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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: bf236ac8048c60c⋯.jpg (166.41 KB, 1600x1227, 1600:1227, jarvis 1930s photo.jpg)

File: 95b299b02d71296⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 340x500, 17:25, Jarvis_Island_Guano_Tramwa….jpg)


>Jarvis was visited by scientists during the International Geophysical Year from July 1957 until November 1958. In January 1958 all scattered building ruins from both the nineteenth century guano diggings and the 1935–1942 colonization attempt were swept away without a trace by a severe storm which lasted several days and was witnessed by the scientists. When the IGY research project ended the island was abandoned again.[23] By the early 1960s a few sheds, a century of accumulated trash, the scientists' house from the late 1950s and a solid, short lighthouse-like day beacon built two decades before were the only signs of human habitation on Jarvis.

>"scientists" go to remote desert island

>while they're there, a storm, not a hurricane, not a tropical storm, but a plain old storm COINCIDENTALLY passes through and absolutely annihilates all traces of human life, including concrete buildings off the face of the island

>while the "scientists" just happened to be there (on an isolated coral island in the middle of the pacific ocean) to observe it

>but the "storm" in question fortunately just happened to leave their shelter as well as a pile of discarded guano and a lighthouse intact

all this sounds a little suspicious doesn't it?

what exactly was being hidden here? What exactly did this alleged IGY project entail?

the island today is one big wildlife reserve and exploration of it is illegal, this desolate island consisting of dead coral sand and bird shit surely needs protection as a wildlife reserve


on google maps it looks like there are rows of something on the ground



You need names, family and family business, and occupations/skills to really figure out what spooks are up to. They're a tightly knit bunch of Jews.



Nice shill thread, niggers.


If only someone could teach you how to articulate your narrative in an effective way rather than shilling.



File: 3bf9f565eb7a9f2⋯.png (602.74 KB, 613x621, 613:621, rows.png)

File: a954de4f4616b30⋯.jpg (158.9 KB, 1000x668, 250:167, image-20160714-12386-jx0i4….jpg)

File: d5a176f33eb278a⋯.jpg (392.13 KB, 1500x1184, 375:296, XGSA2_028.jpg)


Yes, what exactly could this be?

It can't be tilled earth because the island has an equatorial desert climate that no crop can grow in

guano mining doesn't leave parallel lines on the surface, it leaves chaotic stone pillars like these

when it's mined from the side of a mountain it does leave some ridges, but this isn't a mountain, it has a road running straight through it

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