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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I always hated nofapper so much with a passion because of how much they seemed to be like femminist SJW's or christians who wanted to tell you about jeezuz or why you shouldn't touch yourself because god would be sad. I would sit in every thread they tried to spready their shit to (Because how the fuck dare they tell me that I couldn't or shouldn't experience pleasure that God allowed me to have whenever I felt like it?) and argue with them and debate them to no fucking end until they hated me as much as I hated them. I even came up with some half decent arguments against them and and defeated them and made them give up multiple times and even leave the thread. I hated them so much for trying to tell me what to do and I even fapped more out of pure spite. That was until I realized that the entire thing was a psyop (a false flag psychological operation) designed to turn all of us OFF to the idea of NOT fapping because of how much we hated them and the stupid way they tried to convince us to do it. If you look at nofap, nofap created more fappers than it stopped from fapping. This was the exact intended purpose.

This one time at bandcamp, This person trolled the shit out of me and screwed me over big time just because they could.

I felt like I was about to scream. It would have been the loudest scream any human had ever made, and I'm confident all the windows around me would have shattered, and the ears of everyone around me silenced. But then I didn't. I just held that scream of pure horrific pain inside of me and I made myself have the strength to hold it without being burned by it. I calmed down and I relaxed and I felt this serene sense of peace that was like nothing I have ever felt before. I felt more at peace than I felt before I had even begun to start being trolled.

This person got fucked over from karma instantly and immediately after in such a way that I couldn't even believe it- and yet I understood and I knew.

I didn't do anything. I just felt at peace. I didn't try to get back at them or anything. The energy just took the path of the least resistance because they used a large amount of energy to troll me in hopes that it would generate massive butthurt energy inside me and that they would get more back when I reacted in a stupid and non-constructive way. Their investment never paid back, or rather It did, but not in the way they wanted. They were like a beach during a Tsunami. All their water or energy went way way out, but then it came all the way back in and then some, just not in the way they wanted. I didn't lift a finger. It was like watching someone troll themselves REALLY REALLY HARD.

This is when I began to understand everything about this ENERGY.


Why do you think Anakin lost to Obi-Wan? It was because Obi-Wan didn't fap and anakin was fucking that bitch Padme and used all his energy on her. Then Obi-Wan trolled the shit out of Anakin and told him "I have the high ground! Don't try it!" because he knew Anakin would take the bait and jump just because Anakin wanted to go against anything Obi-Wan stood for in any way. He couldn't resist, and had to oppose him. Remember that in episode 1 Obi-Wan is fighting Darth Maul and Darth Maul has the high ground, and yet Obi-Wan doesn't give a crap and jumps up and cuts Darth Maul in half. High ground and Low ground mean nothing if you know how the ENERGY works.

How do you think Emperor Palpitation was able to win against an entire galaxy of (((them)))?



Why do you think monks take vows of celebacy and only squirt out stuff rarely to relieve the physical pressure?

Why do you think that (((they))) teach you in school to not "bottle up your emotions" because it isn't "healthy"? It's almost like they don't want you to save up more ENERGY than them!

Why do you think that so many of these stuck up people that troll the shit out of everyone (like that asshole at work or something) always seem pent up and everyone always makes the comment that they need to get laid, but this special asshole always seems to get away with everything like magic?

Sith in star wars has the dark side. This is all about harnessing your their anger and passion to give them strength. This is their "take action/ destructive energy"

Jedi in star wars has the light side. This is all about harnessing their ability to not fap and never get a girlfriend. This is their "creative energy/ make things happen energy"

Notice how both the dark side and the light side of karma/the force/quigong (depending on the way you percieve this) both have take action/make things happen ENERGY. Dark side force powers and Light side force powers are two sides of the same coin. They can and do overlap.

The next time you get extremely angry or upset just breath and feel those feelings run through you and then be still inside yourself. Be Still. Store that energy. You will automatically use that energy in mysterious ways without even trying. Just SAVE IT UP.

The next time you get extremely aroused or excited or horny just breath and feel those feelings run through you and then be still inside yourself. Be Still. Store that energy. You will automatically use that energy in mysterious ways without even trying. Just SAVE IT UP.

The next time you feel anything good or bad or neutral or anything just breath and feel those feelings run through you and then be still inside yourself. Be Still. Store that energy. You will automatically use that energy in mysterious ways without even trying. Just SAVE IT UP.

You vote with your money when you choose who to buy from and who not to buy from. You avoid supporting things that don't deserve your money and then buy things from that which you do support. You don't just throw your money away for no reason and waste it all. you SAVE IT UP. Why don't you do the same with your energy?


When you get horny and fap it's like acting on impulse and letting energy fly straight through you and USE YOU as a conduit. When a person with Narcissistic Psychopathy Disorder (a living soulless human parasite, basically an "In Real Life" Troll "FEEEEEEED MEEEEEEE!") Trolls the shit out of you (doesn't matter if it's on the internet or IRL) and you react to them in a stupid way and let them get the better of you instead of handling it calmly and staying in control, you let their dark side energy fly straight through you and you LET THEM USE YOU as a conduit.

YOU MUST LEARN HOW TO BE TO ONE WHO USES OTHERS AS A CONDUIT. YOU ARE THE SOURCE OF THIS FORCE, THIS ENERGY COMES FROM YOU, YOU ARE NOT THE PATH THIS ENERGY TAKES. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM. The only part where you are the conduit is between you and God. God sends you this energy and allows you to use it. Sometimes God sends you this energy in the form of something bad happening to you or even something good. God is mysterious. You should try to be too. Adapting to and using this force in the way that it comes naturally to you is like using quigong, riding the wave, kali-yuga or whatever it's called. There are many ways to perceive and understand this. FLOW IN THE ZONE TO FLOW WITH THE FORCE OF GOD.

When you see a popup ad you instantly go and click it as fast as you can like a fucking retard right? Right? NO? So why do you click every other metaphorical popup ad in your life? You avoid clicking that shit and you save up your Internet, your RAM.

When you're in the desert you don't just take your water and dump it all over the sand and die of dehydration do you? This whole thing is a big metaphore for drinking your own pee in the middle of a desert. Or drinking everyone elses pee and pissing it back on them in mysterious ways, or rather pisstyerious ways. You like joke? I think so.

This is exactly how (((they))) "get" us with porn. (((they))) are intentionally using porn to "cash in" on our energy reserves like someone selling a scam over the phone or on the internet or on the street. (((they))) are harnessing the energy harvested from everyone who faps to porn like darth nihilus from Knights of the Old Republic 2 who sucks entire planets of force sensitives DRY (great analogy btw)


THIS is the most evil secret behind PIZZAGATE. The pedos in (((their))) evil cult aren't actually attracted to their victims. They USE their victims like human cattle in a similar way they use us all as human cattle to harvest the energy they generate from the victims suffering. Remember back when everyone was talking about PIZZAGATE when it was a fairly new happening? Everyone was talking about "spirit cooking" and how the pedos bragged about raping and murdering children by torturing them extremely painfully and extremely slowly. This is (((their))) "loosh farming" and is also exactly what trolls do on the internet when they try to fuck with your head. There are both Right and Wrong ways to use The dark and the light sides of the force, This of course is the evil and wrong way to use this power and the way (((they))) do it all the time. Ask yourself why life is designed from the very basic lowest possible point all the way to the top to be the most frustrating and complicated and stress inducing experience for almost everyone on earth? You now realize that when (((they))) try to be greedy and screw someone over, it's not because they really care about the money, no- they can printe as much as they want! It's about the ENERGY THE BUTTHURT FROM YOU LOSING THAT MONEY GENERATES. That is what (((they))) crave. That is what (((they))) NEED. (((they))) were never greedy for money in the first place. Ask yourself where the myth of the succubus comes from? Ask yourself where the myth of the vampire comes from? They may care about blood, but they care more about what the blood contains. ENERGY.

You see this ENERGY everywhere. Wizards and people of great power in books and movies. Ever watch Dragon Ball Z? Star Wars? Lord of the rings? The ring? The grudge? The story of king arthur? Many movies and books share this theme or this MEME. The transfer, the exchange, the storage and expenditure of ENERGY. Forget those that say it can not be created or destroyed, but only transformed. You will find many liars that will desperately try- and fail to feed you false limitations from now on to control how you understand and use this ENERGY.

Even transformers are always fighting over ENERGON. All the countries in the world are always fighting wars since the beginning over Belief and Natural resources like oil or gas but it can all be boiled down to a war over ENERGY. Ask yourself why they (((SHUTTTT DOOOWWWWNNN))) every single inventor and engineer that tries to come out with an infinite free energy device? Remember Nicola Tesla? Remember how they shut Tesla down and he died poor and pennyless, and (((they))) stole all his patents and papers and documents and burned his house down? It's because (((they))) want all the power and don't want anyone else to have it. Remember George Carlin? he said "They want more for themselves and less for everyone else".


I could have stayed quiet. I could have saved this knowledge for myself, and I would have been much stronger for it- Maybe even the strongest of all of us. But I chose to share it with everyone- because if someone forces me to commit suicide by shooting myself in the back of the head three times and then jumping off a tall building I will have been the only person to both understand this and know how to explain this to others in a way that is easily understood, and the knowledge would have been lost. It is a risk I was unwilling to take. I will say this right now: I have no intention to ever do any harm to myself or others for any reason ever. I am happy and I have a happy life and I want to life and I love everyone and everything. Things are great and I have no reason to ever kill myself. If I'm found dead and records of this post are brought up, KNOW I WAS MURDERED. ASSASSINATED. SHUT DOWN. SILENCED FOR A PURPOSE. As of right now only (((they))) know how to use this energy and they use it in the most evil ways possible but they have made a terrible mistake that is of a great disadvantage to them because the ENERGY they generate through the suffering of all of us in the world is OUR SUFFERING. This means that WE SAVE THIS ENERGY, WE CONTROL THIS POWER. NOT (((THEM))). This ENERGY is now )))OURS((( to command and we know how to use it for GOOD.

Everyone is always talking about how we live in the matrix, how life is literally the movie "The Matrix" and how our entire universe is a simulation made out of not 1's and 0's, but ENERGY.

You have the power of memes.

Now you have the power of the Dark, and the Light. The Force. THE ENERGY.


>I could have stayed quiet. I could have saved this knowledge for myself, and I would have been much stronger for it- Maybe even the strongest of all of us.

Well not exactly since probably almost everyone else here already had these realizations ages ago and even took them much further but hey, at least you are catching up, even if very slowly, and having your own realizations. It feels good when you start to actually using your brain, right? Keep up the good work. You could have probably conveyed your message in a post only 25% of it's current size, cut the roleplay-elements and the (((echo))) meme…but still, good job. I hope you stay celibate now and don't forget your newly realized knowledge after two days as soon as you get horny.



Like I said, even the monks have to relieve the pressure (for health reasons) rarely. Everything I mentioned were to provide some interested relate-able examples so that beginners could still grasp it.

You seem to know a lot more than me. Would you mind teaching me what you know? You really drive it home I'm very far behind. I don't like that feeling. I want to improve, Please help me.



Please excuse this insane spacing. I really didn't hit enter that many times. Can't imagine what causes that.



If you have any questions you can go ahead and post them here on fringe but other than that I do not like to brainwash people too much with my own dogmas. Instead one must come to his own realizations. Besides I don't even think I am qualified to teach anybody, just posting here normally and communicating like everyone else. I am merely a student myself.



Please go ahead and share your ideas with me. I'm very used to others trying to brainwash me with infectious ideas in many horrible ways. I'm very resistant to being convinced of something I don't actually agree with. I have no questions. How can I know what I don't know I don't know?



>I have no questions.

Well..then all is well. But regarding the thing about monks having to relieve pressure for health reasons…you might think about this more deeply again. I'm sure this 'pressure' is something that only a newbie celibate who hasn't done nofap for any considerable period of time yet struggles with. As far as I'm concerned, there is no pressure. You leave it behind completely after a few months of celibacy. Of course it seems hard to leave it behind in a society where you get sex shoved into your face every day but if you keep it up and you really want it then it will be gone soon enough. About health, that shouldn't be a problem. First of all prostate cancer after a longer period of NoFap seems to be a complete myth. Second, you get rather massive health benefits on the whole body after a long period of NoFap so that already contradicts and nullifies that theory that monks have to release too. Besides, I think a monk who spills semen from time to time hasn't really learned what the real benenfits are and how they come about.

If you are struggling with pressure you can check out my recent post in the NoFap thread with the two easy techniques to remove lust, but the biggest thing is just to make it trough until it's gone.



Nofap thread here on /fringe/? can you link your post so It's easy for me to find this advice on how to help with lust? I have questions, but I don't know what those questions are since I don't know what I don't know.

Do you have other knowledge you can share with me? I'm very interested in hearing your opinions, even if it has nothing to do with nofap. Don't worry about the brainwashing. I'm really interested.



There goes that inexplicable spacing yet again. Sorry about that. Not intentional at all and I post all the time. Just seems to happen when I make a thread, but not when I post in one.


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A mix of parodying my thread, perhaps on accident, troll flag, sheer ridiculousness, and generally obvious bait. There is something to be said for good old-fashioned trolling I suppose, though I have trouble seeing how this was on topic or actually contributed to /fringe/ in any way.

~Epyc Wynn



tbh I had the suspicion that this might be you to begin with, trying to get to anons in a new way while pretending to want to "learn".

>contributed to /fringe/ in any way.

It had it's purpose. It is good that people talk more about this topic again. Renouncing lust and semen-retention are both of high importance to any spiritual progress and attaining of powers so it is nice that the user of this board get reminded of it once in a while so they don't fall back into degeneracy again.



That wasn't trolling. People just didn't want to break that stupid no flag rule as many have seen people harassed for it. The troll image relates to the mentions of trolling in the OP. People need to read threads before criticizing.


Don't you just love how nobody ever replies back to the OP to answer their questions?

Fuck forgot my flag. I'll just pick the one about being pissed off about flags.


I know /fringe/ can be slow. I'm still disappointed. Nobody want's to talk about this? Maybe teach me something I don't know yet? Help me improve? Cmon I gave this in good will. I dare not selfishly feel owed back anything but I do want to learn and better myself and do good. Can anyone help me so that I can in turn help others?



>do good

>help others

Depends on what that means for you. If your "good" is actually "evil" for me, then obviously I wouldn't want to help you. And there is a lot of shit that is vile and degenerate in my book that is seen as "good" and "helpful" by almost everyone else, even anons on fringe.

There are tons of books in the library and quite some threads on more or less interesting topics. There are even some audiobooks, videos and articles on the internet that may provide you with some usefull knowledge. Go help yourself. Don't expect anyone to go out of their way and pull some random crap out of their asses to spoonfeed you just because you are too lazy to even think of a specific topic or question you are interested in.


so basically op got trolled into enlightenment? lmao

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