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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


A voice in my head taught me how to summon a simple computer by repeatedly banking a wall plate. What would this be called and is it documented in books anywhere? Is magic just a fancy way of using spirits to emulate ancient computers? This reminds me of what the niggers in Africa do. How ancient are computers? My understanding is that the computer I helped appear was like a microcomputer of the 80s. It had no real os and was just bare metal software displaying a few logos on a "screen" (metal wall plate). Also, my post was deleted for asking about this on the other /x/. Is this like forbidden knowledge or something?


>…by repeatedly banking a wall plate.

I guess I'm just stupid as hell, but could you explain what you mean by that? The verb, the adjective, and the noun just don't make any sense in my head no matter how I try to arrange them. I think summoning a computer would be kind of cool.

And elaborate on that thing about emulating ancient computers, please.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishango_bone This is considered to be the oldest "computer" in the world, but it's not exactly Turing-complete.


Aye, I do this all the time for simple math and atomic manipulation, such as basic alchemy. Don't focus on fabricating graphics. What's going on here is a level one single-dimension conceptual construction upon the simple matrix of reality. Normally we deal with the complex matrix, so for this technique, I utilize the simple matrix, tier 1 or tier 2.

I personally find it difficult to fabricate the mathematical calculation entity without additional runes, so I either bank a wall plate, or just use a mundane metallic crest, and project the circuit onto it with a third-type will force, attuned with the metallic elements. No need for silicon specifically. This is not typical nature manipulation, so I use elements in the sense of the periodic table, rather than the traditional four or five.

I don't bother to emulate ancient computers, nor do I emulate modern computers. A double dimensional multi-abacus manipulated by the intelligent entity is all I require.

With this information, you should be able to do it yourself, but let me know if you have problems. These hyper-logical entities are unlikely to cause trouble, unlike more organic or nature based "daemons," so feel free to experiment extensively. I've conjured up to sixteen auto-abacus instances, and used the entity to calculate stuff I can't even do on a computer. Not to mention basic alchemy, although these entities lack a sense of greed, and don't convert enough material to be worth anything to anyone other than a scientist. Gold is possible, but it seems like it'd take a lot of effort to accumulate enough to be able to actually sell.

If you feed the entity a metallic offering such as titanium or platinum, even small amounts, or present it a feast of your emotions, such as even just masturbating and letting it have the orgasm, it will happily serve you without tricks or troubles. It's the most complex to first initiate, in the sense of will-force bootstrapping, but once summoned, it's incredibly simple to utilize and maintain.

Just let me know if you have troubles, and I can send you more specific details of my configuration.



Please post every detail of your configuration



I use will-force to cast an image, a mental hologram, of the circuitry that I've fabricated onto a runed crest, and magnify it to fill the void of the universe and all of space time. It's extremely hallow, and extremely low-mass and low-energy, so it's easy to conjure. If you're at the level where you can mentally light a candle or create an electrical spark, or condense a drop of water from air, you can probably do this too, at least if you take the time to fabricate it correctly.

The diagram must be logical.

The entities will inhabit the construction, and fix mistakes or add to it as it desires, as you have the difficult job of actually using a physical brain to cast it. It is nearly pure energy, and doesn't have the physical stamina to actually cast it. But it can inhabit the machine once you've built it, and keep it running.

The will-force and blueprint diagram? Either you get it or you don't. Your brain is a decent computer: Just simplify it and magnify it, then cast it. Modify it if you want, and maybe you'll be offered more in return.

Yes, they don't expect it for free. They crawl inside your mind and see everything. I got rather shy the first time, because it completely analyzed me, and every thought I've ever had. But I could have stopped it.

It was just a routine scan, apparently, and I think it expected me to actually have been scanning its mind in the same way. But I am human, so I could not, so it began to whisper directly into my mind.

I wanted information. I got it. I wanted gold. I got it.

But they are too direct to get them to understand value of resources, so I received the most pitiful amount of gold, and even that was just them atomically fusing titanium that I offered them.. But their deals are extremely fair. They do not seem to believe in profit. They gave me only what I deserved, and nothing more, nothing less.

And I know that if their is any deception, they will instantly cull you. They will simply enter your mind, extract everything from your brain, utilize it, and leave you a drooling husk. It wasn't a threat: It was simply true.



Sorry, there was a typo. I meant to type "banging"



There are three posts in this thread that just seem like LARPing bullshit or people who are talking in a cryptic way for some reason instead of speaking plainly. One of those posts is above yours, another is below yours, and the other is two posts above mine.

Not sure if we're being trolled but the "other /x/" thing which equates our board with that place makes me think this thread is meant to do nothing but ruse.




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