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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 59rd Attention-Hungry Games
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October 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a351495159ebf24⋯.pdf (1.78 MB, BookOfAquarius.pdf)

File: 577fbb99f8c65fe⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 224x320, 7:10, 1539209448656.jpg)


I just finished reading The book of Aquarius. what do you think about it? I heard the method for making the stone described there is faulty. has anyone managed to make the stone? or get close to it? what book describes the process more truly?


Nobody cares because everyone of the pathetic faggots here only roleplays and shitposts instead of actually trying the things from "their" occult books for real. Most likely nobody here has even read one single book from the library. This is why so much bullshit and degenerate disinfo is posted here. No way the board would be in such a sad state if people would actually read the books and do the exercises.

You won't do anything either because you are a lazy mongloid just like everyone else…even something simple like making the stone via the discribed method is way too much for you and everyone else. Hence this thread is pointless and you will never know the answer.



Unfortunate and yet true. People will ignore you at their own peril.



You would think that a lot of people here would get exited over the idea of creating their own philosophers stone/elixier of life since it is one of the most epic and great accomplishments for any wizard and that at least one single anon would actually try it out since the guide is already there, plain and simple…and yet…nobody cares enough, nobody does it. Not even one.





Someone claimed to have tried it back in 2015~ and said it didnt work. The process required a bunch of equipment so most people havent tried it here. There. Happy? Good, now fuck off you entitled little bitch. There’s a reason other people don’t reply and it’s because they got nothing to gain from replying. Or maybe they can sense how much of a little faggot you are. Lets see one of you homos try it if you care so much about your philosophers piss stone

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