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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: cfe7dc1d527c9d6⋯.jpg (155.82 KB, 908x594, 454:297, 5cbcfec3568156561fe1ad2f68….jpg)

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13 leaves in the olive branches

13 bars & stripes

13 arrows

13 letters in: ‘E Pluribus Unum’

13 stars in the green crest above

13 stones in the pyramid

13 letters in ’Annuit Coeptis




That's just like tits or GTFO for fags back in the day. Since the majority of those people were evil shitheads the world went in the shit direction, but it's really meaningless. I guess you can make conclusions about somebodies agenda or something but there is no magic power beyond this shit, it's just people jerkinf off or possibly trying to be like IM IN THE KNOW NETWORK WITH ME! OCCULT is just looking beyond. That is all you ever get out of any occult shit. Any occult figure or person who dabbled in it never really has any great conclusion other than look beyond what there is here. It's hinting at taking the untraveled path, like YO IM GEORGE WASHINGTON, I KILLED A BUNCH OF ARISTOCRATS BECAUSE I SAID FUCK THIS GAY CHURCH AND LOOKED BEYOND THE PRISON I WAS TOLD WAS REALITY.

This is not reality by any means. The true reality is the astral place which you can go to on hallucinogens. This is like one picture and reality is world of Warcraft x infinity. Basically anyone subscribing to this is just some fucking psycho demiurgic faggot who likes to fuck with other people's shit even though they already had everything. Holy fuck can this trip just end I'm just imaginging this holy fuck I've tripped while ijn this trip and literally saw myself in an alternate dimension on a couch tripping to go to here fuck this why did someone have to tell me that they did salvia and lived a whole life then died then came back and it was like five minutes of course I was going to want to find out for myslef fuck this shit becoming god again


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I'm looking for interpretations and some explanations, or god forbid some discussion about the symbols, not some fucking incoherent rambling about reality.

Fucking hell, what has become of this board?


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It is curious that the engraver chose to have the eye slightly off center. It would be the left eye. Why left eye? Also note the concentric circles in the white of the eyes. I assume this is an engraver flourish, or an anti-counterfeit measure to add fine lines. It would be an interesting exercise to see if that eye matches any of the presidents from other bills, or chase down the original designer of the bill. Aesthetically, I like it, even if it is off-center.


wait until you find out there are two more books in the illuminatus trilogy, they'll knock your socks off


File: 4a6d64f1bc32a53⋯.jpg (179.85 KB, 1400x1411, 1400:1411, 1dolla.jpg)

>he's still looking at old dollar bills



To get the number 666 they just arbitrarily ignore the mcx?



I hope someone reposts the Pythagorean library. It's a treasure trove of the objective, mathematically based, meaning of geometry and symbols. I want more books on Pythagoras to read myself. I saw it posted all before this big list of books for Pythagoreans to read but lost the post. This was like a lonnng time ago and I want someone to repost.




Isn't every thread on this board archived automatically?

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