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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 3d2f11bcb2ceabd⋯.jpg (21.07 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Myatt.jpg)

File: c873ee8c9334ae8⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 375x103, 375:103, myatt-ona31.jpg)


Do you know this guy called David Myatt? He apparently was part of the neo-nazi underground and later formed the ONA (order of the nine angles), a left-hand path occult organization.

Interesting thing is Myatt actually converted to islam. He is rumored to be heavely involved in the creation of the notion of islamic caliphate aka ISIS. Kicker is he came out publicly and renounced islam and converted to budhism a week before the public proclamation of the Islamic Caliphate under ISIS and ruled by Baghdadi. This lead some to speculate that once his mission was fullfiled (the creation of the islamic caliphate under whahabi influences) he renounced his cover, his persona, in line with the noctualian theology of O9A. More recently we have witnessed such infiltration in the Atomwaffen group that was unmasked as a front for recruiting by these luciferians

so what do you think has the islamic terrorism been just a dress rehearsal for how the race war is going to be carried out? do you know more about Myatt and the O9A?


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Bump for tbh lad. Myatt is an absolute machine and he responsible for alot more than ISIS.


Source on him converting to Buddhism and also apparently still being alive in the world?

I thought he converted to Islam than eventually renounced it for something he called the Numinous Way.

I am not even sure what is going on with him at all.

I've read practically all the ONA material though I have ever been able to find.

I do not agree with "acausality" and also I find that, like many other cults, the only useful knowledge they have is all taken from Hermeticism and then they add some bullshit on top. Both JoS and ONA derive a lot of their knowledge from Hermetics and all the rest they added in may as well be dross that can be ignored. The Sinister Way is unbalanced. It reminds me of "Might is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard, a book which I agree with everything said in it, BUT the scope of the book is not the whole of ethics. It's also kind of like some of the Libertarian arguments, which are all correct in their own scope, but the ideology just falls apart because of its limited scope which is mainly just concerned about economics (see also Julius Evola and his criticism of Libertarianism).

I don't know why ONA texts ascribe to acausality. It's bullshit superseded by superdeterminism. You don't need acausality when you have superdeterminism which explains much more and better than muh quantum foam and random fluctuations. Acausality also is, so far as I understand it, in conflict with absolute law and order. Acausality can only be a probabalistic fiction as far as I'm concerned, a case of "the map is not the territory" as Robert Anton Wilson would say.

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