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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: d4189134ce6a1f7⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 537x499, 537:499, loki.jpg)


>Excalibur the sword of destiny = sword of DENSITY

>density = frequency

>Sword in stone = (s)word in (s)tone

The word is more of a verse, one that you sing not say

The uni-verse, one verse- one song that reminds everyone that all is one. Guinivere was to represent the divine feminine, or the creative force, just as the universe was created with a song. words have meanings, details comes from the french de tallier(cut into small pieces) So the devils in the….

"The once and future king"

The key to the key.


In this story is all you need to awaken without years of meditation


In this link is the rabbit hole to figuring out the CoS and their relation to the book


The two links together form a map and show where the book is

>It is in fact accessible through the internet, thought its both physical and non physical

>It is not on the "deep web" it is in fact accessible to anyone with google chrome, HOWEVER it is not VISIBLE to all

>morodloeth is 4d and morodloeth is a location

>when thinking about the lock and key, think of it as locking into a frequency,albeit an encrypted one


You're telling me that /ss/ is the road you take to become a hero? The bodily unity of a young childe in training and a motherly figure?

Seems like I've missed out. Wish me luck in the next life!


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TL;DR a bunch of antifa junkies created a cult and to contact them install World from worlds.com and ask about the book of the key and the lock also know as the book of Loki and you'll be asked to do weird shit like spray paint symbols at certain points abuse people mentally or take drugs while painting symbols on mirrors in a dark room.


Visita interiora terrae rectificando invenies occultum lapidem.

Maybe you should be asking why a sword is lodged in stone.


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>links to reddit nosleep

Im fucking done with this board


realize you real eyes


btw the name of the Sword was just KALIBUR. "Ex" is just an prefix that means literally "out of". Because it was taken OUT OF the fucking stone

have some study



I'm fucking done with this website, and imageboards in general. But where is there to go?



You here forever, don't forget it.



Away from the internet.



Then the stone was named kalibur, by that logic. Retard.

The sword was the sword "Out of the stone" "Ex Kalibur"



>not realizing truth is hidden in fiction

end yourself neckbeard



a word lodged in tone, really makes one think.. is that your site that goes by the same name? I'd like to talk more with you. There's talk of the stone of Lucifers rebellion, but its about the tone..


The sword from the stone wasn't all that amazing, it was just a rite to choose a king - a rigged one, by the way. The "real" Excalibur was a present of the lady of the lake. Many of the swords the other knights had were technically also "Excalibur", the sword took a different form with different abilities depending on the soul of the user.

Not that it matters.



So would you say that Arthur actually brandished the sword in the stone and also the one given by the lady of the lake that made him truly a king and victorious among the other knights?


Speaking of devices in tune to the individual soul…

How do you go about discovering the design and character of such a device? If I wanted a custom staff, wand, whatever the fuck… what to do? If it doesn't fit, will it explode, backfire, go horribly wrong? If it's like a perfect extension of one's will, is it all gucci? Mental constructs should be suitable.

Can I get some occular mf to try and divine a rune, a design, a quality, an energy etc that fits my soul? I can trade, applying my hand at a similar request like a tarot reading (wildwood deck) or some freeform request like mine.

Pierce the veil mf



What I would do is:

1. Look into the astral light and let it take form according to my intention.


2. Same as above except I would have some of the material I intend to work with, would imprint those into the astral light, then wait for the material to take form into the suitable device one wishes to create.

All the little details just get filled in automatically in this way. Just like when you visualize an apple you get an apple but you didn't think about the texture or color of the skin, the specific bent of the stem, any markings or bruises on it, etc. it all just appears without you thinking about it.

BTW The Practise of Magical Evocation teaches you a bit about wands and since for the wand to even work in the first place it has to be regarded as an actual extension of one's own will powered by either one's own vitality or the universal vitality you must take every precaution to protect it and keep it from falling into the wrong hands as you will know with certainty beforehand that anyone who gets ahold of it will have their intentions obeyed when they are using it. There is a reason you put it in silk and do everything you can to make sure nobody ever touches or sees it, that it's as personal to you as possible, and that you can remove its charges and destroy it when needed.



The sword Arthur pulled out of the stone is what made him king - because Merlin, his mentor who controlled who can and can't pull out the sword, decided he was worthy. So that sword - or rather, his connection to its creator - practically made him a king. But what spiritually made him a king was, as you said, the sword from the lake. However, that sword is always only as strong as the soul of its wielder. Arthur did not know that. He believed in the lady of the lake and that, in return, allowed his soul to be without fear which is why it was so strong in the first place.

But a more practical lesson to be learned from Arthur is this: He became a king because he believed in others. He believed in his mentor. He believed in his love. He believed in his knights. He believed in his country. And they, in return, believed in him. It is a story of belief and how it can move mountains. Faith is what gives power to the soul.



Your likes and preferences are an expression of your soul. Whatever you think would be the coolest to represent your soul will fit. It can be a sword, a deck of cards, a rune, the FN P90 Personal Defense Weapon Submachinegun with 5.7x28mm ammonition specifically designed to penetrate kevlar body armor - it doesn't fucking matter so long as it sounds like YOU.


These suggestions are shit.



The object used has to "magically" express its own soul well and its own soul has to be compatible with its role as conduit and instrument of my own. That kind of soul is specific and specialized. So no, a machine gun will not do.

You motha fuckas are amateurs. I need to find a magical tree or some shit. Soak in something, give it a core, carve it, the works.

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