalent of Egyptian religion.

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