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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 0731775bc6cc103⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 2913x9987, 971:3329, Femin Virus.jpg)

File: 2a450012d479610⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1095x4431, 365:1477, feminist phenotype.png)

File: 2b4ce13c2e1b43a⋯.jpg (131.97 KB, 549x767, 549:767, roman feminism decline.jpg)


As we already know, a parasite may cause "cat lady syndrome" in humans, maybe feminism is caused by something similar?

For reference:

>A microscopic parasite that breeds in cats has been found to make chimpanzees less fearful of predators in what scientists believe is further evidence that the microbe can also affect human behaviour when it infects people.

>A study of Toxoplasma gondii, which is estimated to be infecting around 1,000 people every day in Britain, has found that it makes chimpanzees more attracted to the smell of leopards, their main predators in the wild.

>Previous studies have shown that when the feline parasite infects mice, the rodents lose their natural fear of cats. Now the same kind of behavioural changes appear when T. gondii infects chimpanzees, the closest living relatives of humans, which usually harbour a natural fear of leopards.



>The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions


>Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives


>Biological differences among gays, transsexuals, and pedophiles


>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression


>How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization


>The Fate of Empires (specifically XXIV The Arab Decline)


>References in mythology to the Femin virus


>The Rockefellers' connections to Femin and bioweapon programs


>Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities


>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak


>Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages


>Texas contractor arrested while possibly investigating Femin virus


>murder, leadership change at CDC over Femin virus


>WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X”


>List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress)




All us presidents are black women


not just sjw, femininist, gays too.


liberals, democrats, globalists, communists, marxists, jewish supremacists.


all have it probably!


I always tought it's some sort of demonic possession or mind control, but something like a zombie virus? Worth a consideration.


Reminds me of this




First I tought this may be a neutral article, or maybe even one from a more enlightened viewpoint, since posted on fringe, but as soon as I saw this stupid bracket meme again >((())) I realized that this is yet another shill for the demiurge. Didn't bother to read any further after that.


Cats were the great big evil all along. The Boss Baby Netflix Series tried to warn us. We did not listen. Fools that we are we deserve what is coming to us!



I agree that jew curves is a shit meme, but it's still a great article. I don't know where the article originated but I found it on sentimentalcorp which is very /fringe/ and not /pol/ at all.


File: 641daf1be18472d⋯.png (500.7 KB, 1023x1212, 341:404, fringewizard7.png)



What's going on here huh? Too many damn newfigs, that's what. /fringe/ is /pol/ with wands, this board is even run by /pol/ mods. Where do you think you are?



/fringe/ was formed before /pol/ became full of unthinking dogmatic retards.


File: 2a6d0ef0193efe3⋯.png (5.04 KB, 200x200, 1:1, epycnazi.png)


/pol/ is a product of calculated censorship by mods of anything that doesn't pander to their personal safe space of alt-right political beliefs, and users submitting to this censorship because they don't give a fuck about true political incorrectness. /pol/ is true hypocrisy incarnate, for true political incorrectness is censored in pursuit of their definition of what's the 'right' political incorrectness; in other words, their politically correct version of political incorrectness.

That is why /fringe/ will always be superior to the pathetic subordinate NPCs of /pol/ and their moderator oligarchs.

~Epyc Wynn



/pol/ is what I imagine actual purgatory must be. Maybe it literally is.


Bloodflag Anon declares to the ignorant and the fearful:

Women are created by the demiurge first and foremost to keep the Matrix running and keeping men trapped inside, distracting them.

Aside from that, their other functions depend on who is currently controlling them; they can be used as both tools and weapons. And make no mistake, no matter how it seems, since they women are NPCs they are controlled by someone or something at all times.

1. If they are controlled by their own men they are used as tools to advance their society and create a good world to live in for their men and for themselves, ensuring the survival and prospering of the society.

2. If not controlled by their own men but by foreign forces they are used as weapons (and very effective ones) to destroy their own society, their own men and themselves. This is currently the case in most parts of the world.

As I see it both possibilities have their own advantages and disadvantages for the enlightened man who seeks Gnosis and a way out of the Matrix, for he doesn't care for societies and women to begin with, after all they are of the demiurge. The enlightened man needs to adapt to either situation and make the best use of it regardless of what happens. That means if men have control over their own women and society is prospering, the enlightened man can enjoy peace and security and comfort on his way to enlightenment. but if the men have lost control over their women and all is going downhill, the enlightened man can enjoy easier detachment from the world, the bigger freedom provided by the ongoing chaos and less brainwashing by "his" society.



This is untrue. I exclusively post on /pol/ using TOR, and I am unbannable. Same for here. I have true anonymity and thus, true free speech.



>caused by parasites



File: 512bdf32dded8d7⋯.png (431.44 KB, 836x971, 836:971, epycbatemanclementine.png)



If you can make a thread on /pol/ explicitly to criticize mods in title, image, and OP, and bump itat your leisure, and have it not be deleted, you will be correct. But if your post is deleted, you have been censored, and you have only achieved an attempt at proving your free speech to no avail. Free speech ends where censorship begins.

~Epyc Wynn


The ">Biological […]" stuff is pretty good. It's contradictory though. The research says that gays are both built and act like hetero women but are over-masculinized according to a few metrics. The most interesting to me is that hetero men and homo women are built for fight or flight.



Masculinity is nearly unheard of.




We have a right and ought not need to rewrite the objects of our study.


I am unsure any of the Japanese letters are revealed as of yet.


It is preferable to find a forum to sol perhaps than remark on those elements preceding formation.


It is in bishops.


I say the word college.


I have a friend who was in court recently and is probably going to jail. They gave him a "flu shot". He got REALLY sick from this, more sick than he ever has been before, and has been non-functional for days now. NOW today I am suddenly really sick too. A flu shot immunization isn't supposed to get a person sick and then that sickness spreads to others. I am convinced someone engineered a flu virus that probably inserts something else into the DNA besides the usual flu stuff and I am at ground zero now for this outbreak.



Those shots have compliance-inducing drugs in them. My god usa is a messed up place…



You know when a parent knows when their child dies with their "sixth sense"??

Probably the same thing. Sympathetic magic.



>Is feminism caused by a parasite?




>a parasite may cause "cat lady syndrome" in humans

but feminism and socialism in general is about seeking safety and stability

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