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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Problem: Am completely demoralized about life in Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0. Not a single likeminded soul here to keep me company in this sea of degeneracy and if I was going to find one then it would have happened already it's time to just admit I'm completely alone. Desire to escape is all-encompassing because there is nothing here to build a life out of.

Solution: You tell me. I am fucking tired and want to hear from anyone how to get out. If anyone has got out, please tell me how. Surely some of you have escaped the planet or reached a state of being or something that allows you to never have to deal with Earth life again. I'm not interested in trying to make things better or salvage the situation on Earth any longer, I've been trying that for too long, and it's amounting to nothing. The only sensible thing I can think of is to check out and maybe come back in a hundred years to see how things are.


God please help me as by a guiding spirit to make a life worth living here or elsewhere. Please save me. This life is bullshit and has no opportunities anymore.


Mods can delete this now. Thread is just a prayer. I know that anybody competent to actually answer this is already gone anyways and isn't sticking around in this wasteland.



Notice how your self-determination is off the charts right now. You're not just open to anything, but desperately searching for anything. Hopelessness is the best emotion if you're prepared to take advantage of it. You seem to be doing fine regardless of preparation. Myself, I started with searching for books, then moved on to prayer and inspired searching. It's weird praying and suddenly feeling the urge to view some website in particular that keeps you alive just one more day.



I know those feels. Hell I'm in the predicament I'm in right now because of my prayers to god and the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper as each request gets fulfilled and always in a matter that exceeds my expectations.



You remind me that I need to pray and meditate. I certainly do it when I'm hopeless, but when I'm working on something I forget such a useful tool. Maybe I should have a set time every day or every other day.



I spend awhile to formulate what it is I really need to be asking god, ask him, then live out and outlive any and all desires connected to or leading to it, then reach a point of needing reorientation because I feel completely pointless so I repeat the process but on a new stage. In this way I've been making constant progression but holy crap life ain't easy mode for me, I seem to never get a break in the whirlwind of development.



You see the inspiration as continuous? That sounds useful. How do you maintain such a presence of mind?



Oh, I suppose it could be in your preparation. Preparing for some time would really make things pop.


why do you want to leave so badly? I get thst you're suffering, but I would like to know more about the nature of what is making you sick


>If anyone has got out, please tell me how.

Kek. Since we are all here it means nobody has gotten out. Those who got out aren't here anymore to tell you. I do not think anyone who still stays on fringe has the capacity to "get out".

If you want to truely get out just sit down and meditate forever. Completely forget about the world, your body, internet, food, everything here. Sit or lie down and never get up. Sleep eternally. Your strong desire and determination will ensure that you will make it out perfectly fine on the other side. Your WILL can be stronger than this demiurgic faggotry matrix.

The only way to do it is to just fucking do it. You cannot renounce this world and then still keep posting on fringe, eating, lusting after girls etc. This world is an illusion, nothing here matters or is real. You wake up by going to sleep. Going outside this world means going inside yourself.

>I'm not interested in trying to make things better or salvage the situation on Earth any longer

There is no point to this anyway. Everything goes in cycles regardless and. There is nothing to be done or salvaged in Maya.

>The only sensible thing I can think of is to check out and maybe come back in a hundred years to see how things are.

No, with this attitude you will never escape this world. If you still desire or hope to be here someday you will never get out to begin with. Forget about it completely. Go and never return. Let it goo~, let it goooo~


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I might get a lot of flack for posting this here, but consider pic. related.


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I don't think you'll get out with that attitude, you're attached to your negative perception of the world, and this is as strong as the attachment to the degenerated emotions among mundanes. You merely changed your initial viewpoint on these things.

To reach a goal beyond all this, you have to like something, to like yourself and who you are, and to actually want something positively. That is was degenerates do, it doesn't matter that they want shit, they still view it as positive and want it so they work positively to achieve it.

Start off by finding what you actually want, what you could be happy with, and discard everything else. Just running from something is only going to place you in discomfort forever.



CC Adi 1.91, Translation and Purport by Srila Prabhupada: "The great scripture Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, compiled by Mahā-muni Vyāsadeva from four original verses, describes the most elevated and kindhearted devotees and completely rejects the cheating ways of materially motivated religiosity. It propounds the highest principle of eternal religion, which can factually mitigate the threefold miseries of a living being and award the highest benediction of full prosperity and knowledge. Those willing to hear the message of this scripture in a submissive attitude of service can at once capture the Supreme Lord in their hearts. Therefore there is no need for any scripture other than Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam."

This verse appears in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (1.1.2). The words mahā-muni-kṛte indicate that Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam was compiled by the great sage Vyāsadeva, who is sometimes known as Nārāyaṇa Mahā-muni because he is an incarnation of Nārāyaṇa. Vyāsadeva, therefore, is not an ordinary man but is empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He compiled the beautiful Bhāgavatam to narrate some of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees.

In Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, a distinction between real religion and pretentious religion has been clearly made. According to this original and genuine commentation on the Vedānta-sūtra, there are numerous pretentious faiths that pass as religion but neglect the real essence of religion. The real religion of a living being is his natural inborn quality, whereas pretentious religion is a form of nescience that artificially covers a living entity's pure consciousness under certain unfavorable conditions. Real religion lies dormant when artificial religion dominates from the mental plane. A living being can awaken this dormant religion by hearing with a pure heart.

The path of religion prescribed by Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is different from all forms of imperfect religiosity. Religion can be considered in the following three divisions: (1) the path of fruitive work, (2) the path of knowledge and mystic powers, and (3) the path of worship and devotional service.

The path of fruitive work (karma-kāṇḍa), even when decorated by religious ceremonies meant to elevate one's material condition, is a cheating process because it can never enable one to gain relief from material existence and achieve the highest goal. A living entity perpetually struggles hard to rid himself of the pangs of material existence, but the path of fruitive work leads him to either temporary happiness or temporary distress in material existence. By pious fruitive work one is placed in a position where he can temporarily feel material happiness, whereas vicious activities lead him to a distressful position of material want and scarcity. However, even if one is put into the most perfect situation of material happiness, he cannot in that way become free from the pangs of birth, death, old age and disease. A materially happy person is therefore in need of the eternal relief that mundane religiosity in terms of fruitive work can never award.

The paths of the culture of knowledge (jñāna-mārga) and of mystic powers (yoga-mārga) are equally hazardous, for one does not know where one will go by following these uncertain methods. An empiric philosopher in search of spiritual knowledge may endeavor most laboriously for many, many births in mental speculation, but unless and until he reaches the stage of the purest quality of goodness—in other words, until he transcends the plane of material speculation—it is not possible for him to know that everything emanates from the Personality of Godhead Vāsudeva. His attachment to the impersonal feature of the Supreme Lord makes him unfit to rise to that transcendental stage of vasudeva understanding, and therefore because of his unclean state of mind he glides down again into material existence, even after having ascended to the highest stage of liberation. This falldown takes place due to his want of a locus standi in the service of the Supreme Lord.



As far as the mystic powers of the yogīs are concerned, they are also material entanglements on the path of spiritual realization. One German scholar who became a devotee of Godhead in India said that material science had already made laudable progress in duplicating the mystic powers of the yogīs. He therefore came to India not to learn the methods of the yogīs' mystic powers but to learn the path of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord, as mentioned in the great scripture Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Mystic powers can make a yogī materially powerful and thus give temporary relief from the miseries of birth, death, old age and disease, as other material sciences can also do, but such mystic powers can never be a permanent source of relief from these miseries. Therefore, according to the Bhāgavata school, this path of religiosity is also a method of cheating its followers. In the Bhagavad-gītā it is clearly defined that the most elevated and powerful mystic yogī is one who can constantly think of the Supreme Lord within his heart and engage in the loving service of the Lord.

The path of worship of the innumerable devas, or administrative demigods, is still more hazardous and uncertain than the above-mentioned processes of karma-kāṇḍa and jñāna-kāṇḍa. This system of worshiping many gods, such as Durgā, Śiva, Gaṇeśa, Sūrya and the impersonal Viṣṇu form, is accepted by persons who have been blinded by an intense desire for sense gratification. When properly executed in terms of the rites mentioned in the śāstras, which are now very difficult to perform in this age of want and scarcity, such worship can certainly fulfill one's desires for sense gratification, but the success obtained by such methods is certainly transient, and it is suitable only for a less intelligent person. That is the verdict of the Bhagavad-gītā. No sane man should be satisfied by such temporary benefits.

None of the above-mentioned three religious paths can deliver a person from the threefold miseries of material existence, namely, miseries caused by the body and mind, miseries caused by other living entities, and miseries caused by the demigods. The process of religion described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, however, is able to give its followers permanent relief from the threefold miseries. The Bhāgavatam describes the highest religious form—reinstatement of the living entity in his original position of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord, which is free from the infections of desires for sense gratification, fruitive work, and the culture of knowledge with the aim of merging into the Absolute to become one with the Supreme Lord.

Any process of religiosity based on sense gratification, gross or subtle, must be considered a pretentious religion because it is unable to give perpetual protection to its followers. The word projjhita is significant. Pra- means "complete," and ujjhita indicates rejection. Religiosity in the shape of fruitive work is directly a method of gross sense gratification, whereas the process of culturing spiritual knowledge with a view to becoming one with the Absolute is a method of subtle sense gratification. All such pretentious religiosity based on gross or subtle sense gratification is completely rejected in the process of bhāgavata-dharma, or the transcendental religion that is the eternal function of the living being.



Bhāgavata-dharma, or the religious principle described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, of which the Bhagavad-gītā is a preliminary study, is meant for liberated persons of the highest order, who attribute very little value to the sense gratification of pretentious religiosity. The first and foremost concern of fruitive workers, elevationists, empiric philosophers and salvationists is to raise their material position. But devotees of Godhead have no such selfish desires. They serve the Supreme Lord only for His satisfaction. Śrī Arjuna, wanting to satisfy his senses by becoming a so-called nonviolent and pious man, at first decided not to fight. But when he was fully situated in the principles of bhāgavata-dharma, culminating in complete surrender unto the will of the Supreme Lord, he changed his decision and agreed to fight for the satisfaction of the Lord. He then said:

naṣṭo mohaḥ smṛtir labdhā

tvat-prasādān mayācyuta

sthito ’smi gata-sandehaḥ

kariṣye vacanaṁ tava

"My dear Kṛṣṇa, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions." (BG 18.73) It is the constitutional position of the living entity to be situated in this pure consciousness. Any so-called religious process that interferes with this unadulterated spiritual position of the living being must therefore be considered a pretentious process of religiosity.

The real form of religion is spontaneous loving service to Godhead. This relationship of the living being with the Absolute Personality of Godhead in service is eternal. The Personality of Godhead is described as vastu, or the Substance, and the living entities are described as vāstavas, or the innumerable samples of the Substance in relative existence. The relationship of these substantive portions with the Supreme Substance can never be annihilated, for it is an eternal quality inherent in the living being.

By contact with material nature the living entities exhibit varied symptoms of the disease of material consciousness. To cure this material disease is the supreme object of human life. The process that treats this disease is called bhāgavata-dharma, or sanātana-dharma-real religion. This is described in the pages of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Therefore anyone who, because of his background of pious activities in previous lives, is anxious to hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam immediately realizes the presence of the Supreme Lord within his heart and fulfills the mission of his life.


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Kill yourself. You serve no purpose and are just in my way. You are like a pimple on my ass that I dont feel like popping so just commit suicide for the greater good.



I have a pet theory that this world is actually the literal hell. Christians say hell is where you are furthest from god, and that fits. And it also fits any other description of hell I've come across that weren't hellfire and brimstone fanfiction.

That means, if we just stick it out here until we naturally die, our past karma would surely be cleansed and we'd be reborn anew, in our purest state, and surely end up as great men.

Therefore, stick to faith, don't off yourself, and the catgirl harem and cheats shall certainly be yours after a short visit from truck-kun.



I've entertained this idea before. It's a comforting notion, in a way, that we're already in hell, and that it therefore can't really get much worse. I hope it's true.




This idea has been entertained before and still is by a lot of people, and certainly it holds truth. We are stuck in what can be considered the literal hell. We are far away from god, aka the Monad, very far. And as far as I can tell, it doesn't get much farther away than this. The physical reality is a prison and a torment, even what people think hell is with all the demons and satan is actually the Hyle, and even that is a better place than this. Even the Hyle is one step closer to god, being in 4D it brings more freedom and comfort than our physical 3D earth. This is hell, but you will never get out by just living it trough and then somehow magically be reborn in a better place as a reward. If you are deluding yourself with silly hopes like that you are in for a horrible surprise. Actually now that I think about it there is a place even further removed from god than our world that could be considered the real, actual, literal hell even worse than ours…and that is the place of complete death. That's the place where mundanes go who are ignorant and don't do any spiritual work and their spirit just dissolves after death into nothing.



Does their consciousness just observe nothing with no awareness of itself for eternity?




Who exactly do you mean?




Archon Anons in the 5th dimension posting on their image board:

Anon1: Am completely demoralized about life in this fucking Hyle shithole, not a single likeminded interdimensional soul to keep me company in this sea of degeneracy…

Anon2: It could be worse tho.

Anon1: How so? This is what I imagne to be the literal hell.

Anon2: Nah, at least you don't have a permanent physical body and have spiritual powers, get to fly spacecrafts and get your own Grey-Sexslave. Have you ever been to earth? I was there once on a business trip with some tall nordics…and boy that's what is literal hell.

Anon1: I didn't think there is a place even shittier than this, tell me more.

Anon2: Their demiurge is a 1000 times bigger bitch than ours and he keeps them on a really tight leash. The poor bastards that are trapped on earth can be considered dead. They are permanantly trapped in their physical body and have no powers at all. They cannot go anywhere and have lower spirit than even a Grey. It's hell, one might as well be a statue from stone and it would be the same. They live the most pathetic slave existence and work the most pathetic slave jobs ever imaginable and they have no idea at all. It's purgatory, they are the farthest away from god. Our demiurge at least let's us travel between dimensions and change our shapes. Also we have some fine porn and videogames at least…you don't even wanna know what pathetic crap those in hell entertain themselves with…

Anon1: Oh man, let's hope we never go there then. But our reality still sucks too lol, I wish I could just escape this all and go to 6D forever.


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So what you're saying is we're trapped here for eternity? Elaborate please.



Unlikely, I believe the reality is more horrible even. Instead of being trapped for eternity you go to the astral planes aka the afterlife after you have died, where you spend some time until your spirit dissolves completely and you are dead for real.

Being trapped here for an eternity would mean you somehow survive and get reincarnated over and over again, which I believe to be a big misunderstanding and mere new-agy bogus.

You have to escape this prison hell and ascend at least to some degree or attain immortality of the soul while you still can, the sooner the better.



What makes you believe the spirit dissolves? And what makes you think there is more beyond this reality and the "afterlife"?



God raised your soul from the mud. In his own image, no less. Unless you're a nigger. How could this possibly be Hell? You may even live to see him smash the niggers back to the fucking stone age as there's nowhere left for his chosen people to escape the evil that wishes to drag them back to the mud.

Pull a man out of this dimension and he'll escape for a day. Teach a man to escape the demon and he'll owe you for the rest of eternity.



My own personal studies and insights, but you shouldn't care too much about my theories and instead focus on your own progress in getting knowledge and insights. My theories may prove to be completely wrong anyway. You should come to your own conclusions, if you care enough that is.



>How could this possibly be Hell?

<Demoralization to not fight back

>In his own image

<Rather than kindling the inner spark and flame, you jerk off a sand 'god'

>live to see him smash the niggers

<Rather than doing it yourself and self actualizing

>You should come to your own conclusions

<Although you clearly haven't done so yourself



maybe go to live in a jungle


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Solution: V8+ Energy/Starbucks bottled coffee, ASMR/porn, tulpamancy, self-improvement, organize your thoughts, reevaluate your core intentions in life, looking up Discord servers to join, exploring Wikipedia articles/links, and finally get comfortable settling for tulpas and online contacts while continuing to improve in-person social skills.

The silver bullet solution is found in mixing various subtle helpful choices which overall add up to a silver bullet solution. Test, mix, and match the above with other choices you think would be helpful to your desired outcomes. This is about as good a general answer as you can expect to such a broad question.


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You huge fucking black pill faggot if you really believed any of what you said you would have killed yourself already; why do you come here and try to demoralize others as well?

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