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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I have been helping people all my life. I listened to what they have to say, I gave them advice, provided them help but most importantly I gave them hope. In the process I neglected myself. I spent awful lot of time and energy listening to what others have to say. It was not worth it since those people never improved.

No one ever has any interest in what I have to say though, not even myself. But now I realized how much I neglected myself, and I want to forgive myself for it, but how can do that? It's a super strange feeling, I just realized this last night. The picture I posted depicts how I feel. I am incomplete because I gave away everything I had, I always felt worthless so I helped others instead. Sorry if this is offtopic or something but I don't know where else could I post it. I have no one to talk to. You see I was always there for everyone but when I need help I never get any, not even a conversation. I was always a listener but I no longer want to be just a fucking thrashcan where people throw all their problems then move on.

Dear fringe, can you give me some advice or just discuss it? How can I make up for all those wasted years?

Lesson I learned: people are fucking stupid, help only your close friends/family


I feel the exact same way. For some reason if someone needs help I inmediatly jump to help, very quickly and effectively, but I rarely help myself. I've been thinking that maybe it would help to imagine my self as a different person? but I'm afraid of dissociating.


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Don't do it anon. Be yourself, learn to respect yourself. I just realized it yesterday how important it is to be on good terms with yourself. At the end of the day you are the only one you can trust.

I fell into the trap of the brainwash propaganda, I grown up respecting everyone but myself. I realized I was hating myself all along. Self-hate is the biggest poison of the mind and it's being promoted all over the world with the bullshit "giving is the best feeling", "always give to others first", they say you have to be only the second but NO. You have to be the first for yourself, no one else.

Also, don't just help every random people. It might backfire at you. Helping is a beautiful thing but not neccessarily a good thing. You might end up helping your own demise.

Read this story, it's an analogy for what I want to say:


You can never know who turns out to be the snake…

You can only grow spiritually if you are accepting who you are. Learn to respect yourself, learn to get along with your own self, don't hate your body, your looks etc. You are the most important in your own life, no one else.

Hang in there anon, it's not an easy task but we have to learn to deal with it.

Have some funny cat pics.


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Thank you very much for your post. I mean it.



save yourself first. you must have a boat before you can stop others from drowning. www.iskcontimes.com/what-is-the-highest-realization/

become krishna conscious



>Lesson I learned: people are fucking stupid, help only your close friends/family

Man I feel you. I just learned that same lesson recently. Tried to help an acquaintance going through a rough time only to get pulled into his negativity myself. It started with listening to his problems and being supportive, but then I start getting sucked into his hour long rants and calls late at night and had to cut ties completely.

It's compassionate to think that people in bad situations are the victims of circumstance and just need some charity, but really a lot of people cannot be saved because they actually don't want anything good for themselves. They are black holes that suck away the generosity of anyone who tries to help them. If you want a good life, positive people must drastically outnumber the negative ones and there is no shame in pushing people away if they only drag you down.



>imagine my self as a different person? but I'm afraid of dissociating

You don't have to imagine yourself as a different person, just think over your actions and ask "would I expect my friend/family to do this?"



Anon what if you can't find good friends though?


In psychology you are what they call a 'rescuer'. Self-compassion is the cure. just google these terms for info, spin it and reframe it in the way that helps you most


You don't have to forgive yourself like a fucking pussy. If you have neglected yourself then it's probably because there is a good reason. Just obliterate that pathetic faggot for good and move on with your life. You never liked that guy anyway. The weak die while the strong survive. Put your own self out of its misery and be free and strong.

Also stop helping random people so much. But this you realized already.


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I've never been a pathetic faggot, and I hated myself for things I've never done. Other people made me hate and neglect myself and I did not deserve it. You don't know what the fuck I've been through and you don't know who I am to judge me like that. I have always been strong, stronger than you ever dream to be.

I never helped RANDOM people. I helped only the ones I treated as friends and loved ones then they all stabbed me in the back. I was naive and way too young. I thought I was doing the right thing by helping them, I was wrong, and by the time I realized it I was almost empty.

So just fuck off with this "pussy" talk. You don't seem to understand what I'm talking about, it's not about 'murican teenage heartbreaks and sexual frustration that most of you retards talk about here. My life was always about poverty, neglect, abuse and death of family members and despite all this I still wanted to help others while no one helped me.

It takes balls of steel (even though i have none lol) to realize how much I fucked up then face myself and forgive.

But I already did and now I am rebuilding myself.



>stronger than you ever dream to be

Is that so, huh?

>You don't know what the fuck I've been through

This sounds exactly like generic pussy faggot whining

>It takes balls of steel (even though i have none lol)

Time to grow some, bitch. Your OP tells everything about you and also the fact that you whine to other anons on 8ch, but now you wanna act tough? Now I perfectly understand.

>despite all this I still wanted to help others while no one helped me.

Well, welcome to earth. Enjoy your stay.


I learned to hate people by playing DotA 2 and trying to master it using every resource at my disposal. People don't realize how fucking retarded they are or how much study and knowledge goes into controlling the outcome of the game. When told about their ignorance, they become hostile and try to lose. You just have to let them whine in ignorance.

I see this everywhere now. I abandoned all my friends because they insist on their 1k mmr bullshit lives. They cannot change. It is too emotionally painful to admit they're at zero and have been scammed all their lives. They'll never grind out the independent study and research to become good at anything. They'll just passively accept whatever opportunity comes by, never understanding what opportunity really is.

It's very particular people that are worthwhile. They consciously choose top tier behavior and adjust their thoughts accordingly. They are also independent and will not want help, but are willing to cooperate in their own interest. They also believe in cause and effect, or the scientific method. Programmers of NPCs.



I can see why everyone left this board, lately it was overrun by fucking ignorant keyboard warriors such as yourself. The power of anonimity right? You can call others in names, belittling others so you can feel superior. Everyone is a pussy bitch who is not you. Wow now you can pat yourself because how mighty you are now. You called me a pussy and you are the coolest person ever now.

I'm just happy I've never been such a low-level waste like you.



Hey, friend. I know I can come off pretty strongly, but that's a bit much. The poor guy doesn't deserve a "suck it up" speech. There's a thread right here on pg.1 about suicide full of autists who deserve a harsh verbal thrashing. But this guy… No, my friend, just no. There's no room here for a tough-guy routine. Besides, his realization is very touching and relatable to many of us who've been taken advantage of by our friend's and family. I too am a victim of this, but just like the OP, I've healed and moved past it. Truly self-forgiveness is the hardest.


As for you, don't let strong language offend you. Just think about it: the only thing that should offend you is when you're proven wrong here. It's painful, but educational. I believe he was just trying to toughen you up, but approached it wrong, as he doesn't know you well enough to speak to you like that.

Everyone just take a chill pill. We should be attacking the autists and sex freaks. Not peers.

~The Punished Druid



>Offline indie and oldschool games my friend. No need to waste time with the same online crap and subject yourself to the braindead hordes.


>I'm just happy I've never been such a low-level waste like you.

How lucky you are. It seems like I didn't have that luck to be spared of this fate


I see you are on a mission to make this board a better place. What a herculean task…but go ahead. I wish you good luck.



Well, if mine is a hurculean task, then what are YOUR intentions here? If you don't desire to acquisition of knowledge, and to hold civil discussions with those who deserve it, for there are many deserving people on this board, then I suggest you take your sour attitude elsewhere and go feed the Demiurge your loosh from the corner of your room… Alone.

I do have a feeling of where your coming from, though. Have you been here for awhile and are fed up with a lot of the nonsense? I can see why someone would lash out everywhere if most of everything posted here (these days) is all autistic trash.



You forgot to add "~The cuckold larper" at the bottom of your post. Just tought I'd remind you. What the fuck is this anyway, some sort of impersonation of epyc wynns aborted bastard child?

>then what are YOUR intentions here?

I come out once every few months and drunk shitpost for 1-2 days, then I'm out again. This time I saw this pathetic thread that would be better off just posted as a comment under some Teal Swans video or just told to that guys local psychiatrist and I just couldn't resist rustling this guys jimmies. I don't know who the fuck you are tho and when or why you have appeared here. Your posts in the suicide thread are all nonsense btw, god forbid someone actually may believe that crap. But sadly this is the state of fringe now.



You helped others because it's easier to push unsolicited and solicited advice on people instead of doing what you preach yourself. I was in the same boat years ago. Stop trying to vicariously save yourself by saving others, even if the hope is that they will return the favor and help rescue you. It won't happen because then you'd develop a dependent relationship and it's the wrong lesson for humanity.

You need to develop independence. Forgiving yourself is a great way to start. In healing such of this, I've attended Shamanic workings of group guided meditation on soul-loss and retrieval to connect with your past-self to receive your own forgiveness and love; if they were ready for it. Some of us weren't ready for forgive. Some of us were prevented by our own demons. Some of us realized we can only heal ourselves.

You may find this interesting:


Let go of trying to save those around you because it's harder to face and care for yourself. People you meet will be projections of your own situations. Until you fix yourself, the people you run into won't be fixed either.


>You don't have to forgive yourself like a fucking pussy.

You reek of self-avoidance and false machismo. Self-forgiveness is one of the most important self-healing there is and can be the easiest. Why would such a machismo be afraid of confronting themselves again with love, compassion and understanding? Who are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to prove yourself to so you don't have to do this self-work?

You sound more afraid than confident.



No, sadly this is the state of (you). I've been around the fringe boards lurking, reading, studying. I used to post threads for the BOND, but have since stepped away. You can insult me all you want, but I don't see how you're doing any better by apathetically shitposting. But be my guest, tip that bottle back a bit more and you might be able to see the reflection of a sad man at the bottom.

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