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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 19ca0ebd4c7c79d⋯.jpg (172.77 KB, 1200x920, 30:23, jj.jpg)


Can you guys redpill me on Jim Jones? What really happened at his community? I saw a hollywood-tier movie about him and I noticed that, at least in the movie, he had a lot of thoughs that resembles secrets knowledges about the demiourge, the spiritual imprisionment on the material plane and similar thing. Everything I find on the internet about him are just some christian websites saying that "he wuz da shepherd of da devil now stop searching". I also decided to open this thread because I think that there can be too much information to be answered only in the Questions Thread. I have some stuff in mind:

- Did the people of Jonestown Agricultural Project really killed themselves or was there an external force (secreet service for example) behind it?

- Is there any thing in common with MKUltra tier things?

- Was he redpilled about the demiourge?

- Or am I just wandering non sense stuff here and he really was a psycho (lunacticly or just evil) guy who wanted to kill those people by indulcing suicide?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>inb4 this excellent thread is deleted

I thought it was interesting how Anton Wilson predicted Jim Jones, especially considering their shared connections to the deep state.


Peter Beter also had some interesting things to say about him (vid related)


File: 7394832e502f779⋯.png (279.12 KB, 1343x703, 1343:703, soviet-afghan-war.png)

Hi there CIA-kun!

What's with those weird misspellings? ;^)

I don't know what you're trying to achieve with these posts, but I don't think you'll get anywhere here anyway. No one important posts here anymore, it's just redditors, bullshit occultist and legit schizos left. I suggest you do something better with your time than post these retardedly obvious bait threads.

We both know you're behind all resistance movements in the world so let's not play this game, please.



So, Jim Jones was some sort of psyops/experiment? btw, didn't read yet the pdf


Message received, I thank you, courier.

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